Rebirth 2003

Chapter 237: Visit the crew

On October 13, the author's remuneration and various bonuses from September were credited to Lu Yang's account. Together, more than 170,000 yuan, plus the 970,000 yuan raised by Lu Yang before, totaled 115. Early.


   Lu Yang and Vice Principal Sun asked for a five-day vacation, plus two weekends and one week. On October 14, Lu Yang boarded the plane to Shanghai. At noon that day, the plane landed at Shanghai Hongqiao Airport. After coming out of the airport, Wang Lin was already waiting at the airport exit. When he saw Lu Yang, he came up with a hug, then smiled and took the luggage bag in Lu Yang's hand.


An Audi parked nearby. After the two got into the car, Wang Lin smiled and said: "Finally I have waited for you! You are enough to be the shopkeeper! The crew has been on for such a long time, and you have only come to take a look today. , Are you afraid that we will waste your money?"


   Lu Yang smiled: "I'm a layman in the movie. I watch the film every day, but I don't see any fame. By the way, what progress is the filming of the film crew now?"


   Wang Lin: "It's almost half way through!"


"So fast?"


   Lu Yang was surprised.


  Wang Lin started the car and said casually: "In the early stage, the frogs were easy to shoot in order to break into the crew. The latter half are more difficult, and it may take about two months to complete the filming!"




   chatted a few more words at random, the car was driving on the road, Wang Lin asked: "Go to the crew or the hotel first?"




   Lu Yang didn't want to run around with his luggage.


   Around two o'clock in the afternoon, Lu Yang and Wang Lin arrived at the crew together. The crew was shooting in a large modern company. When I walked into this building. Wang Lin introduced to Lu Yang: "This company belongs to my old man. In order to make this movie, I borrowed more than a dozen offices and meeting rooms from him. The old man has spoken out. If this movie does not make money, I will feel relieved in the future. Go to work, don't mess around!"


   said, Wang Lin showed a wry smile on his face.


   When the two arrived at the scene, it was the protagonist and the heroine Zhang Li's rivalry, and the desks of the hero and the heroine were facing each other. Two small partitions, through the half partition on the desk, you can see each other as soon as you look up.


   Zhang Li wears a professional skirt. The neckline is a white shirt, the two curvy legs are **** black silk mesh, and delicate high heels.


  Ordinary workplace makeup. Full of Zhang Li's beauty and elegance. The face of an angel, the figure of a devil.


   Seeing Zhang Li in the play, Lu Yang sighed like this in his heart.


The male protagonist Cheng Bing, who sat opposite her, looked ugly, but in this scene, he had a confident smile on his face. Under the camera, he looked calmly at Zhang Li, then the corner of his mouth slightly. Evoke. Tap a few fingers on the computer keyboard to send a message.


   Lu Yang and Wang Lin stood behind Dai Qingwa. You can see the lens on the screen, give the message a close-up, and the content of the message clearly appears on the screen.


   "Let’s have dinner tonight?"


Then the screen turned to Zhang Li, under Zhang Li’s computer, the q`q portrait jumped, Zhang Li, who was doing the report, glanced there, hesitated a little, and then opened the message with the mouse to see the content of the message. A smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, as if her big talking eyes glanced at the opposite Cheng Bing with a hint of smile. He hesitated slightly, then closed the dialog box, and there was no reply, but the smile at the corner of her mouth showed that she was not disgusted. .


The camera flashed to Cheng Bing's side again. After waiting for a long time, without waiting for the other party's response, Cheng Bing's mouth was tick again, and he typed a line of text in the chat box-tonight at 6 o'clock in Taoyuan Yuzhuang, see or leave. !


   From beginning to end, the ugly Cheng Bing had a confident smile at the corners of his mouth, as if he had taken the opponent.


The screen turned to Zhang Li again, clicked on the chat window again, and after reading the other party's second text message, the smile on the corner of her mouth became more obvious, and she glanced at the opposite Cheng Bing, but she still did not reply to the message and closed again. Chat box.


   "Cut! It's over!"


In front of the camera, Dai Qingwa slapped his thigh and announced with a smile that it was over. The faces of the surrounding crew members smiled, and the voice of speaking suddenly appeared. Cheng Bing and Zhang Li, who were still acting just now, also clicked. Relaxed, and smiles appeared on his face.


   This drama is not difficult to perform, a purely commercial film, but for these two newcomers in the entertainment industry, they still need to go all out.


   Every passage through, no matter how simple the scene, is enough to make them happy.


At this time, almost everyone saw Wang Lin, Lu Yang, and Wang Lin who had just arrived. These people often stayed in the crew and everyone knew each other, but as the main investor, Lu Yang, to most people on the scene, It's still completely unfamiliar. If it weren't for Lu Yang to stand behind Dai Qingwa and investor Wang Lin to accompany him, I'm afraid no one would realize his extraordinary status.


   "Let’s take a break and take the next one later!"


   Dai Qingwa first announced to the crew, and then got up from the director's chair with a smile on his face, and enthusiastically shook hands with Lu Yang.


   "President Lu! You finally came over!"


