Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 404: Comprehensive counterattack, 1 word "dry"

Finally, Wu Jun decided!


What's the difference between a man who doesn't make a fuss and an idle fish!

Chen Xiao immediately planned the design, production and sales plan of the Shenchuan notebook computer, which was named the Shenchuan Ark Star series.

Changtian Technology will provide complete production drawings for the Ark Star laptop.

However, relying on Xia Guo's current technology, the internal hardware of the Ark Star has not been completely domestically produced.

First of all, chips and screens can only be imported from abroad.

But the motherboard memory and hard disk and battery can be produced by Changtian Technology.

In this way, the domestic production rate of Shenchuan's Ark Star parts is already very high.

The reason why Chen Xiao handed over the computer to Shenchuan instead of re-establishing a computer brand or production department is because Shenchuan currently has a very complete production line and raw material suppliers.

At the same time, because Chen Xiao owns 60% of the shares of Shenchuan, and the hard disk memory and battery are all provided by Longline Technology, Chen Xiao can obtain the maximum profit from it.

If Changtian Technology re-established a technology company to design, manufacture and sell laptops, Chen Xiao's total profit might be higher, but the whole process would be much more troublesome.

It's not worth the cost of time and efficiency for such a small profit.

In addition, Chen Xiao's goal is to establish a Xiaguo Technology Matrix Alliance centered on Changtian Technology.

With the current strength of Shenchuan and the relationship with Changtian Technology, the cooperation between the two parties is the best choice.

When Wang Xiang and Yang Fei respectively introduced the planning of the Shenchuan Ark Star series of computers and the promotion plan of the domestic operating system.

Wu Jun's blood boiled when he heard it.

He said excitedly: "American technology companies, including Microsoft, only want to ban our hardware from being sold in the United States and Europe. They think their products are the most advanced in the world!

Now I want to see whether our products are competitive in the global market, or whether their products are competitive! "

Wu Jun even set a small goal for himself to make the Ark Star series laptops the most popular laptop brand in the United States.

Wu Jun's plan is also completely justified. Because of the gap in economic development, most of Xia Guoguo's consumers are still worried about a desktop computer, but desktop computers have been widely used in the United States. At this stage, consumers in the United States have a very strong demand for notebook computers.

This is doomed that in the last year or two, in the global notebook computer market, the consumption power of the West is stronger than that of the East.

Some preliminary agreements were reached between the two parties, but Chen Xiao made another request.

Of course, technology is not given for nothing, it must be conditional.

"If within a year, the installed capacity of Firefly os exceeds 1 million units, and the sales of our Ark Star laptops exceed 100,000 units, then Changtian Technology will acquire 10% of Shenchuan's shares at the market value at that time. shares."

"On the contrary, if one of the conditions is not met, then Mr. Wu, you can use your personal name or ask an outside company to buy 10% of the shares of Shenchuan in my hands at the market value at that time."

Of course, Chen Xiao has his own purpose in setting up such an equity plan. Shenchuan will be an external financial tool of Changtian Technology in the future, so it is a prerequisite to own a large number of shares of Shenchuan.

Now Wu Jun began to tangle.

Another 10% stake has to be sacrificed, but sacrificing this 10% stake means that Shenchuan will go to a new level, and it may become the world's first PC company that surpasses Lianxiang and Dell in the future.

Moreover, Wu Jun's heart is also very clear that in the face of negotiations with Changtian Technology, he has no trump card.

In fact, it is not unacceptable to accept this gambling agreement again. After all, Wu Jun once thought of using the magic boat to finance and negotiated with some Western capital.

Those Western capitals will also want more than 20% of the shares of Shenchuan. If Shenchuan conducts multiple rounds of financing, then Wu Jun may lose more than 60% of the shares.

And these western capital companies can only provide capital and some sales channels, but cannot provide advanced technology.

Choosing to finance with these western capital companies may not reach the level of cooperation with Changtian Technology.

Such a calculation, it is quite cost-effective to sell shares and reach a closer cooperation with Changtian Technology.

The two largest shareholders of Shenchuan were at the scene, and Wu Jun didn't need to discuss with the other directors. He immediately patted the table and said:

"Go! I'm fed up with this kind of uselessness. I can't do such a humiliating thing to make our **** ship like Lian Xiang's useless snoring."

Everyone laughed. Wu Jun immediately issued a statement expressing his support after complaining about Lianxiang's official announcement in the so-called genuine alliance in the West.

Chen Xiao's two-week visit in Shenzhen is over.

Yang Fei's team will stay in Shenzhen to help Wu Jun complete some design and follow-up work of the Ark Star laptop.

According to the current production line and production capacity of Shenchuan, it is expected that the first batch of Ark Star laptops can be offline in one month at the earliest.

Chen Xiao immediately returned to Jiangzhou, and he would immediately invite practitioners from the PC industry and software companies around the world to Jiangzhou to participate in the first product launch held by Changtian Technology - Firefly OS.

Chen Xiao feels that he is a relatively low-key person. Even if the lithium battery or the carbon crystal hard drive was successfully he did not hold a large-scale press conference.

But this time is different.

This time, it was a Jedi counterattack against the background of long-term technology and Shenchuan being suppressed to the extreme by technology companies in the United States.

The purpose of Chen Xiao holding this conference is to announce to the world that Xia people are capable and confident to develop our own domestic operating system.

He wants to tell the global technology workers, especially those in the IT industry, that the performance of Firefly OS is no worse than that of Windows.

The purpose of this conference is also to throw an olive branch to the global IT workers, hoping that the global IT workers can build and operate the Firefly os together with Changtian Technology.

This conference is also a message to those technology companies in the West, especially the United States, not to pick things up.

Changtian Technology not only has the ability to seize the existing user market of Western technology companies, but also has the ability to make these Western technology companies unable to eat, sleep, and make money.

At this time, in the United States, Mike actually had some worries in his heart.

As Dell's CEO Michael, it is unethical from a business perspective to cut off the connection and cooperation with Changtian Technology without warning.

Michael has been waiting for Changtian Technology to call him and ask him to explain the broken contract before.

But waiting left and right, Michael didn't wait for anyone from Changtian Technology to call him. What the **** is Changtian Technology doing? Rebirth 1999: Open the Age of Black Technology https://

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