Rebirth 2003

Chapter 275: Lu Yang's influence

? It may be that I have been too tired recently. The bell did not wake up Lu Yang at the end of this class, and he was still asleep. Several teachers who saw him had already smiled bitterly and shook their heads. . 23uS.


   A teacher said: "Ms. Lu Yang shouldn't be so tired these days?"


   Another teacher who heard these words curiously asked: "How to say? Do you know whether he should be tired? When did you become half immortal?"


A certain teacher smiled and said, "Isn’t Mr. Lu Yang writing novels? You know I also have a hobby of reading novels, and finally I was curious to find Mr. Lu Yang’s novels to read, so I know that his latest update speed is not fast! It stands to reason, He shouldn't be so sleepy now!"


Another teacher: "Ah? Are you reading his novels? Didn't you only read martial arts novels before? There are quite a few students in my class watching online novels. I saw one book confiscated! I don’t know the so-called junk text, I don’t know how those students like it!"


   A certain teacher smiled and said, "You are prejudice! Internet novels are not all unsightly! Teacher Lu Yang wrote very well! You can check it out when you have time."




After Tong Yaqian returned to the office after a class, she naturally saw that Lu Yang was still asleep. She only smiled at this. If Lu Yang clubbed at night, or played games like this, she would definitely Disgusted, but she knew that Lu Yang was writing a manuscript. Seeing that he was so tired, she felt distressed. Since she had been with Lu Yang, she had gone to Lu Yang to stay overnight, and basically never knew when Lu Yang went to bed at night. I have mentioned Lu Yang several times, but it has no effect at all. Gradually, she stopped talking about him, sometimes thinking about it. I am proud to fall in love with a man who works hard like this.


   No woman likes a man who does not seek to be motivated.


   When the bell rang at the end of the third class, Lu Yang finally got enough sleep and got up with a smile on his face. When he opened his eyes, he saw Tong Yaqian's sullen eyes.


   "What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like this?" Lu Yang asked with a smile.


   Tong Yaqian: "What's the matter? To be honest! What time did you sleep last night? I don't care about my body at all?"


   Lu Yang: "Hehe, I was wrong, correct it next time!"


   Tong Yaqian gave Lu Yang a white look. Said: "Believe you to blame!"




   The days passed each day, and it was Saturday soon, and there was no class on this day. Lu Yang didn't get up until eight o'clock in the morning and went out at about nine o'clock. On that day, Lu Yang met with representatives of the Quartet. Representative of audiobooks and representatives of three comic publishing houses. Signed the copyright agreement respectively, and got the other party's copyright fee transfer.


   The audio copyright is 100,000, a comic agency that bought "Magic Sword Eternal" is 100,000, and the other two are 80,000 and 50,000. Together, they add up to Lu Yang's 330,000.


   Private transactions have the benefits of private transactions, 330,000, without paying a penny of personal income tax. Perhaps the relevant departments will come to recover this income tax in the future, but at present Lu Yang is in the stage of serious lack of money. Naturally, he would not take the initiative to pay personal income tax, and all 330,000 was transferred to his own account.


   On the evening of the successful transaction, Lu Yang announced the incident at the end of the chapter when he updated the second chapter.


"Thanks to the leader Pan Niu and the car on the asphalt road for helping to contact the audiobooks and comics. At present, the audio copyright and comic adaptation rights of "Sword Eternal" have been sold, and the comic adaptation rights of "Doomsday Wasteland" and "Legend of the Master" have been sold. Sold, and other companies are welcome to buy other copyrights of Wen Chou's other works! In addition, my third and fourth signature samples have been sent out. Please check them by Pan Niu and the car on the asphalt road. Thanks again to both of you!"


After this chapter was sent out, the words at the end of the chapter were naturally quickly seen by countless readers and authors. You must know that the number of collectors of Lu Yang’s "Magic Sword Eternity" at the starting point has exceeded 180,000, plus More than ten times the number of people who saw the pirates, it is not an exaggeration to say that it was seen by countless people.


Then this passage naturally caused a heated discussion in the industry. In the past two days, everyone was laughing at Wen Chou for being too self-esteem and over-reliant. No one was optimistic about his so-called full copyright operation. Several copyrights have been released, audiobooks? Comic adaptation? Such a strange ranking. How many people have heard of online novels that can adapt these two things?


   For the majority of readers, this news only surprised them at most and refreshed their own perceptions, but for many online writers who have been paying attention to this matter, it is impossible to just be surprised.


  This is related to their vital interests, and the hardship of writing online articles. Who doesn't want their writing to sell more money and improve their lives? In recent years, there are not many wealthy people who write online articles. Very few people who are really rich will come to write online articles. If you look at the self-ridicule of some great gods, you can understand the status of writers these days.


   "Codeword Worker"!


   Writing a small explanation is mental work, but it has developed into a kind of manual work. Is the writing good? Good idea? There is no superior codeword speed, 100 writers, at least 99.


