Rebirth 2003

Chapter 235: Lu Yang

Not only did Shenji and San Shao want to compete for the first place in the monthly ticket list in October, but dancing seemed to have the same heart. Perhaps it was annoyed that in the last week of September, the Shenji exploded second place, and dancing also caused real fire. On October 1st, there are three chapters in a row, and the chapter title of each chapter says "A monthly pass!"


   Speaking of it, dancing in 2006 is already very famous, otherwise the first batch of platinum writers only have a few places, and it is impossible to have him. Together with the three masters, they are called the "three-five" combination, and the two are also friends in private.


   has only been famous for so many years. It seems that he hasn't won the number one monthly pass. The name of Wannian's second child has been called by more and more people.


   For a great god, the title of 10,000-year-old second child can be said to be a shame, an absolute shame!


   This shameful name, after n years, there will be a great god. With this name, if he does not want to take off this hat as soon as possible, the ghost will not believe it.


   It's a pity that before, the starting point was blood red, clouded sky, misty and rainy Jiangnan, no master, one by one, they climbed to the top one by one.


   Xuehong and others are gone. Originally, in the most turbulent months of the starting point in history, the most dazzling monthly ticket list should be the San Shao, but now it is dominated by Wen Chou.


   There was nothing dancing anyway.


   But dancing is definitely not reconciled.


   Everyone is starting codewords, and the quality of their own works is not bad. I spend the first ten hours of codewords every day, so why is the first codeword always someone else's? Why is the blood red and the others gone, Wen Chou can get the first place, but I can't get it once?


   In an industry, standing on the top level for a long time, and then indifferent. Will gradually be inspired to win, and watch the author's annual meeting for many years, standing on top of his head with the guys who drink with him. Enjoying the supreme glory, who can really do it?


   No matter how indifferent you are, you can’t stand up when everyone in the author’s group is chatting, or it may intentionally or unintentionally stimulate you. When you see someone in the author’s group saying that you are the second in ten thousand years, can you not feel angry?


   Besides, last month, the position of the second child was robbed.


   No great **** is muddled!


   October 1st. The monthly ticket list for the new January has just begun, and the total number of monthly tickets for the top four books has exceeded 1,000. "Magic Sword Eternity" 1522 votes, "Ice Fire Magic Kitchen" 1439 votes, "Supreme Rogue" 1273 votes, "Buddha Is the Way" 1121 votes.


  Four books. The total number of monthly tickets has a small gap. For the top gods, a few hundred monthly tickets may be able to catch up in a few hours. These people have a strong appeal. With a shout, there are always hundreds of readers cheering for them.


   If it were the first two years of the monthly ticket list, the number of monthly tickets would not have reached that much.


   But it is now October 2006. Seeing that 2007 is approaching, it is under Lu Yang's suggestion. A reward system that appeared a few years in advance.


   Reward is a big killer for monthly tickets! As long as the reader is willing, he can get hundreds of monthly tickets in the blink of an eye to smash his favorite works.


   This month is destined to be a month that cannot be calm!


   It will never be possible for Lu Yang to easily get the first place in the monthly ticket list like July and August.


In July and August, the starting point was in the most turbulent period. Most of the great gods left, and the third master’s "Airspeed Stars" was also on the verge of ending. "Buddha is the Way" has just been put on the shelves, but the newcomer's magical machine has not accumulated. Enough popularity, dancing has not reached the peak of his career, and Lu Yang's "Magic Sword Eternity" has just been released, and with the accumulated popularity of the first four books, he has taken it for two months without any suspense. The monthly ticket list tops the list.


  Unfortunately, this kind of good thing can't always be there. At the end of September, Shenji had already used his own actual actions to show his determination to slaughter the gods and prove the Tao. In September, he failed to succeed, but he had already given him hope.


   At the beginning of October, Shenji used all his best, and coupled with the love of the editorial department of the starting point, has just given a big push to "Buddha Is the Way", so the momentum is like a tiger.


San Shao’s "Ice Fire Demon Kitchen" happened to be on the shelves for the first month, and dancing had to prove his godhood. Seeing this situation, Lu Yang realized that if he didn’t pay attention this month, he would most likely be defeated by these three people. It is possible to fall from first to fourth, or even fifth and sixth.


In order to maintain his current position, Lu Yang began to extend his codeword time, returning to his residence at noon every day to code a chapter of three thousand words, and at least three chapters of nine thousand words in the evening, almost every night the code word must be one or two in the morning. He stopped to wash and rest. The consequence of his efforts was that when he went to work every morning, he was not very energetic. He often sat in the office and took a nap on his desk and even fell asleep.


On October 3, the vice-principal Lu who came to the office for inspection saw it, because it was the first time he found out that vice-principal Lu didn’t say anything that day. He thought it was just an accident. In my mind, Lu Yang might have gone out to play late the night before. This situation is not uncommon among young school teachers. Vice-Principal Lu didn't say anything at the time. He went around in Lu Yang's office and went out.


