Rebirth 2003

Chapter 271: Fundraising

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   On the morning of December 6, Lu Yang was sitting in his office drinking tea. He had just returned from a class. At this time, what he was thinking was not about shàngkè just now, but about raising money to buy Apple stock.


   Apple will launch an epoch-making smartphone early next year. Buying Apple’s stock will definitely make a big profit at this time. Such a good profit is not a big profit, and Lu Yang can’t sleep at night. If you just want to make a fortune, you have to have a lot of money to buy its stocks. The question now is how to raise as much capital as possible.


   Lu Yang was silent, thinking of one way at a time.


   First of all, Vanke’s stock can be thrown away first, and the funds can be recovered to buy Apple’s stock. Vanke’s a-share stock has also been bought for a period of time, and it should have appreciated a little bit. I don’t know how much.




   There are not many ways to think of! Maybe you can try to sell the rights to adapt your own novels, games, and comics at a faster rate. Now the online literature industry has not proposed full copyright operations. This step is not easy, but if you don't try it, how can you be reconciled? How can I say that I am also one of the first batch of five platinum, and I just won the fifth consecutive monthly ticket list. With this honor, there should be some hope for full copyright operation?


For zài times, I probably only borrowed money from someone. It’s useless to borrow money from ordinary people. A loan of 35,000 yuan is not very useful, not to mention, people are likely to collect debts every three to five, which can cause people to have a nervous breakdown. , Try to ask those great authors and Chen Yi and others for borrowing!


   Is there any other way besides these three?


   Unconsciously rubbing the tea cup in his hand with his fingers, Lu Yang squinted his eyes and continued thinking. Maybe those two Internet cafes can also be shot! Although it is my first industry, it has special meaning and I am not willing to be willing. But now he obviously doesn't have much energy to look after that side, and the two Internet cafes are all sold, plus the two sets of facades, even if they sell for less than two million, it won't be too much difference, two million of funds to buy Apple's stock, a few years later. How can it be doubled dozens of times? Even hundreds or thousands of times are not impossible.


   As for the house where I lived in college...


never mind! Still not for sale! Now that he can't sell for much money, Lu Yang is really not willing, because there are too many memories of him.


   Just do it!


   Just do it! During the break at noon. Lu Yang slapped Rui Xiaoxiu and Wang Da separately, asking them to help them figure out how to get rid of those two Internet cafes.


In   ànhuà, when Rui Xiaoxiu heard Lu Yang say that he would sell Internet cafes, his first reaction was not to ask why. It was silent for a moment. Somewhat nervously asked: "Lu Yang...Are you planning not to come back in the future?"


   The cautious tone, like a frightened little rabbit.


   Lu Yang shook his head and said, "No! I need money to do a big thing recently, don't worry! I don't plan to sell the house near xuéào. I will come back as soon as the internship is over! I will come to see you before the Chinese New Year this year!"






   "You lied to me as a puppy?" Rui Xiaoxiu's voice finally became playful in nhuà, which was probably relieved.


   "Hmm! Puppy!" Lu Yang wēào cooperated.


   Rui Xiaoxiu: "Okay! I'll print a few advertisements for you later. Paste them in several places nearby!"


   "Well! Post more! You can paste a few in various places in the city by car!"


   "Okay! I see."


   And when Wang Da, the counselor, heard that Lu Yang was going to sell two Internet cafes, it was jīngyà first. Then he persuaded: "Lu Yang! Don't be confused, you kid! Those two Internet cafes are old hens who can lay golden eggs! It's no problem to earn hundreds of thousands every year. You can't just kill chickens and get eggs just because you are short of money for a while. what!"


Lu Yang: "Thank you, teacher, for your concern! First, I don’t have the energy to take care of those two Internet cafes. Second, recently I really need a lot of money. The more the better, rest assured, teacher! I know what I’m doing. I have already thought about it carefully!"


Wang Da: "That's it! Okay! I want to get your two Internet cafes down. Then, I will go to my brother to find a way to see if I can get my brother to lend me a sum of money. Both Internet cafes are mature. It's a pity to sell to others, but don't worry! If I can really raise money to buy it, it won't depress your price. By the way! How much do you plan to get rid of?"


This question was just asked, and Lu Yang hadn’t answered yet. Wang Da quickly said, “Forget it! Don’t say it. I just wanted to sell it, so I asked you the price. You must be embarrassed to charge a high price. I’ll find someone. Evaluate for yourself! I promise to give you a suitable price!"


  Wanda wants to buy those two Internet cafes?


Lu Yang was taken aback, but then he laughed. Just like Wang Da said, these two Internet cafes have matured, and hundreds of thousands of them are no problem every year. It is indeed a pity to sell to others. If he can raise money, it is not bad to sell it to him.


   Thinking this way, Lu Yang smiled and said, "Okay! But I am eager to wait for the money. Anyway, I must sell it before the Chinese New Year this year. Teacher, bear with me!"


  Wanda: "Okay! I see, I will go to my brother tonight. He knows many big bosses. It should be no problem to borrow one or two million."