When these authors saw Lu Yang’s announcement, although they still felt that the full copyright operation proposed by Wen Chou was not reliable, they still felt a dawn from the sky. The adaptation of their novels into movies or even online games is too far away, but if It can also be adapted into audiobooks and comics. Isn’t that another source of money?


This temptation is especially great for those great authors. They think that the quality of their works is not lower than that of Wen Chou's works. Even if there is a little gap, the gap is very small. Now that Wen Chou's works can be adapted into audiobooks and comics, Then why doesn't mine work?


  Especially in Lu Yang's announcement, except for the other two books of "Magic Sword Eternity", they definitely gave them great confidence. "The Doomsday Wasteland"? "Legend of the Master"?


   They admit that the standard of "Legend of Master" is indeed good, but "The Doomsday Wasteland"? The work under your own name is better than this book, right? "The Doomsday Wasteland" can be adapted from comics. Why can't those works under our name work?


Therefore, after some authors who consciously had a good relationship with Wen Chou were surprised, they immediately sent a private message to Wen Chou, asking about the specific process of the operation, and of course, they also directly asked the contact information of the companies of Wen Chou. Sell ​​more for a sum of money.


   There are many top gods who sent private messages to Lu Yang, and even a few big **** authors who have already left the digital station, and even some first-line authors began to contact Wen Chou.


The authors were moved. The editors and bosses of several websites also brightened their eyes and saw a new profit channel. The editors responded the fastest. They reported the good news to their managers and bosses as soon as possible. To be honest, online novels only rely on readers’ subscriptions, and websites can’t make a lot of money. A thousand words cost two cents, half of the author’s share, and half of the website’s share. The annual income is tens of millions of millions. For a website, compared to others. The industry, I really can't hold my head up! Otherwise, the starting point of the industry's leading website would not have been acquired by the game-making Shanda in the first two years. Even if the leading website is like this, the profitability of other websites can be imagined.


   Although at present, under the suggestion of Lu Yang, the reward system was launched ahead of schedule, which greatly enhanced the profitability of various websites, but compared with this huge emerging industry, the profitability of various websites is still not enough.


   And now it is Lu Yang, the first to propose full copyright operation, and amidst the criticism, he successfully sold the other two copyrights that everyone had never thought of before.


   Can online novels be adapted into audiobooks and comics? Is it really feasible to adapt it into a movie and TV or even into an online game?


  The starting point editorial department was the first to hold such a conference, and then digital stations, magic swords, Tianying and other websites held similar conferences. Because of Lu Yang's move, another spring breeze blew into the web writing industry.


   A new era has been lifted.


   Lu Yang's only book fan group, everyone talked about it again.


  Thor Group: "Wenda actually sold two kinds of copyrights? Although it feels incredible, we still have to give Wenda a thumbs up!"


   A set of old clothes: "I envy Pan Niu and the car on the asphalt road! You can actually get the third and fourth autographed sample books of the University of Wenzhou, so there is nothing to be jealous of?"


Brother Yuan: "Pan Niu, I know, the leader of the fan list, but who is the car on the asphalt road? I didn't find the name of Ya in the top five hundred fans list. This is what I should be jealous of! Why? He can also get a sample book signed by Wenda? Who can help me out?"


   Bailong Jianxian: "I am also wondering too! Sit down and wait for the confusion!"


   vote for you if you like it: "Sit down and wait for +1"


   Deng Sangtian: "Sit down and wait for confusion +2"




   Amid the shouts of +3 and +4, the car on the asphalt road finally came out to help everyone.


The car on the asphalt road: "Boss, don’t you need to be so sad, right? I’m indeed not in the top 500 on the fan list. The reason why Wenda gave me a set of signature books is because I made more than a dozen calls to help Wenda reach three. The Comic Publishing House is still actively working on If you are interested, you can also help together. There are so many works of the University of Literature, and there are still many copyrights that have not been sold!"


   As soon as the explanation of the car on the asphalt road came out, many readers were silent, and a few seconds later, Pan Niu, who also got a copy of Wen Chou's signature book, appeared.


Pan Niu: "I'm a little ashamed after reading the explanation from my brother. Really, the audiobook I helped connect with Wenda is because I happen to know a person like that. If nothing else, I will continue to help Wenda! Well! How can you be compared to others?"


After Pan Niu’s speech, enthusiastic readers appeared again. You said in a word that you also want to help Wenda University. Originally in everyone’s imagination, it was impossible to achieve full copyright operation. In Pan Niu and Under the demonstration of the car on the asphalt road, everyone felt a real possibility.


   Among loyal book fans, there are always a few well-connected. (To be continued...)


ps: Thank you Bailongjianxian,;,; for the reward of 100 coins, thank you for the reward of 588 coins, thank you for voting for you, you will reward you with 688 coins, thank you; reward 1176 coins, and Everyone’s monthly pass, this is the fifth change promised, (5/6)

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