Rebirth 2003

Chapter 158: Tieshan lean against Tieshan lean


   The sun rises from the east again, and a new day begins.

In the history class, early self-study time, everyone reads their own free books, and becomes a veteran of the junior year. Many people who studied hard before have become tired and lazy. Very few people are still reading textbooks in the early self-study time. .

   At the back row of the classroom by the window, Lu Yang is also reading free books and returning to the original "Shushan Biography". When Lu Yang was in class recently, he often read this kind of classical fairy novels, especially those he was not interested in.

Seeing Shi Sheng and Li Yingnan meet, the phone in his trouser pocket suddenly vibrated. Lu Yang frowned. He was interrupted from reading and was a little unhappy, but he took out his phone and took a look. It was Jiang Shigang who called him. .

   Since Jiang Shigang and Guan Pingping came together, this person has been more polite to Lu Yang, but the two rarely make calls. Why did they call at this time today?

   Lu Yang didn't know what he was asking for, but he still got on the phone.


   "Brother Lu! Do you have time at noon today?"

   As soon as the call was connected, Jiang Shigang’s enthusiastic voice came over. Lu Yang thought for a moment. There should be nothing to do at noon, so he said, "I have time, something?"

Jiang Shigang: "That's right! This year's military training for new students is over? Recently, our Sanda club recruited a group of new people. According to the usual practice in previous years, we old members want to meet with the new people and exchange ideas. Field, kill the arrogance of those newcomers, and have a meal by the way. Since you have time at noon, come here after lunch! The president asked me to inform you. If you don’t come, it’s not good!"

  Is there still such a convention?

   Lu Yang didn't belong to Sanda Club before, and he didn't know many things about Sanda Club. However, since Jiang Shigang notified him that there was nothing wrong with him at noon, he casually agreed.

   Speaking of it, he hasn't seen all the people in the Sanda club. Today, we can see how many people there are in the Sanda club, and what other powerful roles are there? In the future, you may be able to find opportunities to learn from each other and increase your actual combat experience.


   At noon, after having lunch with Cao Xue in the cafeteria, Lu Yang went to the training room of the Sanda club alone.

When Lu Yang arrived, there were already 20 or 30 people in the usually empty training room, old birds with calm expressions and newcomers with excited expressions. Anyway, Lu Yang saw many new faces and was not sure about these new faces. Among them, a few are old birds.

   Jiang Shigang may have been paying attention to the door. As soon as Lu Yang came in, he enthusiastically waved to Lu Yang to go over. Lu Yang noticed that Jiang Shigang was next to the president Pei Yunlong.

   Seeing Lu Yang coming over, Pei Yunlong also showed a little smile on his face.

As soon as he walked over, Jiang Shigang enthusiastically passed a cigarette to Lu Yang. Lu Yang took the cigarette in his hand and did not light it. He smiled and asked, "Probably how many people have not come. Speaking of which, I don’t know about us. How many people are there in Sanda Club!"

   "It's coming soon! It's almost here." Pei Yunlong said with a smile.

Jiang Shigang added: "Originally, there were more than 40 people in our agency, but some juniors went for internships last semester. At present, there are more than 20 elderly people. However, we have recently recruited more than 30 new people. After all, our Sanda club has grown! Isn't it? Long brother?"

   The latter sentence was for Pei Yunlong, or to be precise, he was a fan of Pei Yunlong. Sure enough, Jiang Shigang's words made Pei Yunlong, the president, "Longyan Joy", smiled and said: "Hmm! Almost."

After waiting for another ten minutes, a lean young man with a sign-in book came to Lu Yang, handed the sign-in book to Lu Yang, and asked Lu Yang to sign a name. At the same time, he said to Pei Yunlong, "Brother Long! Everyone. It's all here!"

   This thin man, Lu Yang remembered that on the first day he joined the Sanda club, Pei Yunlong originally asked this person to test his skills, but Zhang Wei took the initiative to ask him for the opportunity, so he didn't fight against Lu Yang.

   Lu Yang remembers this person's name is Guo Fei.


Pei Yunlong smiled with satisfaction, threw half of the cigarette in his hand on the ground, and ran it with his foot at random, then stood up and took a few palms to attract everyone's attention, and then said with a smile: "Everyone! Be quiet. Now that everyone is here, let’s start this meeting today!"

   When Pei Yunlong was speaking, Lu Yang noticed that an old bird went to close the door of the training room.

   I don’t know when, outside the transparent glass window, surrounded by many young and beautiful girls, they all looked inside curiously.

   Maybe it's because the woman outside the window, so Pei Yunlong and others saw it, but they didn't go out to chase the people out, each with a smile on the corners of their mouths, and they looked like they enjoyed it.

   "The old club members are coming to my side! Let the juniors who have joined our Sanda club get to know us too!" Pei Yunlong continued to say in a spring breeze.

   Following his words, more than two dozen old members all stood by his side, lined up, each with different expressions, but the spirits and spirits were obviously very vigorous, not comparable to the body of most ordinary college students.

   More than 30 freshmen, seeing the old people line up, they also consciously stood in a row, standing face-to-face with the old students on the opposite side. Compared with the casualness of the old students, most of these freshmen were both excited and nervous.

Seeing them on the road like this, Pei Yunlong felt more happy, and continued to smile: "You may not know it! Our Sanda club has always had a rule, that is, at this time of the year, our old and new members met for the first time. At that time, in order to make it easier for everyone to know everyone, and for us to better understand the kung fu background of the juniors, our introduction method is-an old member first enters the field, after introducing himself, and then voluntarily comes up a new member, a new member You can also introduce yourself in front of everyone, and then have a simple discussion with the old members. Of course! Don’t worry, it’s just a courtesy discussion! If you click until you finish, it usually won’t hurt the juniors! This is the rule. This is also the tradition of our Sanda club. Now, which brother will play first?"

