Chapter 76

sign a contract

Jiang Cheng arranged for his father to come in person.

For railway transportation, it is better to leave this to Bocheng Group to handle.

Since then, the ownership of the Siberian Railway has become owned by Jiangbo, and it has also belonged to the Bocheng Group ever since.

Railway private ownership, although it can be said to be a relatively secret matter, the news is still passed to the country. In an instant, the entire country’s top executives are dumbfounded.

What is this concept?

People from China, privately owned the Siberian Railway?

This is really hell.

Back then, how many old men died of freezing in order to repair this railway, but now, this place has been bought by the Chinese?

The privatization was successful?

The domestic high-levels are shocked.

How much does it cost?

Five nine seven

Suddenly, the Jiang family’s father and son were already being watched.(Read more @

On the plane from Moscoc to the airport in Liaobei Province, Jiang Cheng and Jiang Bo sat opposite. Jiang Bo still didn’t seem to recover from the shock. Tanane said, “Siberian Railway, really bought it?”

“Of course!”

Jiang Cheng smiled, and then slowly said: “The contract is still in our hands. This information is also in our hands. It is written in black and white. Of course, don’t take it too seriously. I guess. They were also determined, thinking that they wanted to take the Siberian Railway back from us easily, and then they sold it to us!”

Jiang Bo also pondered a little, then nodded: “What you said makes sense!”

“However, in a short period of time, they have nothing to do with us. They mainly regard Siberia as a place where birds do not shit. Their minds are still in Europe. Siberia has a vast land and sparse population. Although it is rich in resources, , It’s not easy to use these resources!”

Jiang Cheng said as he spoke, “Dad, you still have to contact your old comrades in arms when you look back. It’s better to understand Russian. Alexei let three thousand soldiers retire. These three thousand people will be kept by our family in the future. Yes, I wondered, this railway is not a small number of robbers and bandits!”

“So when we arrived in Siberia, since it is on the Siberian Railway, then, if others say it is not counted, our family has the final say!”

While talking, Jiang Cheng spoke slowly: “As long as the time is right, our family has the final say on this Siberian railway, it’s not a bad idea. Three thousand people can become thirty thousand, or even three hundred thousand. If one day, we are optimistic about mineral resources, can we mine directly here?”

Jiang Bo couldn’t help but stayed for a while. He didn’t know why, but he felt that his son was exuding a deep ambition.

“Of course, this is the next thing. The most important thing is the first step!” Jiang Cheng smiled and slowly said: “The railway can charge fees. Now the railway is our home. Then, I think this is the first step. The next step is to regulate the market!”

“The specifications and requirements of this market are also very simple. First, it should not be shoddy, which will damage the reputation of our Chinese products. Second, we must find a way to transfer all of the industry chain to the Northeast, such as the production of canned food, such as Talking about the production of cotton clothes, etc., I think it is possible to set up a merchandise exhibition center in Liaohe Province, and let old Maozi merchants come to us to purchase, and we are responsible for transportation. However, the most important point, the third point, is the pricing power. !”

“Lao Maozi’s ruble is constantly depreciating. It is impossible to ask them to take out US dollars. Therefore, they are bargaining at most. The bargaining power of Lao Maozi’s goods is in our hands!”

Jiang Cheng shook his fist, and then slowly said: “For example, their iron ore, what fineness, what standard, how much soft sister coin a ton is worth, we have the final say on the price, and value this thing. Let us have the final say, let’s build a guaranteed platform. When things are transported to Lao Maozi, we have to pay a commission, and when Lao Maozi’s things are transported to China, we also have to pay a commission!”

“When things come to us, we put them in the warehouse first, and after we let them go, we can also negotiate with state-owned enterprises. The country is now vigorously developing and building, and the resources needed are definitely not a small amount!”

“Next, what we still need to do is to increase trains. Similarly, we have to hire old Maozi railway workers to maintain the railway!” Jiang Cheng’s thinking is very clear: “There is also a more important point, this For this matter, we still need to cooperate with the country!”

“After all, we are in China. It is impossible to bypass the government and want to do it ourselves. What we want to increase is the capacity of the Siberian Railway and increase the exchanges between each other. However, I am not welcome at all. Yes, relying on our own ability in Bo City, we want to increase our capacity. This is simply impossible!”

While talking, Jiang Cheng shook his head and continued: “The speed of the train should be 120 to 160 kilometers per hour. However, the speed of the Siberian Railway is only 45 kilometers per hour. Speed ​​is time and time. , It’s money!”

“As long as we make money, then everything is easy to say. As long as we can expand trade with each other, this is a long-term way to make money. Look, how many people are thinking about trade with Lao Maozi?”

“But the problem is also here. How to increase the speed? We don’t know anything about train technology. Even if we want to build trains, we don’t have the technology or talents. We can only join hands with China and rely on China’s large enough volume. Even if we build more railways in the future, it is better to follow and still need China’s help!”

“My plan is to give up some of the benefits. Let’s talk about the specific benefits. The bottom line is 5.7. As far as the father and son know, absolutely, never disclose it to anyone!!”

Jiang Cheng thought for a while, and then slowly said: “The bottom line, we need 51% of the equity, that is to say, this control must be in the hands of our own family!”


Jiang Cheng thought for a while, and then slowly said: “I see, the country can’t wait to have a good talk with us!”


Jiang Cheng was stopped almost immediately after getting off the plane. It was Xiao Jianhua who took the lead. He saw a helpless smile on Xiao Jianhua’s face: “Abo, you guys really made a big News, a few leaders have come from the capital and want to meet you!”.

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