   As soon as he opened his mouth, he called Mr. Lu Yang.


   Lu Yang smiled and shook his head, and said, "Don't call Mr. Lu! Just call my name as before!"


   "Who is that person? The director and Mr. Wang seem to be very kind to him?"


   "I don't know! But the director seemed to call him Mr. Lu just now, he should be the boss at such a young age?"


   "You can't look good!"


   The crew members scattered around to rest, their eyes were on Lu Yang's side, and there were whispering guesses everywhere. However, Cheng Bing and Zhang Li, who had met Lu Yang, came over to say hello to Lu Yang for the first time.


Lu Yang responded with a smile, and then said to Dai Qingwa, "Shall we talk to you at night? I am here as if it affects your filming. In this way, I will go out with Wang Lin for a walk. When you are finished, you will call me. Let’s have a meal together tonight, I invite you!"


   "Wen University, what did you say? Shanghai is my place. You can come here once and let you treat you? No way, no way! Absolutely not!"


   Wang Lin was anxious and started to call Lu Yangwen again.


Dai Qingwa hesitated, waved his hand, and said, "No filming this afternoon! Mr. Lu, this is the first time you have come to the crew. Wang Lin and I will accompany you to see the samples we have shot during this time. Anyway, The progress has been okay recently, and it's not bad for half a day!"


   "This is not good! So, anyway, Wang Lin is fine in the afternoon, let Wang Lin accompany me to see the sample, you continue to shoot!"


   Lu Yang shook his head.


Wang Lin thought for a while, and said, "Frog! Lu Yang was right. I will accompany him to watch the samples. You can call the office for keeping the samples, and you can continue to make the film! The crew are all here, and it’s a waste of everyone’s time. No! The most important thing is that if you delay for a long time, you will spend half a day more money! Haha!"


   In the last sentence, Wang Lin said in a low voice, only a few people nearby could hear it, but he was joking, and others would not take it to his heart.


   Both investors said so, Dai Qingwa changed his mind just now, shouted the scene, and ordered a few words, Lu Yang and Wang Lin left with the scene, and the crew continued to film.


In a small office, Lu Yang quietly watched a series of sample films, while Wang Lin drank tea to accompany him. The script was written by Lu Yang. Lu Yang could tell at a glance what plot was in the script. Now it's just a fragment, the overall effect is not good or bad. What Lu Yang pays attention to is the atmosphere of the picture and the performances of several main actors.


At the beginning of the script, all the clips in the bar should have been filmed. Lu Yang saw a lot of related clips, dim light, women with **** and thighs, men with strange costumes and weird hairstyles, chaotic dance floors, and the down-and-out actor Cheng Bing. As well as the scene where the actor fell in a pool of blood when the accident happened, Lu Yang is not a professional filmmaker, but personally feels okay. There are also some clips after the actor enters the advertising company.


These clips are more complicated. If you haven’t read the script, you may be confused when watching these clips, because the same scene, the same character, the shots are completely different, one with normal color and one with dark gray. The storyline in the same scene is also completely different. The male protagonist in the dark gray picture has repeatedly unlucky and failed, while in the normal color picture, the male protagonist succeeds step by step, becoming more and more confident, and his clothes are becoming more and more high-end. .


   After watching all the clips, it is already past 5 pm.


   When the lights in the room turned on, Wang Lin smiled and asked Lu Yang: "Wen University! How about? Is it okay?"


Lu Yang nodded and smiled on his face. Judging from the clips that have already been filmed, Dai Qingwa and the photographer still have two brushes. The performances of several leading actors also exceeded Lu Yang's expectations, especially as the male lead. Cheng Bing, Zhang Li, is more than beautiful, with average acting skills.


   However, it is normal for Lu Yang to think about it. If Zhang Li's acting skills are also above the standard, she will not be famous until 2011.


   Fortunately, this "Gate of Rebirth" has the biggest feature of online novels-the biggest male protagonist!


With Cheng Bing’s acting skills there, Zhang Li, even if he only makes a beautiful vase, it will not reduce the excitement of the play Gate of Rebirth is a commercial film, nothing much. Depth requires her to use acting skills to play.


   "President Wang! Do you want to see it again?"


The scene of the movie clip just now came over to ask Wang Lin with a smile. Wang Lin looked at Lu Yang, and Lu Yang shook his head. He said to the scene: "No need! Go ahead! I am here with Mr. Lu waiting for your director! "


   "Okay! Mr. Wang!"


   Chang Wu looked at Lu Yang curiously again, and then he hurried out of the office.


As soon as this person left, Wang Lin sat a little closer to Lu Yang, hehe smiled and said, "I remember you seemed to be a little bit interested in that heroine Zhang Li. We will go to dinner tonight, and I will help you to call her over to accompany you. , How about Wen Da, do you want to try her taste? If you think, I will help you tell her tonight!" (To be continued...)


  Ps: Thank you for still Qingge, xhy79, my eyes are so messy, I can’t get 100 credits if I have **, thank you for 588 credits for a set of old clothes, and everyone’s evaluation ticket and monthly pass, thank you.

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