Rebirth 2003

Chapter 679: The heart is broad, the world is broad

"Where have you been in the past three days? How many calls have I called you and how many messages have I sent you, do you know? On your phone, on Q`Q! Have you not been on Q`Q these three days? You where are you now?"

   Lu Yang just dialed Tong Yaqian's phone. Tong Yaqian's questioning voice immediately hit him like a cannon, but Lu Yang was not angry at all. He knew that Tong Yaqian cared about him, so it would be so. He didn't care, how could he be so angry?

   Today, three days later, Lu Yang's expression was plain, with some light and windy casualness on his face and eyes. Hearing Tong Yaqian's questioning, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

   "I am returning to Shanghai, where are you? Where are you? Are you in a hurry to find me?"

Tong Yaqian: "Where am I? I have been in your house in Shanghai these days! I am in a hurry to find you? What do you say? Cao Xue texted me that she broke up with you, let me come with you! Who did she think she was? Huh? Are you okay now?"

   "It's okay! Listen to my voice, do you think I have something to do?"

   The car was moving forward, not fast or slow. Lu Yang could imagine Tong Yaqian's look at the moment, but he didn't expect her to react so much. It seemed that Cao Xue asked her to accompany him, but she didn't appreciate it.

   But think about it, her character is much tougher than Cao Xue.

   "Come back! If you dare to delay outside, I will break up with you too!"

   Finally, Tong Yaqian threatened Lu Yang angrily before hanging up the phone.

   Removed the phone from his ear, took a look, Lu Yang smiled, and threw the phone in the passenger seat, but suddenly stepped on the gas pedal and instantly increased the speed of the car.

   An ancient verse that I learned in high school flashed in my heart-Dongyu has passed away, Sang Yufei late.

In recent years, it has been difficult for him to make a choice between Cao Xue and Tong Yaqian. Even if he decided to marry Cao Xue last year, he felt very reluctant and apologetic to Tong Yaqian. Today, Cao Xue’s departure has made him Heartache for a while, but also helped him make a choice.

  Life, look forward!

  As his mind changed, Lu Yang's gaze in front of him became focused.

   This is the real world, not the fairy world in the novel.

   In the world of Xianxia, ​​people with great ambitions seek longevity. The real world is cruel. No one can live forever. From the moment they are born, everyone is doomed to die.

   Then, when a person lives in this world, the sign of whether he is strong or not is his inner strength!

   Those with a strong heart, even if they are temporarily sleepy and worthless, will eventually rise to the top. The reason is simple! People with strong hearts will not be afraid of failure. Even if they fail 99 times, as long as they succeed the hundredth time, then all previous failures have meaning.

   Those who are not strong enough in their hearts, even if they are in a high position and have billions of fortunes, will eventually fall into the world and lose their wealth.

  The reason is still very simple! One step is wrong, and the whole game is lost.

   Therefore, people who start from scratch are more able to keep their wealth, while those who keep money often run out of wealth.

  The difference is often not in the mind, but in the state of mind!

   You don’t see the high-spirited person who was in a high position yesterday. Once you are in jail, you will be full of depression? It seems to be more than ten years old overnight?

   The people who used to be busy with their livelihoods, once learned, the momentum is very different?

  The person is still the same person, just because of the change of mood, he shows a completely different temperament outside.

   Lu Yang was originally a poor ghost, struggling for many years on the line of bashing and not bashing the street. After his rebirth, he made money faster and faster. In just a few years, he has more than 200 million net worth.

   People whose wealth suddenly swells will inevitably expand in their hearts. If they realize that they have so much wealth, they can fully control their own destiny and get everything they want.

   The mood is unbalanced, and it is inevitable that the advancement and retreat are lost.

   Cao Xue's departure was like a blow to the head, finally allowing him to see the reality and himself clearly.

  In just three days, he seemed to have gone through all kinds of things, and suddenly he really matured a lot.

This kind of maturity may not make him understand how to be a good person, a good man, but at least it has made him understand that there are some things that cannot be forced. From the day he was born in this world, life is like embarking on a train that will always move forward. In the middle of the journey, there will be some people, some things, and some people will come and go. Before getting off the car, the only one who has been moving forward is myself.

Maybe, Tong Yaqian will leave one day, but if you keep entangled with this possibility, then the following days will never be happy. Only when you look down on the origin and death, cherish every day together, can you live up to the heavens and let yourself be with Tong Yaqian. This fate.

   The result of all lives is destined to lose everything.

   Then, the meaning of life is not in the result, but in the process.

   Enjoying this process, Fang has come to this world in vain.

To understand this, Lu Yang is broad-minded, and there are some subtle changes in his breath. If he was indifferent to the outside world, it was because he only cared about the people and things he cared about, and didn't dare to be interested in everything else. .

   So now his clouds are light and breezy, it is a kind of calmness.

  Because I see myself clearly, because I see the world clearly, I see the road ahead, so I am confident that the road ahead will not be rough, my heart will no longer be tangled, so I am calm.


