Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 450: Victory is just the beginning

The representative of Lianxiang couldn't believe it after hearing this.

Because of the plan to purchase computers for 20 junior and senior high schools in Yanjing, the budget at the beginning of the year has already been approved, but the procurement process will not be completed until the end of August.

In order to get this batch of contracts worth tens of millions.

Lianxiang has done enough work.

On the one hand, it is to contact the school's owner representatives and relevant bid evaluation experts, hoping that the other party can take more care.

On the other hand, it is to do a good job of its own products. The computer configuration given by Lianxiang is already quite high, and he also feels that the price is also favorable.

Therefore, this time, Lianxiang was the winner of the bidding. He didn't expect to be hijacked by the divine ship in the middle of the road.

The representative quickly asked: "What is the configuration of Shenchuan's computer? Shenchuan should not be able to get Intel's chips, and there should be a big difference in performance between AMD's chips and Intel."

"Moreover, Shenchuan's computer is a genuine operating system that absolutely cannot use Windows. The teaching field is a sacred field, and these 20 junior high schools and high schools are all well-known schools in Yanjing."

"It's impossible to install pirated Windows systems for them, right? If this word gets out, it will become an international joke!"

Think about it too.

The computers in the capital’s middle and high schools that cost tens of millions to purchase use pirated operating systems. Isn’t this ridiculed by the world?

Ma Deyun just sighed, and he handed the other two pages of information.

These two pages of information are the computer configuration of all units in this bid.

Ma Deyun said: "During the field test, the performance of Shenchuan's computer is much smoother than that of Lianxiang, and the intelligent assistant of Shenchuan Computer is a little bit older and very friendly to teachers who are not very computer-savvy."

Ma Deyun briefly explained some details of the bidding, which made the representative of Lianxiang stunned.

It is true that during this period of time, various media have indeed hyped the Firefly os operating system, and even directly said that the system can compete with Windows XP and become Microsoft's biggest rival.

But no one thought that the firefly os operating system can be applied so quickly and on a large scale, and it has also been recognized by consumers!

Soon Yang Qing also got the news that the bidding failed here.

He was shocked, quite surprised.

Yang Qing hurriedly called the relevant personnel to inquire about the specific situation.

The answer is basically the same.

"In terms of performance, Lianxiang's computer is too far from the magic ship!"

"Your performance is not comparable to that of a **** ship! Even if we score high marks with no conscience, we can't escape the eyes of ordinary teachers!"

"Shenchuan's computer is very friendly to teachers who are not very good at computers, but Lianxiang's computer is not good!"

"Mr. Yang, we still have to consider the opinions of the teachers this time. I'm really sorry."

Listen to this irresponsible answer one by one.

Yang Qing hung up the phone angrily.

All bids in Yanjing failed, which means that Lianxiang lost its own basic market.

This bid is very representative.

Only large-scale computer purchases will be tendered, and small-scale purchases will be completed directly by Party A's designation of which company to go through.

Let's take a look now.

Tens of millions of computers in more than 20 schools are purchased by the God Ship, and the God Ship must have something special.

The potential customers of Lianxiang in the back are very likely to no longer consider Lianxiang at all, but directly consider the ship.

The market game is like dominoes. The first card is knocked down, and it is difficult for the latter to stand up.

Yang Qing was restless, he quickly called his assistant and asked the assistant to go to the market and get him a Shenchuan computer.

He just wants to see how sacred this Firefly OS is, and how attractive it is to the teacher group!

Yanjing's computer purchase worth nearly 40 million this time, of course, caused a shock in the industry.

GuComputer News: Lianxiang's backyard caught fire and lost orders worth nearly 60 million (this was calculated based on Lianxiang's quotation).

Xinlang Technology: Shenchuan won an order for 5,000 computers from 20 junior high schools and high schools in Yanjing. The domestic operating system Firefly os won the first battle in the competition with Windows XP.

Huohu: The domestic operating system is favored by consumers because of its great convenience.

In the Shenzhen market, Wu Jun was quite excited!

Wu Jun had only had this feeling three times.

The first time was when Shenchuan successfully sold its first computer for testing.

The second time is that Shenchuan and Changtian Technology have made significant cooperation progress.

The third time was today, Shenchuan received an order for 5,000 computers from 20 junior high schools in Yanjing.

This is definitely a major breakthrough for the ship.

This means that Shenchuan has changed from a single user-oriented computer to an enterprise-level user.

According to the current economic situation of Xia Guo and the consumption level of the people.

Most ordinary people are still reluctant to buy computers, which means that this part of the market is limited.

And computers are not fast-moving consumer goods. Buying a computer will take two or three years at least, and it will take seven or eight years to replace it.

On the contrary, enterprise-level users are different. They do not buy one or two computers, but dozens or even hundreds of them.

This market is huge and has been monopolized by Lianxiang for a long time in the past.

Now that the **** ship can squeeze in and defeat Lianxiang, this is a huge victory!

Wu Jun immediately asked Chu Li to book a room at the largest hotel in Shenzhen. Such a good thing must be celebrated.

Of course, the most important thing is to call Chen Xiao.

"Mr. Chen! We have already won the bid in Yanjing bidding! The order is close to 40 million! Since the establishment of Shenchuan, we have never received such a large order!"

Wu Jun was indeed impressed. The order of 40 million is not a small number.

Wu Jun now knew why Lianxiang had to firmly follow the line of trade and engineering.

Because it is really profitable to sell the product.

There have been several such enterprise-level purchases, and tens of thousands of computers have been sold.

Isn't it easy to have sales of over 100 million?

Chen Xiao jokingly said: "This time, it can be considered that Lianxiang's hometown has been knocked Chen Xiao is most concerned about a question: "Mr. Wu, when will the notebook computer be sold? "

Wu Jun replied immediately: "The press conference has been prepared, and it will be released the day after tomorrow!"

Chen Xiao nodded. He was quite satisfied that the Shenchuan could achieve such good results, and that Yinghuo os could be recognized by the market in such a short period of time. After all, this wave of the Shenchuan also added a lot to Chen Xiao. Influence.

But it's still a long way from unlocking chip technology.

This does not mean the war is over, it has just begun.

It is not so easy to pry the cake of Western technology companies in the Xia Kingdom.

After celebrating, Wu Jun decided that he should show his sincerity.

He has dividends in Shenchuan every year, and Shenchuan also has shares.

Therefore, Wu Jun has his own decision-making power for this part of the dividends.

He immediately said to his assistant, "Mr. Chen likes our Shenzhen market. The most important reason is that our Shenzhen market is relatively warm. You can look for a recently developed real estate, looking for that kind of big villa facing the sea!"

At this time, Yanjing Microsoft Xiaguo District Headquarters also paid attention to the winning bid of the magic ship.


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