Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 694: Apple's huge order

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After much deliberation, Jobs was ready to go to Xiaguo with the heads of his market research and product departments.

In the first stop, they will go to Yanjing to visit some well-known figures in the industry, and let this well-known figure match up, so that they have the opportunity to meet Chen Xiao.

In 2009, Apple CEO Steve Jobs was already well-known in Xia Guo.

Because it wasn't the phone that made Jobs famous.

But at the beginning of the computer, TV, and even the very popular iPod in the past two years.

iPod has subverted the definition of mp3, and has a wide range of fans around the world.

However, the success of the iPod is also thanks to Changtian Technology.

Because a few years ago, the best-selling mp3 in the world was Changtian Technology's Lingyue mp3.

It was only later that Chen Xiao changed the focus of his work and directly cut off the mp3 business.

So this gives the iPod an opportunity.

From ipod to now iphone.

Apple's progress and industry-leading revolution are visible to all.

At least in the industry, everyone has watched Apple's rise in the past two years, and felt that if Jobs's Apple made a mobile phone, it would have a certain chance to surpass Nokia.

When Jobs visited Xia Guo this time, he brought a very large team.

It also directly attracted the attention of the global media.

"New York Times": Jobs, who has not been abroad for a year, chose to visit Xia Guo this time, and he was making final preparations for Apple's industrial chain.

"Washington Post": Apple's godfather Steve Jobs is about to visit Xiaguo. It is expected that this time Steve Jobs will meet with the head of Changtian Technology.

With the reports of many American media, the global spotlight is on Jobs.

Because compared to the stuttering of the Android system, Apple not only has a smooth system, but also has quite a wealth of applications, judging from the Apple phones released in the past two years.

ios is not only carried on the Apple mobile phone, but also applied to the iPod, the popular product of Apple.

Whether it is the research of the world-renowned industry or the predictions of experts, it is unanimously believed that the current iPod users will definitely become the future iPhone users.

The iPod's user base is extremely large.

The name and legend of Steve Jobs in Xia Guo have long been talked about by college students and have become the idol of a generation.

There is a very strange phenomenon in the Xia people of this era.

Appreciate foreign successful people a little more than domestic successful people.

I heard that Jobs was coming to Xiaguo, and those young men and girls from the university have already started to discuss on the forum post.

The excitement is beyond words.

Under everyone's attention, Uncle Qiao set off.

In Changzezhou, Chen Xiao, who is fishing at the seaside, has been very depressed recently.

Take today.

In Changzezhou in autumn, the weather is relatively comfortable.

Chen Xiao originally wanted to ask someone to go fishing today.

As a result, Shen Wei said that she had something to do, but Wen Qi still said that she had something to do.

Not to mention Gao Miao, Galaxy Energy has just been established. Whether it is industrial technology or personnel arrangement, it still needs unified planning and sorting out, and it is very busy every day.

After a long time, I couldn't make an appointment with anyone, and I was the only one who went to the beach to fish with a fishing rod.

It stands to reason that the autumn fish in Changze Island are easy to catch.

Because the temperature here in winter is still relatively low, fish still need to supplement a lot of protein and fat in autumn to prepare for winter.

Who knew that Chen Xiao had lined up two fishing rods here, and he didn't even catch a black eagle and a grouper.

On the contrary, the uncle next to him doesn't know which employee's family member he is.

The uncle fished for a few hours and returned with a full reward. Seeing that Chen Xiao was a little pitiful, he gave some small fish and crabs to Chen Xiao.

Chen Xiao had a wry smile on his face, but looking at these shrimp soldiers and crab generals, it should be enough to make a pot of seafood porridge tonight.

Chen Xiao, who did not catch any fish at all, carried the fishing rod to go home.

Suddenly, I felt that I had suddenly become the most leisurely person in Changtian Science and Technology Park.

But this is really unthinkable.

Just as Chen Xiao walked home, Wang Xiang was waiting for a call.

"Jobs, with a team of more than 50 people, hopes to visit Nagasawa and meet you."

Apple dispatched a team to Xiaguo and asked Changtian Technology to discuss cooperation, which was not what Chen Xiao expected.

After all, the hardware that htc used Changtian Technology some time ago has shown amazing charm in the entire North American market, and has won the favor of a large number of users.

Htc's stunning performance will certainly attract the attention of Steve Jobs and Apple.

But Chen Xiao did not expect that Jobs would actually lead the team to come in person.

