Rebirth 2003

Chapter 205: Platinum and new book launch

The next day, Xingyu Internet Café reopened. The school girl last night was not the first to call Lu Yang to apply. Before her, Lu Yang had hired two temporary network administrators, one male and one female. The man claimed to be The former network administrator of Xingyu Internet Cafe, I heard that the Dragon Race Internet Cafe was hiring people. He was working as a network administrator in another Internet Cafe and just resigned, so he called to apply for the job.


  Women are also in society. They can work day and night during working hours. In addition, the school girls who later called, as well as Lu Shuping and Chen Jian from the Dragon Clan Internet cafe next to them, Xingyu has no problem in business for the time being.


   The aunt of the Dragon Internet cafe who is engaged in sanitation, I heard that if you get Xingyu Sanitation, you will get a bonus of 200 yuan. In the afternoon and the next day, the sanitation inside will be completed.


At around 10 in the morning, Lu Yang was having a class in the classroom. This class was given by the counselor Wang Da. Lu Yang couldn't escape his class, so he came. At around 10 o'clock, he was in the classroom, Lu Yang. The phone in his trouser pocket suddenly vibrated a few times, avoiding Wang Da's gaze, Lu Yang took out the phone and took a look below.


   is a text message from Xing Xinxin. The text message is very brief: "I'm leaving, just got in the car."


  Looking at the text message on the phone, Lu Yang was a little melancholy. The scene last night seemed to be still in sight, and the soft touch and fragrance on her chest still seemed to remain on her hands. He left today.


   Is this dew love?


   After rebirth, Xin Xin Xin was the first young woman he slept. The taste is really wonderful, but unfortunately only once.


   After a moment of distraction, Lu Yang replied: "A good journey, tell me if you have difficulties."


   This text message was sent not long ago. Xing Xinxin replied: "Thank you."


   deleted these short messages, put the phone back into his trouser pocket, and Lu Yang looked at the sky outside the window. The weather outside today is very high. The wind was light and the sun was shining. When he was just born again, he had this attitude towards women. When he was with Cao Xue, there was a period of time when he changed his mind. I want to be a good man.




   Same day. Somewhere in Kaohsiung, Taiwan.


   After school at noon, it was the old bookstore last time. The 18-year-old Shen Yang lazily walked into the bookstore as usual with a deflated schoolbag on his back.


   There seem to be more books in the bookstore than ever. But Shen Yang has been making a book famine recently. The "Infinite Killing" and "Rising Dragon Road" he had been chasing for a long time were over. He came to the bookstore almost every day, and he didn't find that Wen Chou and Xue Hong had new books on the market. Novels written by other authors, Shen Yang really couldn't stand it!


   knows the easy and humorous story of a man and a woman, whether it is fantasy, fairy tale or science fiction, they are all written as love stories in the writings of those authors.


   When did this trend start?


   should be made by Li Liang and Yang Xiaoxie series, right?


   When I walked into the bookstore. Shen Yang was still complaining, although he also liked the story of a man and a woman. I also like the relaxed and humorous style of writing, but almost all authors write like this, and it makes people feel nauseous after reading too much.


   Lazily walked to the shelf where the new books were placed, Shen Yang also casually scanned the author names of those new books with the same lazy eyes. When the new bookworm was looking for books, he might stare at the names of those books. The names of the new books are very popular nowadays!


This one is called "Shadow Sword Master", and that one is called "A Thousand Realms Supreme", or something like "Starlight Accompanying Me" or something, anyway, how appealing to people, at first glance, it seems that each book is very exciting, but in reality On the above, each author has a different writing ability. The same storyline is written by different authors. Some people write very well, but some people can make readers vomit blood.


   Therefore, old bookworms like Shen Yang usually look for books by whoever wrote the book. Only when there is really no book to read, they will search for books by title.


   Suddenly, Shen Yang's eyes lit up, blood red! Blood red actually published a new book? What is the title of the book?


   The lazy look in his eyes was completely gone, like a pervert who saw a big beauty, his eyes flashed brightly, and Shen Yang immediately saw the name of the new blood red book-"Dao Nilong".


   After rising the dragon, it will be against the dragon?


  Long has grudges against you? Although he ridiculed this way, Shen Yang was still very happy. The quality of blood red works is guaranteed. Moreover, a book written in blood red is habitually long, and it will not end if it is less than two or three million words. Shen Yang is very happy. , And there will be no book famine for a long time.


   I should be able to watch it for about a year, right?


   The first three episodes of "Adverse the Dragon" came out at once, and Shen Yang took out one for each episode without even thinking about it, and he had just enough money to buy three episodes.


   was about to leave with a smile while holding a book, and Shen Yang suddenly caught a familiar name—Wen Chou inadvertently.


   Shen Yang retracted his raised foot again, and moved his eyes to the word "Wen Chou", and soon saw the title of the book-"Magic Sword Eternal".


   looks like a dick, people always write magic swords or something, Wen Chou actually writes magic swords, is it eternal?


Most readers of web articles like that the protagonist is sinister and sluggish, grabbing good things when seeing good things, and going to sleep when seeing a beautiful girl, that is refreshing, just like the famous blood-red masterpiece, the protagonist is directly a bad rascal. .