   The official finds the big boss to borrow money? Or one or two million? Lu Yang laughed a little bit. He didn't expect Wang Da to tell him this directly, but Lu Yang didn't worry too much for him. As long as Wang Da bought these two Internet cafes, he would be able to pay off all the money borrowed in a few years, probably not. Harm his brother.


   called Rui Xiaoxiu and Wang Da ànhuà, Lu Yang held his mobile phone, frowned and paced slowly in the small room, and began to figure out how to operate the full copyright operation.


   He is almost as famous in the online literature world, but his contacts in film, comics, and games are almost completely blank. To operate this matter, I am afraid that he needs to rely on the power of his book fans.


As for which one to sell, or which novels to be adapted, you don’t need to think about it. You can be the buyer. The first time you sell these copyrights, the price will definitely not be as good as a few years later, but now it’s not the price, but the price. Sell ​​it as soon as possible. After you get the money, you can buy Apple's stock immediately. The copyright has appreciated by a lot, and it can't compare with Apple's stock by dozens of times, hundreds of times, or even thousands of times.


   thought. Lu Yang turned on the laptop and sent a call to Wang Lin during the time the computer was started. In ànhuà, I told the other party that Wang Lin’s family is in Shanghai, and his family is very rich. The classmate Dai Qingwa who is helping them make movies is also a member of the film and television industry. In terms of film and television adaptation rights, he should be able to help. busy.


   As expected, in ànhuà. When Wang Lin listened to Lu Yang's thoughts, he laughed and said: "Wen University! You have a business mind! This is great! Full copyright operation... Foreign best-sellers have done this for a long time, and you are so famous now. You can really try it, as long as you sell any adaptation rights, you should make more money than you open a new book with a few million words! OK! Film adaptation and comics. I will help you to contact you. Look. Well, in terms of games, I'll try it for you too!"


   Lu Yang: "Thanks!"


Wang Lin: "Hehe! Don't be so polite! You forgot that I am your number one die-hard fan? Your business is mine! Being polite is absolutely unnecessary. If you want to thank me, just try to write a few more wonderful books. Let me see the masterpiece!"


   Lu Yang: "Well, I won't let you down."


   "Okay! Let's stop here! I'll help you figure out a solution!"


"and many more!"


   When Wang Lin was about to hang up ànhuà, Lu Yang stopped him, and a thought suddenly came out in his heart. My hard-core fan, help myself unconditionally. Lu Yang said that it must be a fake not to be moved. Just now, a thought came into his mind, a very strong thought, and he suddenly wanted to do something for such a book fan.


   "Huh? Any ideas from Wenda?"


Lu Yang was silent for a moment. Just when Wang Lin was about to ask again, Lu Yang said softly: "I feel that the stock of Apple in the United States will rise sharply in the past two years. If you have money, you might as well buy more! "


ànhuà Wang Lin fell silent, and after a while, he also whispered softly, "Wen University! I don’t touch stocks at home. I’m not a master. I won’t be able to hear a sound even if I smashed it with a lot of money, but since it’s from Wen University. Suggestion, I will buy a few hundred thousand to see, so let’s go to Wenda! Thank you for your suggestion, I’m going to be busy!"


Obviously, Wang Lin has no confidence in Lu Yang’s suggestions on stocks, and he really shouldn’t have confidence. A writer who writes online novels, writes songs, writes scripts, and invests in making movies, is already out of business, and now he comes to talk to him again. He said which stock he thinks will rise sharply in the past two years, or a stock far in the United States. As long as it is a normal person, I am afraid that he will not believe it. Wang Lin can say that he will buy it for hundreds of thousands, which is already considered as a stock for Lu. Yang face up.


   Lu Yang didn't persuade him much. He couldn't say too much about this kind of thing. If there were too many, the feeling between the two would change. It might make Wang Lin mistake him for being too impetuous and misleading fans.


   sighed inwardly, Lu Yang put down his phone, and the computer had already started up at this time. Wang Lin's distrust was not what he had thought suddenly before.


Wang Lin is not the only fan of his own books. He can't decide how many people will believe the news, but even if only one or two people believe it, ránhòu will try to buy some Apple stocks, which should help them make a fortune. !


   I used to be ignorant of those real book fans. Now that I have this jīhuì, can I make money? Let them do it by themselves!


Log in to skillfully. First, I dealt with the private messages sent to him by other authors and readers. Ránhòu Lu Yang opened his only book friend group, considered the words, and posted a paragraph in the book friend group. talk.


   "I am studying stocks recently, and I feel that the stock of Apple Inc. in the United States should have risen sharply in the past two years. Friends with free money at hand can buy a little and try!"


As soon as the news of Lu Yang was sent to the group, many readers immediately responded, but most of them were laughing at Wen Chou and not doing business properly, and some smiled and said: "Wen Da! Don't teach children to be bad! Buying stocks can make people. The bankrupted!" (To be continued...)


PS: Thank you Qiu Xingbijianfeng for rewarding 100 points, thank you for seeing the reward of 1888 points, thank you for being upset, rewarding 6252 points for zài times, and becoming the number one guardian of the book’s fans, thanks to Tartar The car on the road rewarded 10,000 coins, ranking ninth on the fan list of this book. Thanks to Pan Niu for rewarding 10,100 coins this time, and ranked tenth on the fan list of this book. Well, today because of Pan Niu’s leader Temptation, there will be six chapters update, if you don't write six chapters, you won't sleep today, everyone will wait and see!


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