Rebirth 2003

Chapter 244: Knowing the lost way has been forgotten


After 3:30 in the morning, in the dark room of the hotel, Lu Yang finally wrote two chapters with more than 6,000 words. When the two chapters were written, he was very tired. After saving the manuscript, he shut down the computer and left the computer at hand. On the bedside table, she rubbed her hands on her face and fell asleep under the covers.

When I got into the bed and closed my eyes, I remembered that I had forgotten to go to the page of "Magic Sword Eternity" and took a look at the monthly ticket list, but at this time the computer was turned off and the sleepiness was too strong, so I closed my eyes. I didn't move any more, planning to wait until tomorrow morning to get up to see the status of the monthly pass.

   The room was completely quiet, only the breathing sound of him and Cao Xue was even.

At 11 o’clock the next morning, when Lu Yang woke up automatically, Cao Xue had already gone to work. When we were together last night, Cao Xue told him that she was very busy at work recently and it was not easy to ask for leave, and only got off work in the afternoon. Later, he could accompany her. Looking at the apology on Cao Xue's face, Lu Yang didn't say anything.

   Otherwise, Lu Yang wouldn't code words until after 3:30 in the morning last night.

Opening his eyes, Lu Yang habitually climbed up a little bit and leaned his head against the head of the bed. Although he slept for a long time, his brain still swelled and pained, and it was useless to press his temples with his hands. The sequelae of sleeping too late was sure. It happened again.

   While pinching his temples with his fingers, he took the laptop on the bedside table to the bed with the other hand and pressed the power button.

  Log in to IE browser, log in to the starting point, find "Magic Sword Eternal" on the top of the recommended list on the homepage, click on the "Magic Sword Eternal" page, and drag it to the position where you can view the monthly pass.

   "Magic Sword Eternity" really has been high in the first position, still, pull down "Ice Fire Magic Kitchen" a thousand...

At the beginning, Lu Yang didn’t care. Last night, he added five chapters at once and sent a chapter asking for monthly pass. This morning, he could regain the number one on the monthly pass list. It was not unexpected to Lu Yang, but at this time, I watched. "Magic Sword Eternity" pulled down the number of monthly tickets for "Ice Fire Magic Kitchen", and Lu Yang was stunned.

   There are more than 1,400. The number of monthly passes that have not been opened for the first half month have been opened overnight? How can this be?

   Lu Yang rubbed his eyes subconsciously, thinking that he had just woke up and did not see clearly, but after rubbing his eyes, the monthly ticket difference between the two books was still more than 1,400 votes, which was actually true.

"How is this going?"

Lu Yang whispered to himself, and then subconsciously pulled the web page to the book review area. According to Lu Yang’s experience, it is now the middle of the month. Most readers have already voted for their monthly tickets. So many monthly tickets can be raised in one night. There is no other explanation, there must be many readers who have rewarded, and exchanged rewards for monthly tickets.

   The web page quickly moved to the book review area. The book review area was very plain. How could it be so peaceful without a large amount of money?

   Lu Yang carefully read the post titles displayed in the book review area.

   "The gap of more than 1,400 votes! Haha! So cool!"

   "The first time I rewarded 10,000 starting coins, Wenda! This is my first time! You are responsible for me!"

   "The book review area of ​​"Ice and Fire Magic Kitchen" is really happy! A group of defeated generals still want to organize a counterattack? Old Jiang failed to counterattack successfully, are they OK?"

   "It's a pity that the Mage League was not there last night, otherwise it would not be a difference of 1,400 votes! The expression calls for the Mage League!"

   "The banknotes can light up a cigarette! Tyrant! Shall we be friends?"

   Seeing the title of this post, Lu Yang smiled. Obviously this reader is a real fan of his book. This sentence is what he wrote in "Infinite Killing".

   But why do you like the banknote and light up the cigarette? Did he reward a lot of money last night?

   With a little doubt, Lu Yang continued to look down.

"The banknote lighter shot very far last night! It took the Mage League from the untouchable first league position with a single shot. May I ask the banknote league! How do you feel when you are in the first league? No?"

   These few sentences are no longer just the title, the title can't be written so long, there is a paragraph that is displayed under the title.

   "The banknote lit the cigarette and robbed the undead archmage as the first leader?"

   Lu Yang was taken aback, and then he turned his gaze to look at the reader fan list on the far right of the screen. The top position of the fan list turned out to be a cigarette lighter. The undead archmage, who had been sitting firmly in the first position, fell second.

   How much did he reward last night?

   Lu Yang moved the mouse pointer to the name of the cigarette lighter on the banknote, and then a long string of Arabic numerals was displayed.

Lu Yang counted silently in his heart, and was surprised to find that the fan value of the banknote lighting cigarette exceeded 25 million, which is more than 4 million more than the necromancer. This shows that he was probably a reward last night. Ten million starting currency, which is one hundred thousand yuan, Lu Yang remembered that his original fan value was only 10 million, but now it has become more than 25 million...

Lu Yang was a little bit startled, and finally understood why the total number of monthly tickets exceeded the "Ice Fire Magic Kitchen" by more than 1,400 tickets. The original reason is here. If it were not for the cash to light up the cigarette last night, it would be less. With a thousand monthly tickets, it is impossible to keep such a distance from San Shao's book.

