Rebirth 2003

Chapter 261: Teaching child Yaqian to write web articles

The turmoil in the school gradually became a thing of the past. Bi Dongxue became one of the two directors of the Office of Academic Affairs. A teacher who taught politics in the high school was the director of the Office of School Affairs. The courses of the classes led by Wu Yongxiang and Mei Caiping were shared among For the other two teachers, the wind and waves in life are the same as those in the sea. No matter how big the waves are when they come, they will always return to calm and calm when they pass.

Lu Yang’s life also returned to peace. He went to class, codewords, and rest every day, and occasionally helped Tong Yaqian revise and revise the book "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms of Mengjiao` Niang" during work hours. I have to say that Tong Yaqian could do it before. The president of the school newspaper is really good at writing. If he writes essays or newsletters, he definitely doesn't say anything about such writing, but it has many shortcomings in Lu Yang's opinion when it is used on the Internet.

   It can be said that online literature is very different from traditional literature. If you can write traditional literature well, you can write online literature, and nine out of ten will get swollen nose and face. In Lu Yang's memory, the starting point once held a pk match between the Chairman of the 30 Provincial Writers Association at the starting point. As a result, one by one was embarrassed. The clicks and recommendations of the entire book were not as good as the odds of the starting point gods' data in a day.

   In Lu Yang's memory, that pk match taught him a word-give roses to others and leave lingering fragrance in his hands.

   Such book reviews often appear in the book review area below the works of the chairman of the Writers Association. The chairman of the Writers Association still can't touch the threshold of online articles, let alone Tong Yaqian who has written a school newspaper?

"The Romance of the Three Kingdoms of Mengjiao Niang" written by Tong Yaqian, in Lu Yang's view, the text is more than beautiful, but the plot development is too procrastinated. Lu Yang doesn't know whether female readers will like it. He can only follow Tong Yaqian is taught by his own experience.

   The most direct way, Lu Yang rented a copy of "The End of the World and Bright Moon Knife", Gu Long's masterpiece, from a bookstore near the school.

A copy of "The End of the End of the Moon Knife" was thrown in front of Tong Yaqian, let her read it first. Tong Yaqian may have seen a movie or TV series adapted from "The End of the End of the Moon Knife" before, but the novel of "The End of the End of the Moon Knife" is definitely the first time I have read it. How big is Gu Long?

Since Lu Yang rented this book for her to read, it must be a very classic book, and she should be able to learn a lot. With a learning attitude, Tong Yaqian opened the book and read it a little bit, then she barely persevered. Half a morning, she retreated.

   Close the book, Tong Yaqian said in surprise: "Gu Long writes novels like this? How do you guys see it?"

  A person, if you have never seen Gu Long’s work, and the first time you see Gu Long’s work is "The End of the World and Bright Moon Knife", you may have doubts like Tong Yaqian.

   Lu Yang smiled and explained to her: "Gu Long's works are written like this, probably only this one. Other works are not written like this."

Tong Yaqian: "Then why are you letting me read this book? The text in this book is too dry, right? There are no scenes and details, almost all character dialogues? And, what expressions and tone of character dialogues, and There is no description of mental activity at all! Can such novels be published?"

   Of course it can be published! Because this is Gu Long's work.

   To be fair, the plot of "The End of the World and Moon Knife" is superb, and it has created a classic Chinese character-Fu Hongxue.

   The writing of this book has gone to an extreme.

Lu Yang continued to smile for Tong Yaqian: "Gu Long's works have a great feature! There is very little text in the scene description! It is almost a typical representative of Yijingliu works! As you said, many times a plot, all is Promoted by the character’s dialogue, there is no scene description, no character expression, tone or psychological description. Do you know why he did this?"

   "Why?" Tong Yaqian has been completely aroused by curiosity. Gu Long is so famous that "The End of the World and Bright Moon Knife" is almost universally known, but it was written like this, which greatly subverted her imagination.

"Because Gu Long is making new attempts! He has written a lot of works in his life. The early works are almost all of them. Most people can't stand it. However, the level of works in the middle and later stages is very different. Lai Yue felt that the detailed descriptions of scenes and other details were completely useless words that dragged down the progress of the plot. At a certain period of time, this thought occupied Gu Long's thoughts, because at that time he found the detailed descriptions in his works and was adapting them. When it became a TV series or movie, it was completely useless, so he began to try to write only the plot, not the details, and this "The End of the World" is the product of his thinking."

   Tong Yaqian was stunned to hear, and there are others who write novels like this, as long as the branches are not branches and leaves.

   After a long while, Tong Yaqian suddenly asked: "Do you want me to write like this?"

Lu Yang nodded, shook his head again, and said with a smile: "I just want to tell you that writing online novels is king! Don't write too many details! Especially your personal comments as the author, it's best not to mix them up. In the works, of course, I’m not suggesting you to do such extreme works like Gu Long. It turns out that Gu Long almost wrote such a book for such extreme works. After writing this book, he himself realized that he wrote it like this. It won't work."