Because Chen Xiao was born again, he still has a certain understanding of Jobs in the parallel world.

Let's not talk about Jobs' innovation in technology, just talking about his character, he actually has some arrogance.

In the world before Chen Xiao's rebirth, Jobs liked Buddhism and Zen Buddhism during his lifetime, so he traveled to the East many times.

Not only to attend business events and scientific and technological seminars, or to discuss some scientific and technological cooperation, but more importantly, to visit local Buddhist and Zen masters.

But Jobs never came to Xiaguo, the holy land of Buddhism and Zen.

Because in the world where Chen Xiao was reborn, Jobs once talked to his friends or reporters about his evaluation of Xia Guo more than once.

Jobs believed that the people of Xia Guo lacked innovation, and that copycat products were rampant. He himself was very disgusted with Xia Guo.

It is this kind of disgust that has led to the ban on the sale of the first two generations of iPhones in Xiaguo.

Because he felt that the people of Xia did not deserve to use apples.

It was not allowed to sell in Xiaguo until the third generation of Apple iphone3gs came out.

But Jobs may not have imagined that in the decades after his death, Xia Guo became the single largest market for Apple's mobile phone sales.

Xia Guo's hard-working workers and stable social environment have become Apple's largest manufacturing base in the world.

It can be said that Xia Guo has achieved Apple's glory in the next 10 or 20 years.

Chen Xiao could guess that this time Jobs came to visit Xia Guo, and the most important thing he hoped to meet with himself was to talk about Apple's hardware issues.

Jobs has always regarded mobile phones as works of art, not simple technology products.

He not only pursues the performance of Apple's mobile phone, but also pursues the shape and weight of Apple's mobile phone.

Therefore, Changtian Technology's carbon crystal memory and camera lithium battery are very in line with Jobs' requirements, and may become Apple's alternative hardware.

So if Jobs came to talk about the contract, would Chen Xiao sell or not?

Selling is definitely buying, but how to sell and at what price need to be discussed in detail.

Chen Xiao has already made a clear plan for the future industrial layout of Changtian Technology.

The whole earth is huge, with many countries and many markets.

If Changtian Technology launches Hanhai mobile phone now, it will definitely face two problems.

The first problem is that in the Xiaguo market, smartphones are not so mature, and most people are still using feature phones.

Now rashly launching Hanhai mobile phone, there may be thankless things in the domestic market.

Because the technology of Hanhai mobile phone is too advanced, there is currently no soil for survival in Xia Kingdom.

The second problem is that if the Hanhai mobile phone is launched overseas, the super performance of the Hanhai mobile phone will definitely cause a sensation overseas.

However, the current overseas mobile Internet market is not mature, and Hanhai mobile phone is not a necessity for overseas consumers even if it is a smartphone.

According to the urination of Westerners, after seeing the explosion of Hanhai mobile phones, they will definitely be banned.

Then Hanhai Mobile will lose another opportunity for development.

There is no soil for development at home, and it may be blocked abroad.

It is definitely unwise to launch Hanhai mobile phone at this time.

So when is the time right?

It is to deeply bind the hardware of Changtian Technology with overseas technology companies.

On the one hand, there is a situation where you have me and I have you. At that time, the global release of Hanhai mobile phone was logical.

Changtian Technology can temporarily stop selling mobile phones, but it is also profitable to sell mobile phone components.

At the same time, Chen Xiao must be patient enough to wait for Xia Guo's technology and consumer market to mature and plump.

This will allow Android and Apple mobile phones to gradually enter the Xiaguo market and cultivate the habit of Xiaguo people to use smartphones.

After waiting for the consumers of Xiaguo to become accustomed to using smartphones, and after building a mobile Internet platform one by one, it is also logical to launch Hanhai mobile phones in China.

Can Changtian Technology do this to develop the smartphone market?

It can be done for sure.

But if you weigh the cost of time and the cost of the industry, it is extremely uneconomical to pioneer the land.

First of all, htc, which made Android smartphones, died early, and Motorola, which used the Android system to sell well, also died, which is enough to explain the problem.

There are some things you don't have to be the first to hit the market to get good results.

Rather, it needs the right opportunity.

To understand this, Chen Xiao knows the bottom line when negotiating with Apple.

Chen Xiao said to Wang Xiang: "Changtian Technology welcomes the Apple team to visit."

Jobs himself is a halo.