   Another **** fan appeared?

   After thinking about it, Lu Yang landed on Q`Q and opened the book fan group. At this time, there were still many people in the group discussing the monthly ticket war last night, and many people mentioned the name of the cigarette lighter.

   Lu Yang first tweeted in the group: "Thank you for your support last night! Thank you!"

   Lu Yang hasn't appeared in the group for a long time. As soon as this sentence came out, many online and diving readers appeared.

  Yy Wandering Life: "Huh? Shocked Wenda! Quietly touch Wenda's fart!"

   Silent Bookworm: "Jingxian Wenda! Strong crowd! No one can squeeze me away!"

   Litchi Township: "For Mao, the words of Wenda today seem to have a handsome smell? Is it because I saw the photos of Wenda yesterday? It's over! I think I need treatment!"

  Wang Ying’s family has: "Wen University! Last night I gave a reward of 100 yuan, contributed a monthly pass, and asked for a role model. Is the reward less? Should I add another 100?"

   Ugly sheep: "Where is the banknote league? Come out and let Wen praise it!"

  The deepest part of the night attack: "Wen Da! Are there any eight chapters today? I slept at that time last night and I didn't make it! If there is a monthly pass today, I will also contribute 100 yuan! Please Wen Dacheng!"


As soon as Lu Yang appeared, twenty or thirty readers immediately came up to say all kinds of wits. However, he did not see the banknote light up the cigarette. Lu Yang talked with everyone for ten minutes, but he did not see the banknote light up the cigarette. , Directly sent a private message to the banknote lighter.

   "Thank you last night! I don't know how to thank you. I still have a few sample books on hand. If you want, please leave me the detailed address and I will mail it to you in two days."

   These are the true words of Lu Yang. When he meets such a book fan, Lu Yang really does not know how to thank him. Apart from adding more, all he can think of is to present a sample book.

A few minutes after the private message was sent, I did not see the banknote cigarette lighter reply. Presumably, the banknote cigarette lighter was not in front of the computer at this time. After chatting with the readers in the group for a while, Lu Yang went to log in to the author's backstage and passed on again. I went up to three chapters and wrote at the end of the last chapter: "Thank you everyone for your support last night. These three chapters are thank you. Today, there are three more chapters that will be posted. Thank you! Especially for the cigarette lighter. Thank you for your great support! Nothing to report."

Last night, the code word code was around three o’clock in the morning, and only two chapters were coded. Three chapters were released in this breath, and there were fewer manuscripts, but this time Lu Yang didn’t feel heartache. The readers were so powerful. As the author of this book, he must also work hard, or else I am sorry for the kindness of everyone!

   It happened that Cao Xue was going to work during the day. After Lu Yang got up to wash, he soaked a bucket of instant noodles in the room and started to create a new document code.

   As soon as the three young masters reached the first place, they were lifted off. They certainly won't stop there. If they don't save more manuscripts, they will definitely not be able to do him. Schumacher in the Internet world is not easy to admit defeat.

   One afternoon, Lu Yang wrote two chapters, but two more chapters were updated, and the third chapter was updated in the evening. The manuscripts are still decreasing, if the code word is not continued in the evening.

Just when Lu Yang wrote more than a thousand words in Chapter 3, Cao Xue came back from work. Seeing a new chapter at the beginning was coded on the screen of Lu Yang's laptop, she hugged Lu Yang and said coquettishly: "Dear! Evening Can you write it again? Shall we go to dinner now?"

   Lu Yang gently wiped Cao Xue's forehead with the scum under his jaw, smiled and nodded I used to turn off the computer and accompany her out to dinner.

   After dinner, the two of them held hands to go shopping, and they went shopping until Hua Deng Chu Shang, the sky was full of stars. Cao Xue's original intention was to let Lu Yang go shopping with her, but Lu Yang took her to buy seven or eight inner and outer clothes, as well as shoes and socks.

   When passing by the puppet shop, Lu Yang also bought a big bear for Cao Xue that was as tall as a person. Cao Xue hugged him with a sweet smile on his face.

  Looking at her pure smile, Lu Yang felt a little guilty. He thought he could separate feelings and **** like in his previous life. He didn't expect to return to Cao Xue, and he still couldn't feel calm in his heart.

  Is it a **** or am I indifferent?

Feeling guilty in his heart, Lu Yang is more gentle with Cao Xue. She will accompany her wherever she wants to go shopping. Whatever she sees is beautiful, she will buy it all for her. When they return to the hotel at night, the two of them are naturally affectionate. , After the incident, Cao Xue squeezed into his arms, put her delicate little ears on Lu Yang's broad chest, and listened to his heartbeat.

   Lu Yang felt even more sad, his eye sockets were a little moist, he subconsciously held her petite body tightly, he was already depraved by the difference of thought, it was he who tarnished the relationship between him and Cao Xue.

   I feel that the present is true but the yesterday is not, but unfortunately, knowing that the way is lost has been forgotten.

   What happened can’t be changed.

   The night was getting darker, and Cao Xue, who had spoken to Lu Yang from time to time, fell asleep again. Lu Yang took out his phone and glanced at it. It was late at night again after 11 o'clock.

   gently put Cao Xue away, Lu Yang silently moved the notebook to the bed and continued to code.

   The mistake has been made, and he can only keep going. RS

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