As for whether this is the case, what Lu Yang actually knows is not very clear. Gu Long has dozens of books throughout his life, but he has only read the most classic ones, such as "The Peerless Twins", "Little Li Fei Dao", "Chu Liuxiang" "Legend" and so on, the reason why he felt that the writing of "The End of the World and Bright Moon Knife" was the most extreme, probably because he had also read this book, and was also defeated by the style of Gu Long's writing.

   Tong Yaqian finished listening, thoughtfully, then looked at the first three chapters that he had written on the manuscript paper, and asked a little hesitantly: "You mean, can't I write like this?"

   "No!" Lu Yang pronounced the sentence cleanly.

   "How do you write that?"

"The content of the three chapters is combined into one chapter! You can write more freely in the later period of the online novel, because the number of words updated every day is too much, and the plot progress is slower. Readers’ opinions will not be very big, but if the early stage is tens of thousands If you write like this, there are certainly not many people who can read it! What everyone reads on the Internet is the storyline. If you want to read the rhetoric, there are a lot of masterpieces on the market. Why do readers want to read you? You are more confident than the past and the present. Many masters at home and abroad write better?"

   Tong Yaqian seemed to understand a little bit, nodded, picked up her manuscript, and said: "Okay! I'll rewrite it tonight!"

This was just one of the instructions. Two days later, it was still working hours in the morning. Tong Yaqian put the three thousand words written in front of Lu Yang and waited for Lu Yang’s comments, while her eyes were always on the door of the office. , Has the leader appeared?

   Openly doing things unrelated to work during working hours, if caught by the leader, he will definitely be criticized.

Lu Yang patiently read it word by word. For authors who write online articles, in fact, most people are very reluctant to help newcomers read the manuscript. It is not disdain, but too painful, especially in the form of manuscripts or documents. It’s hard to read the manuscript of the book. If Tong Yaqian and Lu Yang are not in that kind of relationship, he can definitely push such things.

   It took more than ten minutes to read the three thousand words, Lu Yang pursed his lips, sorted out his thoughts, and then gave Tong Yaqian's expectant eyes again and gave him a comment.

   "Not enough? Why?"

   Tong Yaqian was a little disappointed.

   But in a responsible manner, Lu Yang still wanted to tell the truth.

Said: "The plot is not a big problem! But the words and sentences are too serious! Another characteristic of the web text is popularization and colloquialism! Too serious writing will make the reader very tired! To put it simply, in your text, From time to time, there should be sentences that make readers smile. Of course, if you are a great god-level author, you don't have to do this, but as an unknown newcomer, this is especially important!"

   "How do you write it?"

   Tong Yaqian frowned, she was going crazy.

In the past few days, I wrote three chapters with more than 9,000 words for the first time. This time I rewrite it again with more than 3,000 words and more than 10,000 words. This is not a big deal for writers accustomed to writing online novels, but for For people who used to have only a few hundred words or a thousand words in an article, it is definitely a difficult process, and they can only write so many words by racking their brains.

   "Spoken language! The text is humorous!" Lu Yang smiled and watched Tong Yaqian want to scratch his and found it very interesting.

Tong Yaqian's eyeballs rolled around a few times, her brows stretched, her mouth pursed, and this expression was very abnormal. When Lu Yang was feeling strange, Tong Yaqian said, smiling and saying, it's almost a rogue, and said: "Don't just talk about it! You write a chapter for me! Didn’t you say that I can’t write it? You write the first chapter for me to see! Give me a demonstration!"

   Lu Yang opened his mouth slightly, didn't he just give you advice and help her revise it? Why do you want him to write on your behalf?

   "No! I don't have so much time."

   After Lu Yang was stunned, he immediately refused. Recently, the monthly ticket list is in full swing. He feels that his code word is running out of time. Where can I help Tong Yaqian to write?

"If you can't, you have to do it! Who told you to say that what I wrote can't do? Just one chapter! Write now! I'll help you look at the leader." At this time, there was only another female teacher in the office, and Tong Yaqian's tone was almost silly. Jiao.

Lu Yang couldn’t help but shook his head with a wry smile. He had to take Tong Yaqian’s manuscript and rewrite her the first chapter, the opening chapter name. Lu Yang didn’t use Tong Yaqian’s chapter name. Lu Yang wrote: Chapter 001, I Is it the prince? Why is it a daughter body.

The plot at the beginning of    is different from that written by Lu Yang and Tong Yaqian. Tong Yaqian wrote about a modern urban female college student, and then traveled to the end of the Han Dynasty when a woman ruled the entire country.

Before crossing, he wrote more than a thousand words, but at the beginning, Lu Yang wrote that the female college student had already crossed to the Han Dynasty imperial palace. She was a daughter, but she was the prince Liu Fan who was able to inherit the throne. The emperor was her mother. Chao Wenwu, all women. RS

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