   That afternoon, when he returned to Shanghai and returned to No. 47, Shimao Binhu Garden, and appeared in front of Tong Yaqian, what Tong Yaqian saw was a different Lu Yang.

   is still smiling, and there is still a faint smile in his eyes, but in Tong Yaqian's view, he has become different.

   If he used to be a tight bow, now he is a slack bow.

   Bow is still that kind of bow, but it feels completely different when it is tightened and loosened.

   This description may not be concrete enough.

For example, in "The Eight Parts of the Dragon", Kumazhi in the early and mid-terms is full of greed and hostility, and will kill people at will, but when it comes to the finale, when he really sees everything and puts everything down, it is still the same. An actor, but it makes people feel that his breath has all changed, and his domineering face actually faintly reveals a feeling of great compassion.

   Of course, Lu Yang is different from Kumozhi. It is impossible for him to feel compassionate on his face, but his temperament and aura have really changed.

   This change made Tong Yaqian suspicious, and couldn't help but look at him carefully up and down several times, wondering why he couldn't see the decadence after a broken relationship?

   Doesn't he love Cao Xue so much? I was wrong before? Cao Xue's departure does not matter to him at all?

   Tong Yaqian couldn't help but guess that way.

Tong Yaqian’s suspicion and speculation were only a moment, and soon she cleared up her emotions and smiled, because for her, no matter what the reason, now Lu Yang no longer missed Cao Xue day and night, for her , Is a good thing.

   There is no woman who wants a man she likes, always thinking of another woman, and unable to extricate herself.

   "Beauty! Have you seen enough?"

   Lu Yang smiled and joked Tong Yaqian.

  Tong Yaqian took a look at him, then stepped forward and twitched his ears, and scolded: "Okay, you! Which vixen did you look for to vent these days? Even your phone is turned off? You are a bit fat now!"

   Lu Yang looked at her speechlessly. He didn't expect to come back from O city, the little guy was gone and pulled his ears. When he returned to Shanghai, Tong Yaqian came to pull his ears again...

   This is a fleeting disadvantage. Are your ears uncomfortable this year?

   Sweeping his eyes to the left and right, he saw the housekeeper, He Baiming, and the nanny either look away or pursed his lips and snickered. Lu Yang didn't bother to bully his own woman and was not ashamed.

   However, I can't get used to Tong Yaqian's bad troubles, and my husband can't be let down!

Suddenly bent over, Tong Yaqian was completely unprepared, took her legs with one hand, and hugged her behind her, like the bandits snatched Mrs. Zhai, amidst Tong Yaqian’s exclamation, she laughed and hugged her. She strode upstairs.

Tong Yaqian, who was totally unprepared, did not expect Lu Yang to have such a bold and shameless day. In an instant, a white face that could be broken by a bomb blushed with shame, and embarrassedly slammed his fist on Lu Yang's shoulder and chest. .

   But the strength is not great, for Lu Yang, it is not much different from Tickle.

   Lu Yang laughed and looked down at Tong Yaqian in his arms. Although she was embarrassed, she looked at him with shame and joy.

   Lu Yang has never seen this kind of style in her. When I saw it at this time, I couldn't help but feel refreshed, and I deeply felt that his decision was right.

  Poetry fairy Li Bai once said: "Life must be full of joy, don't make Jinzun empty to the moon!"

   Throughout Li Bai's his talent is unmatched in the world. With thousands of years of history in China, there is no one who can surpass him in poetry.

   But he will not have the wealth of high-ranking officials and wealth in his entire life.

   was reckless and unrestrained, leaving countless fascinating stories, and his post-drinking "Jiangjinjiu" has already made him famous forever.

   After Li Bai, the dynasty was changed, and the high-ranking officials were rich and wealthy, and the world was rich.

   But those emperors, generals, and the world's richest people, how many people can have Li Baiyi's life free and easy?

   Poetry Fairy-Li Bai.

   Ming was born in the world, but from his wandering life and freely swaying poems, he feels like a fairy in myths and legends.

   Since history, everyone has longed for the life of immortals, longing for immortals to live forever.

   But the reality is that no one of us can do it forever, but the life of an immortal can actually be obtained in the mortal world.

   Li Bai is hailed as an exile.

   Isn’t his life exactly what we yearn for?

How is    different from immortals?

   said a little bit further. Looking at the great talents in ancient times, they were either sloppy and wanton for a lifetime, or lived in seclusion and lived a rural life.

   such as Li Bai, such as Tao Yuanming, Tang Bohu...

   With their talents, if they focus on official career or money, they will definitely not differ too much from others, but they all choose to live without restraints.


   Just because I see through the red dust.

   Their lives, in the eyes of some people, lack initiative and are not desirable!

   Danzi is not a fish, how can I know the joy of fish?

   As Tang Bohu wrote in "Peach Blossom Temple": People laugh at me too crazy, I laugh at others and can't see through! R1152

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