  Looking at Wen Chou's new book, and then looking down at the "Dao Nilong Dao" he had already held in his hand, Shen Yang was embarrassed, and he had enough money to pay for three episodes, but adding one more book would not be enough!




  Shen Yang suddenly found out that he was wrong again. Wen Chou’s new book actually appeared three episodes at once. Is this playing me? Two of my favorite authors released three episodes on the same day. Isn’t this forcing me to choose one of the two? Are the current publishing houses so nasty? Can it be staggered?


"Shang Long Dao" is very exciting, "Ni Long Dao ~ ~ name, is the sister chapter of "Thang Long Dao", should also be very good-looking, "Unlimited Killing" is very awkward, Shen Yang also believes in Wen Chou's new book It's certainly not bad. The problem now is that the book shortage can definitely be solved, but which author should you choose? Shen Yang was distressed.


   If you have more money, it will be fine.


After thinking for a while, Shen Yang finally gritted his teeth and made a decision. He shoved the third episode of "Adverse Dragon Dao" back to the bookshelf, and pulled out the first episode of "Magic Sword Eternity", and then never watched the remaining episodes again and turned his head. I went to the cashier to pay the bill. Shen Yang thought it over. When I went back, I would read "Magic Sword Eternal" first. If this book is wonderful, I will also buy the next two episodes when school is over in the afternoon. If it is not wonderful, then forget it. With the blood-red "Dao of the Dragon", it is no problem to solve the book shortage.


   After paying the bill, he stuffed all three books into the deflated schoolbag, and Shen Yang walked and ran back home.


   As expected, there was still no one at home. After making a phone call to the takeaway, Shen Yang couldn't wait to take out the three books from his schoolbag, and first opened the "Magic Sword Eternal" and read it.


   I fell into it at this sight.


Compared to the "Infinite Killing" I watched before, the opening of "Magic Sword Eternity" is not so amazing, but a few huge suspense deeply attracted Shen Yang. After the takeout was delivered, he didn't want to eat. After moving two chopsticks , I forgot about the meal, until the alarm clock rang to remind him that it was time to go to the afternoon class, read a few hundred words unconsciously, and reluctantly closed the book.


   Wen Chou did not disappoint him, the new book is still strong, and he is worthy of the difficult decision he made in the bookstore.


   Picking up the schoolbag and was about to go to class, Shen Yang suddenly hesitated, then trot to his bedroom, smashed the piggy bank, and swept all the coins into the schoolbag.


He had almost finished watching the first episode of 65,000 words at noon. He asked his mother to ask for pocket money. It must be after mom came back in the evening. Waiting for mom’s pocket money, the two episodes after "Magic Sword Eternity", the most It will only be available at noon tomorrow. What should I do tonight?


   He can't wait that long.


   swept all the coins into the schoolbag, and Shen Yang hurried to the afternoon class.




Yes, Lu Yang’s new book "Magic Sword Eternity" was launched on the Taiwan market today. Many fans of Lu Yang's previous book bought this "Magic Sword Eternity" on this day. For no money, they bought three episodes at once. , If you are shy in your pocket, at least you have to buy one to get rid of your greed.


   For a book fan, the allure of a good book is greater than that of good food!


   On the starting point side, the list of the first batch of platinum authors has also been announced.


   Five Platinums: Three Young Masters, Dancing, All Beings, Wen Chou, Goose Test.


   In the bulletin board on the homepage of the starting point, there is a very eye-catching headline-the first batch of platinum authors area.


Click on this area, and you can see the names of the five platinum authors arranged from top to bottom in the entire purple-red page. Below each author’s name, there are also the names of all the works under their names. The names of these works are links. Open it at one point and you can jump directly to the page of that book.


   The three famous works include: "Children of Light", "Crazy God", "The Kind Reaper" and other works, each of which was a highly popular work of the year.


  Dancing name: "City in Desire", "Hippie Smiley", "Changing Face Warrior" and so on.


   All Living Beings: "Online Games of All Living Beings", "Dragon Domain".


   Wen Chou: "Doomsday Wasteland", "Master Loneliness", "Three Warlords", "Unlimited Killing", "Magic Sword Eternal".


   Goose Test: "Big Stars Fall in Love with Me", "My Little Witch".




   After the last class in the When Lu Yang returned to his residence and turned on the computer to see this page, his sense of accomplishment was full.


  With this honor, in my future works, unless I die by myself, no matter how I rush to the street, I won’t rush to the same level as in my previous life.


   After landing on Q`Q, the new news notification sound of Dididi became a piece of sound. Lu Yang clicked dozens of times and opened dozens of new message windows, and the sound of Didi finally ended.


   The new messages are all sent from familiar and unfamiliar authors, readers and other friends. They are basically all envy, envy, and hateful congratulations.


Lu Yang responded one by one, and then clicked on the reader group. There is already a festive atmosphere in the group. Many book fans who have been diving before have also emerged, and the discussions are in full swing. The authors they like become the first batch of platinum authors from the starting point. , Everyone and Yourong Yan.


   When chatting with other book fans in the future, saying that he is a fan of Wen Chou, he can also be very face-conscious! (To be continued...)


  PS: Thanks to Mr. Dongguo Taixuan, the wind blows the bra to float down, and vebin for less rewarding 100 points.


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