Rebirth 2002: Nano Life

Chapter 1: good time

What is the time?

Time is just a concept introduced by people to describe the continuity and timing of the motion of objects.

If everything in the world stops moving, time has no meaning.

And once all the particles move to the original path, there is only one possibility - time is going backwards!

At the moment when his vehicle collided with the big truck, time seemed to slow down, the necklace pendant on his neck flew out from the collar, and Chen Yizhe's head turned towards the steering wheel under the dual force of the seat belt and inertia. It hit the pendant first, then hit the steering wheel, and finally the airbag finally deployed.

Chen Yizhe suddenly felt that time stopped at this moment, all the sound sources disappeared, the broken car glass in front of him was frozen in the air, and scenes of the past reverberated in his mind, the ignorance of childhood, the rebellion of youth, the confusion of youth, The loneliness of my father's remarriage, the sadness after my grandfather's death, the helplessness of the seven-year relationship that finally ended without a problem...

It turns out that at the moment of death, what people think of is not those happy and happy things, but those things that leave an unforgettable and unforgettable experience in your life.

I don't know how long it took, maybe just a second, Chen Yizhe found that the broken glass in the air moved, and the broken glass re-condensed into a smooth front glass. And the vehicle crushed, but the Lexus he drove back was faster than the big truck.

All the vehicles on the highway were moving back, and everything was silent, as if it had been rewinded by God.

People are walking backwards, including Chen Yizhe who came out of the car, the sun rises from the west, the rain flies from the ground to the sky, the food in the stomach turns into a whole food again, and all the substances recede to their original trajectory. …

The speed of rewinding is getting faster and faster. At first, I can still see the flowers. Chen Yizhe can't see the picture slowly. The speed of rewinding seems to be approaching the speed of light. The whole space is slowly glowing, and finally disappears with a bang...

"Young man, don't sleep, Majiewei is here!"

Chen Yizhe felt that someone was slapping his shoulders, opened his eyes in a daze, but found himself in a little old minibus, the leather of the chair had faded, and even the curtains were stained with strange color.

"Where is this?" Chen Yizhe's head was a little dazed.

"Do you want to get off? If you don't get off, I'll drive away." I saw the driver in the minibus shouting loudly.

"Young man, Majiewei is here. Don't you want to go to Lingshan Middle School to register? You walk in at this intersection, and then keep going, you can see the school gate." In front of the aisle is a man in his sixties. The old man, I saw him turn around and say kindly to Chen Yizhe that he was the one who woke Chen Yizhe just now.

"Oh, I'll get off now." Chen Yizhe replied casually.

"Don't forget to take the package!" The old man explained again.

In a daze, he picked up his schoolbag and got off the bus. As soon as he got out of the car, the sun shone and made Chen Yizhe lost his mind. He was standing on the side of the road stupidly, and he couldn't tell whether he was still in a dream or not. Didn't wake up, the street in front of him could be 20 to 30 meters wide, with low and old buildings on both sides, wasn't it the place he would often walk when he was in high school. He still clearly remembered that he seemed to be in a car accident on the highway, why did he suddenly appear in the urban area of ​​his hometown?

Chen Yizhe glanced back at the bus that was slowly driving away, and saw the large yellow letters of "Jishi-Fengba" on the rear glass of the car. Jishi was his hometown, while Fengba was a small town. The county-level city to which the town belongs.

"Liangzi, where are you going? Do you want to take a car?" A tricycle drove up to Chen Yizhe and asked.

"No!" Chen Yizhe waved his hand, but why is this scene familiar? It seems to have experienced it before.

At this time, Chen Yizhe remembered that he had signed up for high school back then. It was the first time he came from the town to the city. After getting off the bus, a tricycle driver asked him if he wanted to take the bus.

When he came to the city for the first time that year, he was not familiar with everything, so he got into the car stupidly, and then said it after driving less than 100 meters, and charged Chen Yizhe 5 yuan for the fare. You must know that the bus fare for him from the town to the city is only 8 yuan, and he only lives on more than 100 yuan a month. These 5 yuan can be said to be Chen Yizhe's food money for a day.

"Liangzai, you should be a freshman at Lingshan Middle School. It's already past 11 am now. If you can't make it to the school before 12 o'clock, you can only wait until after 2 pm. Otherwise, I'll be cheaper. Take you to the registration office, 4 yuan?" The tricycle driver couldn't tell how old he was, he was dark-skinned and a little thin, and said with yellow teeth.

"I'm still a new student? Am I so young?" Chen Yizhe is still in his thirties, and he doesn't have a baby face. If he is considered a freshman, coupled with all the strange circumstances now, it seems There is only one possibility, the years may really turn around, and the face is online again. Using the mirror of the tricycle, Chen Yizhe nervously looked in the mirror, and his heart skipped a beat.

With that fair-skinned face that hasn't gotten fat yet, and that unconventional long hair that covers her eyes and reaches her lips, it's no wonder that things are always a little hazy. Did I really go back to high school? Chen Yizhe's heart thumped violently.

