Rebirth 2003

Chapter 107: Opportunity to learn

When Lu Yang arrived, the rehearsal was still going on. The rehearsal was Faye Wong's "Heaven on Earth". The lead singer was Tong Yaqian from Cao Xue's bedroom. This girl had an appointment with Lu Yang last time and wanted Lu Yang to give her school newspaper. While writing the manuscript, she did not expect her singing skills to be very good. Although her voice is not much similar to Faye Wong, she has a demure and tactful feeling.

   Except for Tong Yaqian, all the roommates who worked with Cao Xue this time were actually Cao Xue’s roommates.

   Guan Pingping plays the violin, talks and laughs and plays drums, and Cao Xue plays the piano.

Guan Pingping is no stranger to everyone. I have appeared in the previous article. Her biggest feature is the pair of peerless **** on her chest. Compared with her face that is above the standard, anyone sees her first. Eyes would be attracted by the high bulge on her chest. Lu Yang saw her last time, and every time Cao Xue talked to him about talking and laughing, the biggest impression in Lu Yang’s mind was talking and laughing about the pair of babies. Not only is it big, but with a little smile, the pair of babies in his chest will tremble slightly.

   This time is no exception, Lu Yang glanced at her chest subconsciously when he saw her.

   Lu Yang came in. Except for Tong Yaqian and Guan Pingping, who were the lead singers, they saw them, but the chuckles and Cao Xue who were on the soundtrack lowered their heads and did not see them.

   Lu Yang didn't worry, he sat down in an empty seat and watched quietly.

   Just two minutes after Lu Yang sat down, suddenly a strong man with an enthusiastic smile sat down beside Lu Yang.

   "Hi! Buddy! I remember you, you used to belong to a martial arts club, right? I have seen you practice boxing in a martial arts club!"

   This young man with a sturdy body, even his face is not tall, and a little shorter than Lu Yang. By the way, Lu Yang has actually grown a little bit longer this semester, and is already 1.75 meters tall.

"Oh, Hello!"

   Lu Yang had no impression of this young man, but he was so enthusiastic that Lu Yang couldn't ignore it completely.

"Get to know! My name is Jiang Shigang! Sanda club, I like to pay attention to a few Kungfu club members, so I noticed you before, but it was a pity that your martial arts club disbanded because Teng Hu left, otherwise, maybe We have known each other a long time ago!"

   Although Lu Yang's response was a little flat, Jiang Shigang's enthusiasm remained undiminished. Faced with his extended hand, Lu Yang smiled and shook it.

   said: "I'm Lu Yang! Which one of the above is your girlfriend?"

Lu Yang thought that Jiang Shigang was here to pick up his girlfriend, but although Jiang Shigang was full of masculine, his appearance was not very good, his face was full of flesh, his skin was dark, and he was young, and he was already a little bald. , There are only a few sparse hairs on the front of the forehead.

   Lu Yang was thinking, will he be Tong Yaqian? Guan Pingping? Still a laughing boyfriend.

   It's just this honor, and it doesn't seem to be a good match for those three girls.

Unexpectedly, hearing Lu Yang's question, Jiang Shigang smiled awkwardly, and said to Lu Yang softly, "No! But I was chasing Guan Pingping on the stage recently. I know that the girl playing the piano on the stage belongs to your brother. Girlfriend, should you know Guan Pingping? Brother, can you help me?"

   "Help? I'm not familiar with Guan Pingping, I'm afraid I can't help you!" Lu Yang was a little bit amused. He turned out to be Guan Pingping's suitor and wanted to ask him for help. How could he help with this kind of thing? Besides, he is not familiar with him either.

Hearing what Lu Yang said, Jiang Shigang was a little anxious, and subconsciously moved his body closer to Lu Yang, and continued to whisper in Lu Yang's ear: "Brother! Please! I really like the braided Guan Pingping. I just don’t know her yet, I don’t know how to start it! Brothers just need to introduce me to her, and I won’t let you do this in vain. My relationship with our president is very good, as long as you help me this time, brother , I introduce you to our Sanda club! Brothers, your martial arts club is disbanded, and there is no place to practice boxing, right? Just join our Sanda club, you usually have a place to practice boxing! There are still people who can learn from each other! How about? Please brother!"

   After listening to Jiang Shigang's words, Lu Yang was silent for a moment.

   introduced to join the Sanda Club. When he heard this, Lu Yang was not at all tempted. He could practice in the empty room of the rental house. Although the martial arts club was disbanded, he basically never stopped practicing boxing.

   But Jiang Shigang's last words touched Lu Yang, and some people discussed each other! This is exactly what Lu Yang lacks. He has been practicing boxing for more than a year. Lu Yang can feel that his physical fitness is much better than before. He is very proficient in boxing and leg skills. Asking himself to deal with three or two ordinary people, there is no problem. , But if you compete with someone who has practiced, Lu Yang doesn't know how strong he is. If someone often accompanies him to learn from each other, he will definitely increase his actual combat experience quickly.

   Lu Yang has been practicing boxing for a long time. Of course, he is not reconciled just to keep fit. He also wants to have a certain amount of practical ability. In the future, he will be able to protect himself if he encounters any situation.

   "I really just need to introduce you to you?" After a moment of silence, under Jiang Shigang's expectant gaze, Lu Yang asked.

   If there were more opportunities for them, Lu Yang would not agree to Jiang Shigang's request even though he wanted someone to discuss it.

   How can I have the mind to help him bother to chase girls? Guan Pingping is Cao Xue's roommate If Guan Pingping blames him in the future, it will make Cao Xue embarrassed in the bedroom.

   "Of course of course! Brother! Okay?"

   Seeing that Lu Yang had promised, Jiang Shigang nodded quickly.

   "Okay! I will introduce you to you later!"

   Lu Yang agreed.

   Jiang Shigang was overjoyed, and at the moment he thanked Lu Yang in a low voice, and promised to tell their president tomorrow that he would introduce Lu Yang to Sanda.

Lu Yang was not afraid that after he met Guan Pingping, he would not honor this incident. For Lu Yang, introducing them to their acquaintances was just a matter of two sentences. It didn’t cost much. It would be better to join the Sanda club, but not to join. , It’s not a big deal. Although Lu Yang wants someone to learn from each other, it’s not obligatory. I really don’t have this opportunity, and it’s just a little regretful at best.

   Soon after the deal between the two was concluded, the song "Heaven on Earth" on the stage was over. Cao Xue had already trot to Lu Yang with a smile on her face holding her small bag.

   Jiang Shigang, who was very enthusiastic when talking to Lu Yang just now, when Cao Xue came, his whole body suddenly became dull, only knowing that he squeezed a stiff smile at Cao Xue.

   Seeing his virtue in front of girls, Lu Yang finally understood why he asked himself to help introduce Guan Pingping. It seems that Jiang Shigang is the kind of personality that becomes nervous and introverted when he meets a girl.

   This is a bit like Lu Yang before, but Lu Yang is definitely not as serious as him.

   (The third one who was late.)

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