   In the last sentence, Pei Yunlong asked while looking at the old student.

   The new students all looked at the old student on the opposite side, guessing who would play first.

  The old students are a little bit cheerful, except for Lu Yang, who doesn't know the usual practice, all the old students are looking at the fat man on the far left.

  Actually, it is customary for the old students to end first in this kind of competition every year. In order to show that every old student can play, and in order not to appear to be messy, let the newcomers joke, usually from the leftmost side of the queue one by one.

The fat man was also an old oilman, he hehe smiled, he walked to the center of the rubber-matted training room, hugged fists to the new student, smiled and said: "My brother! My name is Pang! Pang Qingbari! Before! I have practiced smashing tablet hands for a few years. Of course, now I am in Sanda club, and I am practicing Sanda naturally. Which junior is willing to come up and try my hands with me?"

  Compared with the calmness of the old students when they played, it was the new students' turn to play. Just look at me for the thirty-something new students. Finally, a tall young man with a stubborn back came out.

   This person has an old face and dark skin.

After    played, he did the same as Pang Barley, clasped his fists, and then began to introduce himself.


The discussions continued one after another. Almost all the new students would fall to the ground after less than two face-to-face encounters. However, as Pei Yunlong said before, this time the discussion is only a matter of courtesy. , No one hurt. Some newcomers who hadn't practiced before, even those who fell to the ground, were confused. They only felt that the old student on the opposite side suddenly flashed behind them, and was brought down before they turned around.

   Not long after, it was Lu Yang's turn to play.

   After watching for so long, every time the old students were in the queue one by one, Lu Yang certainly wouldn't be ignorant when it was his turn.

   walked to the center of the training room, Lu Yang did the same as the old student before, took a fist, then smiled and introduced himself: "I am Lu Yang! My major is Bajiquan!"

   As for Sanda, Lu Yang has never studied it, nor mentioned it.

From the first semester of university, to the junior year, Lu Yang's current image and momentum are also very different from before. His height has grown to 1.81 meters, five or six centimeters taller than before he was born. When he smiles, he has a gentle breath. With a smile, the lines on his face suddenly became cold, especially when his eyes were habitually narrowed slightly, his aura became even sharper.

Therefore, as soon as Lu Yang came on the field, no one dared to play for the remaining dozen or so freshmen. Before Lu Yang appeared on the field, he did not show a smile, his cold look, and his taciturn personality, especially the self-introduction just now, so brief. It's like the big villain in the movie. Most of the freshmen who have not finished the scene, but have not practiced at all.

   Lu Yang may not know that when he stood next to a group of veterans who had practiced for a few years, the momentum he had been deliberately converging unconsciously radiated.

   Just when most of the freshmen were upset and didn't want to play, a round head and short neck freshman walked out and stood opposite Lu Yang.

   "I'm Teng Lei! Like you, I practice Baji!"

   As he said, this new student with a round head like a leopard showed the starting form of Bajiquan-the bow-drawing form.

   Looking at this fierce-looking young man, Lu Yang always felt a little familiar. When he introduced him as Teng Lei, Lu Yang finally remembered who this person looked like.

  ——Teng Hu!

   Teng Hu who taught him Bajiquan!

   The Teng Lei in front of me looked totally different from Teng Hu, but there was a bit of Teng Hu's shadow in the fine eyebrows.

   Are he relatives with Teng Hu?

   surnamed Teng, has similarities with Teng Hu's eyebrows, and he also practices Baji...

Lu Yang couldn’t help but doubt it. However, there are too many people around, and Teng Hu left this school because of a vengeance. Therefore, although Lu Yang suspected that Teng Lei and Teng Hu were relatives, they were not at the same time. Did not say anything, the same shows the bow-drawing style.

  As soon as Lu Yang showed the start gesture, Teng Lei suddenly rushed over. It was actually a famous move in Bajiquan-Tieshankao. When he came up, he would use this move?

Lu Yang sighed inwardly. He wanted to put some water in but both of them practice Bajiquan. A freshman on the other side is useful for Tieshankao. If he hides, it will inevitably make people think he is scared. , Tieshan’s effort is not as good as a freshman.

   This is forcing Lu Yang to head-on.

   Lu Yang's eyes flashed, his waist and legs suddenly exerted force, and he slammed into one side of his body with his right shoulder.


There was a muffled noise, and the two swift figures suddenly ran into each other. Even the group of girls outside the glass window heard a muffled noise. Many timid girls felt tight in their chests, and the two big men bumped into each other. Is it also martial arts? Chinese martial arts is like this. You hit me, I hit you?

No matter what those who don’t know how to think, the victory or defeat on the field is already divided. Lu Yang’s feet and iron pillars are generally fixed on the spot, and his body does not sway, but Teng Lei on the opposite side flies upside down two meters at the first moment of the impact. No matter how far away, he fell to the ground with a puff on his back, a look of shock on his face.

   Playing Tieshan Kao with Lu Yang?

   The small bedroom where Lu Yang practiced every day had cracks on one wall. How could Teng Lei, a freshman under twenty years old, be his opponent?

   Not only did the new students who joined today change their colors, but I was thankful that they didn't face up with this brother, and even the old students standing behind Lu Yang changed their colors.

   These people have never seen Lu Yang perform this trick Tie Shan Kao, and they are all seeing them for the first time today. They didn't expect this person to actually practice Tie Shan Kao to this level?

   They asked themselves if they were the one who was hit just now, they might end up with the freshman. Lu Yang didn't shake his body when he hit him just now. RS

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