Rebirth 2003

Chapter 207: 2 scripts

When Lu Yang accompanied Cheng Hua outside the classroom of the 04th Tourism Class to see Wang Yue, two young people in their twenties were eating roast duck and drinking white wine in Quanjude, Beijing.


One of them is tall and thin, and his clothes are not brand-name, but the texture and workmanship are very elegant, low-key luxury, he is Wang Lin, the user name at the starting point is the Undead Master, yes, he is Lu Young's first diehard fan.


   Another young man developed a bit horizontally. He was not tall, but he was wide and fat. His hair was half length and not short. It was a little greasy and curly. At a young age, he had a beard and a pair of thick glasses.


   The two men seem to be dressed and they shouldn’t sit together and drink, but the atmosphere at the table is very casual, obviously not friends for a day or two.


   After the two clinked their glasses again, Wang Lin took a few slices of roast duck and chewed them in his mouth. While chewing, he said, "Frog! Are you still working as an assistant director for someone else?"


The fat man called a frog is named Dai Qingwa. I don’t know how his father came up with this name. After school, no matter when he was thin or fat, everyone gave him the nickname. "frog".


Dai Qingwa nodded, wiped the wine stains on the corners of his mouth, and said, "Isn't this what this business is like? If you don't have enough qualifications, who dares to invest in you? Unless I go to shoot commercials or mtv, or else just Can continue to be an assistant director! Your kid is rich, do you dare to invest in me?".


   As he talked, Dai Qingwa smiled in self-confidence. He and Wang Lin have been classmates since junior high school. His grades have always been better than Wang Lin. He studied in Beijing Film University. Wang Lin also studied Beijing Film. He was in the director department and Wang Lin studied photography. But Wang Lin, who is a wealthy family, studied photography, not for the sake of eating movies, just for self-entertainment. First, he took pictures of beautiful women, and then took pictures of natural scenery. In the past two years, he has not even been interested in taking pictures of natural scenery. Some time ago, I even joined the family company, which is completely irrelevant to the movie.


  When I just graduated from university, a few guys suggested that they invest in making movies. At that time, Wang Lin was very interested, but after discussing with his family on the phone, he changed his mind and said that he had no money to invest.


so. Just now Dai Qingwa talked about letting Wang Lin invest. I laughed too.


   However, to his surprise, Wang Lin did not smile on this topic.


   "Frog! Tell me the truth! If I really invest, are you sure you can make a good movie?".


  Dai Qingwa was sandwiching roast duck. Hearing Wang Lin's words, he didn't respond at first, so he stuck a few pieces of roast duck and stuffed it into his mouth. As soon as he looked up, he suddenly noticed the serious look on Wang Lin's face.


   "What's your face? Do you really want to invest in movies?"


   A few slices of duck meat just stopped. Dai Qingwa's heart moved, realizing something, the steady heart in his thick chest suddenly throbbed.


   Graduated from the Beijing Film and Television Department of Directors, which one is not like really making a film of his own? Who wants to be an assistant director year after year? Dai Qingwa, like many directors who graduated from the Department of Directors, is confident in his talents, but the reality weighs on them, and they can only earn a little bit of qualifications.


Facing Dai Qingwa’s suspicious gaze, Wang Lin nodded and said, “When I graduated, I didn’t have enough money to invest in a movie. I asked for money from my family. I heard that we had to make movies by ourselves when we graduated. Too impulsive, the chance of failure is very high, so I refuse to invest in us. It has been a few years since we graduated. You and the mouse must have improved their skills. I now have millions of dollars at hand. If you are really sure to take a good shot For this movie, I sold my Land Rover, and think of something else, but, frog! We are brothers for many years, are you sure about it, you have to tell me the truth! Don’t let the brothers get rid of the chaos Food!"


Dai Qingwa put a few pieces of duck meat on the chopsticks into his mouth, and while chewing, he nodded solemnly and said: "Technically, I make a low-cost movie. It must be no problem. I have written the script myself in the past two years. Two, if you are really willing to invest, after eating this meal, you will go to my place with me, and I will show it to you! One is the theme of urban emotions, the other is a psychological horror movie, you read the script before you decide Ok?"


   Wang Lin nodded and said, "Don't eat! Go and see now!"


   Dai Qingwa: "Okay! Go!"


   As they said, the two took their bags, took out their jackets, and walked out of Quanjude. They sat on Wang Lin’s Land Rover and went straight to Dai Qingwa’s current residence, a two-bedroom apartment shared with others.


   When Wang Lin and Dai Qingwa entered the house, the other co-tenant was not there. After Dai Qingwa entered the door, they went straight to his bedroom and took out two scripts packed in folders from the bedside table.


   Dai Qingwa: "This is urban emotion, this is psychologically terrifying!"


   Two printed scripts were handed to Wang Lin. Wang Lin first opened the first one, called "Office Romance". Wang Lin read the script with one eye and ten lines in less than twenty minutes.


The content of the script is the love story of three men and two women in an advertising company in Beijing. There are three men, one is the boss of the company; the other is the company's first handsome guy, who is very capable of pulling business; the last is the designer who is responsible for advertising design, who is talented. , He is taciturn and honest.