However, he took a plane from Yanjing to Suzhou and Hangzhou, and then transferred from Suzhou and Hangzhou to Changzezhou. He was accompanied by the heads of the media and relevant departments.

Changtian Technology is also very generous this time, and fully open to the media to come in for interviews.

When Jobs' special car arrived in Changzezhou, he looked at the layout of Changzezhou Changtian Science and Technology Park, and he was still a little shocked.

Jobs can be considered to have traveled to many countries and visited many technology companies.

Few technology companies, like Changtian Technology, integrate the elements of nature and technology.

Changzezhou is not only the headquarters and science and technology park of Changtian Technology, but also a landscape garden with the style of Xia Guo.

Wang Xiang still politely came to greet him in advance. Before he shook hands with Jobs, reporters came to interview him in droves.

"Hello Mr. Wang, Changtian Technology and Apple are meeting. Will the two parties have some commercial cooperation?"

The reporter's question was very funny. Wang Xiang joked: "I'm afraid you should ask Apple about this question, are they coming to Changzezhou for vacation?"

"Mr. Wang, I heard that the cooperation between Changtian Technology and htc broke up unhappily. Is this time Changtian Technology and Apple have talks to make up for the lack of a cooperation agreement with htc?"

This question seems to be saying that Changtian Technology is asking for htc and htc does not agree.

Wang Xiang said helplessly: "Changtian Technology welcomes cooperation with any company in the world."

Soon the reporter was isolated by the security personnel of Changtian Technology. Jobs led a team of more than 50 people and came over in a mighty manner.

Wang Xiang stepped forward and took the initiative to shake hands with Jobs.

Although Wang Xiang is a top student and can speak English, he still insists on using Chinese when talking with Jobs.

Moreover, Changtian Technology is not equipped with translators.

Fortunately, Jobs came prepared, and through the translation, the two sides still talked happily.

Whether it is Jobs or Wang Xiang.

They all know that this time Apple will definitely talk about cooperation.

But how to talk about cooperation depends on the bargaining chips held by both parties.

So from the moment Jobs got off the bus, every action of Changtian Technology was preparing for the negotiation.

Wang Xiang did not immediately invite Jobs back to the hotel to rest, nor did he invite Jobs to the conference room for a conversation.

Instead, he took Jobs to visit the intensive care center on Tianyue Island and the microbial power station of Changtian Technology.

These two things have nothing to do with Apple phones.

But Chen Xiao just wanted to make such an arrangement.

This arrangement makes Apple somewhat dissatisfied.

After all, it took more than a day for Jobs to arrive in Nagasawa from the United States.

Non-stop, no rest.

It stands to reason that Changtian Technology should invite Jobs to rest first, and then negotiate tomorrow.

Who knew that Changtian Technology would not let him rest at all, but let him visit.

Especially when visiting the intensive care center on Tianyue Island, Wang Xiang deliberately took Jobs to the area for overseas patients.

Jobs watched many Western-looking patients, under the treatment of the intensive care center, come back to life but live with difficulty. It was very shocking.

He also repeatedly asked some patients whether these diseases were terminally ill and could not be treated in the United States?

In the end, Jobs got the answer in the affirmative.

Sure enough, the arrogant Steve Jobs looked at all this and his expression changed.

Jobs visited many tech companies.

But this time, he is very clear that Changtian Technology is not a master that is easy to handle.

On the second day, under the watchful eyes of the media and reporters.

Chen Xiaocai and Jobs met.

In fact, Chen Xiao still has some strange feelings in his After all, before his rebirth, in that parallel time and space, Jobs was a figure at the godfather level of technology.

Chen Xiao was actually able to meet him.

But the time and space are different, and the background is also different.

After a while, Chen Xiao's mentality became very peaceful.

After the two sides shook hands and greeted each other, Jobs, of course, took a leap towards Changtian Technology's carbon crystal memory and carbon crystal storage.

And expressed some ideas that Apple hopes to purchase Changtian Technology hardware.

Jobs can completely determine the quality and performance of Changtian Technology's hardware, so he won't sell it this time.

"We hope to be able to purchase 1 million carbon crystal memory and carbon crystal storage from Changtian Technology, and the total amount involved should be as high as tens of millions of meters."

"We hope that this procurement cooperation can fully establish a strategic partnership between the two parties."

This opening of Jobs was a cooperation agreement of tens of millions of meters, which made Wang Xiang not calm after waiting for a while, and everyone looked at each other and whispered.

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