Chen Yizhe patted his face, well, it hurts a bit.

"Beautiful boy, are you going to get on the bus? At most it will be cheaper for you." The tricycle driver was patiently waiting for the prey.

Chen Yizhe, who gradually woke up, stretched out his index finger with his right hand, "Would you like to go with fifty cents?"

"Are you kidding me? Five cents isn't enough for my gas bill?"

"It's just over one kilometer for a hit, and it's already very expensive to give you fifty cents for less than a hundred meters, isn't it?" Now, the soul in Chen Yizhe's body is not as shy as he was when he was young, and he doesn't hesitate to cut the price.

"Hey, 100 meters is not too short. Look at how heavy your backpack is. Besides, there is a starting price for this one, right? Forget it, if you want to sit for two yuan."

"I might as well walk for two pieces. These few meters are considered as exercise! Can I walk with one piece?" It hurts a bit.

"Okay, just one piece."

After getting on the tricycle, Chen Yizhe opened his backpack and took out a transparent folder from the backpack made of solid brown burlap. The folder was opened, and there was an ID card and a white envelope inside. and a light blue sheet of paper that is a bit smaller than an a4.

The white envelope should contain 2,000 yuan. Chen Yizhe took out the light blue paper in the folder, and saw the admission notice of Lingshan Middle School written on it, reported on September 3, 2002.

After careful calculation, the time went back 16 years, and Chen Yizhe returned to 16 years old.

I took out my ID card and saw that it was a black photo ID card. The ID card was valid for 5 years. It was brought to me by my grandfather before I went to high school. I felt a little sad when I remembered my grandfather Chen Yizhe.

Chen Yizhe was brought up by his grandfather. He heard from his grandfather that his father, Chen Hua, went to Hong Kong to work as a black worker when he was young and met Chen Yizhe's mother. At that time, the young and handsome Chen Hua and Chen Yizhe's mother fell in love with each other. Later, the pregnant Chen mother ignored him. Against the objection of his family, he followed him back to the mainland without hesitation. However, life is still composed of firewood, rice, oil and salt. In less than a year, Chen Yizhe's mother could not bear the poverty of the family, and finally divorced Chen Hua and left Chen Yizhe to run back to Hong Kong. Chen's father, who was regarded as a joke by his old family, also left Chen Yizhe to him. Chen Yizhe's grandfather went to Pengcheng to work alone.

When Chen Yizhe was six years old, Chen Hua formed a new family in Shenzhen. At that time, he also picked up Chen Yizhe, but his stepmother didn't like to see Chen Yizhe very much. He often beat and scolded Chen Hua when he was not at home. Yue Chen Yizhe cried and wanted to go back to his hometown to find his grandfather, but Father Chen had no choice but to send Chen Yizhe back to his hometown.

After that, Chen Yizhe did not go to his home in Shenzhen, and stayed with his grandfather in his hometown until one month after the high school entrance examination, when his grandfather fell ill and died.

Chen Yizhe suddenly felt a little emotional, if the time and space revolved earlier, he would be able to see his grandfather again, which would be great.

In the blink of an eye, the tricycle arrived at one of the gates of the school. UU Reading www.uukanshu. com "Liangzai, here we are! This is the south gate of Lingshan. The drive is more than 100 meters. It's even closer to the registration point from here."

Therefore, this person should not be too honest. There are too few stupid people with more money. It is the normal state of society that stupid people have less money. Be flexible in your head, and life will not dare to deceive you easily. The so-called suffering is a blessing is just a kind of self-comfort.

"I want to go back to the past and try to hold you in my arms, my shy face is a little childish..." Walking into the school gate, Jay Chou's song was playing on the school radio. This was when Jay Chou started to flourish in the music world. Hearing this song, and thinking about his current situation, Chen Yizhe couldn't help laughing.

The registration point was densely packed, which Chen Yizhe still remembers deeply. The entire county-level city has a population of more than one million. As the best middle school in the city, it admits at least a thousand students every year. In my memory, Chen Yizhe's key class seems to have 70 or 80 students, and the entire first grade has ten students. Three classes, thinking about it is scary.

Suddenly someone exclaimed, "Where's my money? Where's my money? Why is my money gone?"

In a crowded environment, there are too many opportunities to fish in troubled waters.

Chen Yizhe looked at the person whose money had been stolen, and saw that it was a 1.6 meter tall boy with thick eyebrows and a handsome boy wearing a junior high school uniform. Chen Yizhe knew that person, but he forgot his name. The boy whose eyes were red was the third place in the middle school entrance examination in their town. For the next three years of high school, this young man was addicted to playing games on the Internet. He didn’t have to read books every day. He stayed in the Internet cafe from morning to night, and then the whole People are dead.

At the registration point, Chen Yizhe saw a lot of acquaintances, but they didn't know each other now, and maybe some of them won't know each other again in the future.

Going back to 16 years ago, Chen Yizhe only hopes that the years will be quiet and the world will be stable!

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