On October 4, the dean of academic affairs who came in to assign tasks saw that the dean of academic affairs is a more responsible person, or that he is eager to establish prestige among teachers, so that he can compete with Vice President Sun and Vice President Lu. If he is four or five The ten-year-old dean may not have such thoughts, but he is only in his early thirties. He is too young to suppress the teachers below. Therefore, he likes to be true to many things by reprimanding the people below. , To establish your own prestige.


   Then, Lu Yang was woken up.


However, this time the dean of academic affairs Chen Jian did not scold Lu Yang sharply. There are several reasons. One is that this is the first time he sees Lu Yang sleeping during work hours in the office, and the other is because Lu Yang is a new internship. Health, the third reason, I will not mention it for the time being, I will explain it later.


   Anyway, after tapping **** on Lu Yang's desk a few times, after waking up Lu Yang, Chen Jian just reminded him indifferently: "Mr. Lu! It's work time!"


   Then in the eyes of everyone watching the joke, he turned and left.


   Lu Yang rubbed his sleepy eyes and said nothing. Teachers work like this. Even if you are not busy, you can sit at your desk and read the newspaper and drink tea. But reading novels or sleeping during working hours is absolutely impossible! The leader allows you to be leisurely, but will not allow you to be decadent!


   Obviously, sleeping at work and reading novels belong to the category of decadence.


At that time, Tong Yaqian was sitting opposite Lu Yang. She had no class this morning. After Chen Jian left, she looked at Lu Yang anxiously for a while, then took out a packet of instant coffee from her desk and took it to the water dispenser. A paper cup made a cup of instant coffee and placed it in front of Lu Yang.




   She said softly.


   Recently, she occasionally went to Lu Yang to sleep at night, because she knew why Lu Yang hadn't slept well recently. Every time she felt Lu Yang just go to bed in the early morning, she would scold a few words, but Lu Yang promised, but the next time it will still be the same. She didn't dare to force Lu Yang to sleep. Although she and Lu Yang had progressed to that point now, she knew about Lu Yang and Cao Xue. She was afraid that she would take care of it too much, and Lu Yang would be bored with her in her heart. , And finally returned to Cao Xue completely.




   Lu Yang picked up Tong Yaqian's brewed coffee, while squeezing the faintly swollen temples with his two fingers, while drinking the coffee silently, he sighed inwardly. It seems that writing on the Internet is no longer compatible with the profession of teaching.


   Originally, he planned to work as a teacher in the future. Anyway, he teaches history classes. There is no pressure. There are only a few classes a week. The living conditions of the students in the class are also supervised by the head teacher, so he does not need to worry about it.


   But now it seems that this kind of idea is not feasible, unless he doesn't want to fight for monthly ticket list in the future, otherwise, once he encounters a situation like this month, he wants to fight for monthly ticket, and there is no way to take care of it at work. Staying up late every day is not a long-term solution. It will affect the work situation of the next day. If you sleep too late at night, no matter what time you get up the next day, your brain will be swollen and people will be groggy for a long time. This experience was nearly ten years in his previous life, and he had already figured it out. He went to bed between 12 and 1:00 in the middle of the night, and the problem was not that big. Once he went to bed at night more than 2:00 in the night, he would wake up the next day. Pain, even if I sleep until 12 noon, this sequelae cannot be avoided.


   A few days later, the gap between the third and fourth places on the monthly ticket list has been widened, but the second place "Ice Fire Magic Kitchen" still clings to the **** of "Magic Sword Eternity".


   The fame accumulated before the three young masters is too great! "Children of Light", "Crazy God", "The Kind Reaper", "Airspeed Stars", although not necessarily more exciting than Lu Yang's previous four books, but one thing is definitely better than Lu Yang's previous four books, then That is, he has more than 10,000 words a day, and his update rate is constantly more stable.


It is also the continuous 4D update of the four books and the seamless connection between the four books, allowing the starting point to launch their batch of platinum authors, and when introducing them to the three young masters. Known as the Schumacher of the Internet world.


On October 4, before coming to work in the morning, Lu Yang turned on the computer and took a look at the monthly ticket list. The fourth place was "Supreme Rogue" with 2251 votes, the third place was "Buddha Is the Way" with 2336 votes, and the second place was "Ice Fire Magic Kitchen" with 3329 votes. Votes, the first place "Magic Sword Eternal" 3622 votes.


The first few days of each month are the peak periods of monthly ticket growth. Because every reader has a guaranteed monthly ticket every month, it will usually be voted in the first few days. After the first wave of monthly ticket peak period has passed, the monthly ticket growth rate It will slow down significantly, because unless readers give big rewards, there will generally no longer be monthly passes, and readers who are willing to give big rewards are always rare.


   After the dean of academic affairs Chen Jian reminded them, everyone in the office thought that Lu Yang would definitely change. As a result, the next day, Lu Yang used his own actions to tell them that they were wrong!


   I still have to sleep! (To be continued...)


  PS: Thank you for your evaluation votes, monthly tickets, and reminders.


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