Rebirth 2003

Chapter 101: fight

Lu Yang frowned, bent down and squatted in front of Chen Yang, feeling very upset. He didn't even know the name of this person, so he wanted to kill Lu Yang. Lu Yang was about to question, and Chen Yang fell on the ground. Seeing Lu Yang squatting in front of him, he didn't even think about it, and he smashed it again. This time he became smarter. Without hitting Lu Yang in the face, he slammed a punch to Lu Yang's crotch.

   Since Lu Yang dared to squat in front of him, he was naturally confident to prevent him from attacking again, but he didn't expect that this guy had no shame in attacking his vitals.

   Lu Yang grabbed Chen Yang's wrist, his face finally cold.

   was inexplicably attacked by this person, and attacked the key place below, whichever man would be furious.

   "Papa, papa!"

   The really hot Lu Yang moved, three slaps and three slaps on Chen Yang's handsome face. After three slaps, Chen Yang was stunned. There were also a few flushing slap prints on the handsome cheeks.

   "When did I offend you? Why trouble me?"

   After three slaps, Lu Yang asked Chen Yang coldly.

   At this time, four or five male and female students from the same school were already not far away.

   When I saw Chen Yang hit Lu Yang with his fist just now, two other girls screamed.

   When Lu Yang really slapped Chen Yang's face with three slaps, there was silence around him. Everyone was stunned. They didn't understand the deep hatred of these two boys, and they wanted to hit like this.

   When Lu Yang asked Chen Yang, "When did I offend you? Why trouble me?", these onlookers talked softly.

   A boy whispered to his girlfriend beside him: "That ruthless guy doesn't seem to know why that person troubles him?"

   The girlfriend beside him replied softly: "Don't make a noise! ​​See if they will fight?"

   Some students who saw the movement here also ran to this side excitedly.

   "You scumbag! Feng Tingting broke up with me, it's all because of you, it's all because of you!"

   The second shot, but still failed, and in exchange for three slaps, Chen Yang was already a little hysterical, and a little sickly yelled at Lu Yang.

   "You broke up with Feng Tingting?"

   Hearing the news, Lu Yang was taken aback, and then frowned, "What does your breakup have to do with me? After going to college, I have no contact with her!"

   "It really is because of women..."

   "That woman's name is Feng Tingting?"

  The crowd of onlookers grew larger and larger. Hearing the two sentences just now, the gossip of the crowd was burning.

   "But you used to **** her! If you didn't **** her, how could we break up? How could we break up? Ah!!!"

The more onlookers, the humiliation in Chen Yang's heart multiplied. At this time, he had already forgotten his face, and the crowd was in an uproar. Gossip.

  It is foreseeable that after today, Feng Tingting's reputation at school will be stinking.

   Lu Yang silently let go of Chen Yang's wrist, and the cause and effect of the matter were understood.

   But, at this moment, Lu Yang is really speechless. When did he go to Feng Tingting? Even if it did, it was before the rebirth. After the rebirth, he and Feng Tingting had never been together at all, and they had not even held her hand. How did they ever go to her?

But he knew that he couldn't tell the boy who was already going crazy in front of him. He didn't want to entangle with him anymore. Although he would never pursue Feng Tingting anymore in his life, he would not do anything to ruin her reputation. .

   When she left him and embraced others, he could regard himself as not good enough, and he did not even bother to take revenge.

   "I never touched her! Believe it or not!"

   Lu Yang dropped these words lightly, got up and left.

   A group of onlookers left a group of onlookers pointing and talking about him and Chen Yang.

   Chen Yang on the ground was startled, and he was skeptical, still with abnormal flushing on his face.


   Why does this person say that I have been to Feng Tingting? Could it be that Feng Tingting is no longer a virgin? After being discovered by him, she said I did it?

  Walking on the way to the classroom, Lu Yang speculated the possibility of the matter in his mind.

   But no matter what he thinks, even if he is born with a richer imagination than the average person, he would never think that Feng Tingting just wanted to break up with that person and made up a lie.

   Because of this incident that happened in the morning, Lu Yang didn't have any thoughts to go to class all morning. When eating at noon, he was still troubled by the incident in his mind.

This made Lu Yang a little irritable. He didn't want to have anything to do with Feng Tingting at all, but this incident entangled him again. The boy who troubled him today will definitely not stop there. I don't know about this later. What will happen.

   Although Lu Yang is not afraid of what the boy can do to himself, he is unwilling to endure this kind of innocent disaster.

   After thinking about it, Lu Yang put down his chopsticks, took out his cell phone and dialed a cell phone number that he knew well before, and wiped his mouth with a tissue.

   Fortunately, Cao Xue did not come to eat at noon today, otherwise, Lu Yang would not be able to make this call in front of her.

   After rebirth, Lu Yang never asked for Feng Tingting's mobile phone number, but in his previous life, Lu Yang didn't know how many times she had called her mobile phone. Lu Yang just wanted to forget that number.

When    was just dialing the number, Lu Yang was a little worried, wondering if Feng Tingting's cell phone in this life is still not this number.

   Soon, the call was connected.

   "Hello? Who are you?"

   Feng Tingting’s voice came from the phone.

   Lu Yang was silent for a and said: "Lu Yang!"

   Then, there was silence on the other side for a few seconds.

"What's up?"

   Compared to before, Feng Tingting's words are much shorter.

   "Your boyfriend troubled me today. You know that there was nothing between us. I hope you can explain to him. I don't want to be beaten by him again!"

   Lu Yang also briefly said what he meant by making this call.

   A moment later, Feng Tingting's voice came.

   "I'm sorry! It affects you, I will solve it!"

"That's good!"

   After speaking, Lu Yang hung up the phone.


   A few days later, when Lu Yang went to class, he never met the boy again, and didn't know how Feng Tingting explained to him. Anyway, he didn't come to Lu Yang anymore.

   But an unnamed boy had been to a girl named Feng Tingting, but Feng Tingting’s boyfriend found the unnamed boy, and the fight on the main road of the school was still spread within a small area of ​​the school.

   This post appeared on campus forums. Fortunately, in 2004, mobile phone photography was not as convenient as later generations. There was no picture of Lu Yang and Chen Yang on the post.

   The so-called no picture, no truth, no evidence of pictures, this matter is talked about in a small area, some people believe it, some people don’t.

   (Thanks to the declining troubadour and the troubadour of Xiyang for the reward, today is the third one.)

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