Two women, one is the boss’s girlfriend, the other is the Qingchun girl who is new to the advertising company. This Qingchun girl is the heroine of the story. She is very clean and beautiful. On the first day of the interview, she fascinated the boss and joined the company. On the first day, the first handsome guy and the first designer were impressed.


   Behind is the emotional entanglement between three men and two women.


   Dai Qingwa has prepared the script for several years, and the quality is still good.


   Wang Lin nodded, and went to read the second script.


   The name of this psychological horror film is "Midnight Cry".


   Wang Lin continued to read page by page.


The general content of the story is that a middle school has an old male dormitory building. There is a patio above the corridor outside the toilet on the fifth floor. There are several dormitories next to the toilet. When a dozen boys moved here on the first day At around two o'clock in the morning, several boys heard the cry of a young woman under the patio outside the door, and the boys were frightened. No one dared to go out and see what was going on.


   After dawn the next day, everyone talked to each other in a flustered manner. At noon, a boy who heard the rumors moved out of the dormitory. The others inquired about the boy and learned from the boy that outside the toilet door and the patio above the corridor, a girl who was broken in love a few years ago hanged herself here at night, and the woman cried in the early hours of last night. It is probably the ghost of that woman.


   After a few words, everyone's hairs are on their backs.


   Some people sneered, thinking it was all nonsense. But there are also a few boys who did hear women crying last night, inquiring about the rumor in various places in the school in the afternoon and evening.


   It turns out that this rumor has been circulating in private for several years. It is said that the girl who hangs under the patio is the daughter of the previous auntie. Usually at night, she sleeps with her mother in the management office under the boys' dormitory. The boy who fell in love with this dormitory was also because they both lived in the boys’ dormitory at night. They tasted the forbidden fruit. The girl was pregnant, but the boy did not dare to take responsibility. Instead, they broke up with the girl. Unable to resist the pressure, he hung himself under the patio outside the boys' dormitory.




   The whole script has not been finished yet. Wang Lin felt frustrated and waited to see the entire script. Wang Lin's first question was to ask Dai Qingwa: "Frog! Did you make up this story yourself? Or where did you hear it? How come it looks so oozing! It looks like the real thing!"


  Wang Lin’s reaction made Dai Qingwa very satisfied, with a smile on his face, and said, “You don’t care whether my story is true or not, just say what these two scripts are? Which one do you think is suitable for investment?”


Wang Lin looked at the two scripts in his hand, thought for a while, and said, "The first one! The horror film market is too small! It is also more difficult to create an atmosphere, and one is safer! However, you, this script, I want to give it to Let’s take a look and see if he can help us make changes a little bit more exciting!"


   The first two sentences of Wang Lin also made Dai Qingwa very happy. Wang Lin agreed to invest, but later said that he would give it to others to modify. Dai Qingwa was a little unhappy.


   frowned and asked: "Lin Zi! Who do you want to modify? Which major director?".


   If it is really a great director, Dai Qingwa has nothing to say.


   Wang Lin shook his head and said, "No! I am an internet author! Writing novels is wonderful!"


"What? You asked an internet writer who writes fast food text to modify my script? Lin Zi! Are you too silly? Isn't my professionalism comparable to that of someone who writes fast food text? You are simply insulting me! "


   I heard that it was for a network author to modify his script, and Dai Qingwa immediately became black and unhappy.


   What is the Internet author writing? He is also a young man. He has read two books in the past two years. He knows how the quality is. He knows that his script is much better than those online novels.


Wang Lin patted Dai Qingwa on the shoulder and explained: "Frog! Don't overturn a boat with a stick! The internet author is very famous, and the starting point has just launched five platinum authors. Have you heard of it? That author is One of those five platinum! It can be said that he is the top author in the world of online novels. People may not modify the script for us yet! You are against it first!"


   Starting point, Dai Qingwa knows that there are five platinum authors. Dai Qingwa hasn't heard of it yet, but Wang Lin is serious about it. Doesn't it seem to be telling him, the top author in the world of online novels?


It sounds It’s up to Wang Lin to decide whether to invest or not. Dai Qingwa thought about it, and finally he reluctantly nodded and agreed, and made up his mind if the author of the network modified it. It's not as good as his original script, so nothing can be shot as he modified it.


Seeing that he finally nodded, Wang Lin smiled, raised the script in his hand, and asked with a smile: "Frog! Does the script exist on the computer? If yes, send a copy to my mailbox, and I will send it to that by mailbox later. Author! Paper is inconvenient."


   Dai Qingwa gave him a white look, still feeling a little unhappy, but since he had agreed, he started his own notebook in the past and sent a copy of the script of "Office Romance" to Wang Lin.


   "Okay! Wait for my news!"


   Throwing down the two scripts, Wang Lin left. (To be continued...)


  PS: Thanks to Mr. Dongguo Taixuan for the reward of 100 points, thanks to xhy79 for the reward of 200 points, and thanks to Crazy Song for smiling 2576 points.


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