"Mom, I'm going to eat in the mountains tomorrow, it's delicious." Meatloaf looked at the dumplings eagerly, he hadn't had enough of it yet.

When he was on the mountain during the day, grandpa was working in the field. He and his sister went to catch the grasshopper and the cicada, took the straw and skewered it, and then let the grandfather cook it on the fire, although it didn't look as good as the food made by mother, it was dark Yes, but the taste is very good. My sister disliked it at first, and finally couldn't stop eating it.

"It's delicious... worms are delicious..." The pale-faced Meat Bun also followed, with a longing look on his face.

She has to go up the mountain tomorrow. It is really fun on the mountain, much more fun than in the city.

The tangyuanyuan didn't get angry, tapped the meat bun's little face lightly, and said angrily: "If you eat more, go to the hospital for an injection, such a long needle will go in."

She measured the length of the needle, which was about ten centimeters long. The meat bun was so scared that her face was even whiter and her eyes were wet, but she still couldn't get rid of her desire to eat worms. It's too powerful, even if it's going to be injected, Meat Bun is willing to try it.

"Eat a little less... just a little..."

Meat Bun used her fleshy little paws to compare, and looked at the dumplings pitifully, tears hung on her long eyelashes, and her fleshy cheeks were full of tears, her little face was miserable, and from time to time A few hiccups, a pitiful look, who can bear to refuse.

Tiedan couldn't take it anymore, he glanced at the dumplings, and said with courage, "Or... let me eat less meat buns, it should be fine, I used to eat them when I was a kid."

Speaking of which, he slapped and ran a few times, just like the meat pie, and said with emotion: "The roast is delicious, and the grasshopper is delicious, but I still know it, and the ones I caught when I was a child were not enough for me and Yadan to eat. "

The meatloaf brothers and sisters nodded vigorously and said in unison, "It's delicious and fragrant."

When it comes to eating, my father and them are more in line with each other. My mother does not eat meat very much, and she often cooks vegetarian food. She said to eat less meat and eat more vegetarian food. Although the vegetarian food made by my mother tastes very good, the vegetables are not delicious. It's meaty.

Tang Yuanyuan glared fiercely, pointed at the sluggish meat bun and said, "Still eating? I really want your daughter to go to the hospital for injections, those bugs are full of parasites and bacteria, and I don't know if your father is cooked. No, in case of parasites..."

She couldn't go on, her mind was full of slender white strips. She often saw this kind of news in the newspapers. Because the meat she ate was not cooked, some even ate sashimi directly. As a result, her body was full of parasites. Insects, as well as those that get into the brain and eyes, are serious and even life-threatening.

The more Tang Yuanyuan thought about it, the more frightened it became, and the more resentment toward her father-in-law became. None of this family had common sense in life. Eighty-five-six, to put it poorly, even if one or two are folded, there will always be a few left.

Now every family has only one child, at most two, three are rare, and now how much energy and financial resources does it take to raise a child, in case of good or bad, which parent can stand it?

"If there is something wrong with the child, I... I'm not finished with you"

Tang Yuanyuan glared at Tie Dan again, and then looked at the brothers and sisters sternly. The three of them tightened their necks together, and the meat bun tilted his head, lying in the neck of Tie Dan and pretending to be dead. Anyway, she was sick, hum Humph……

I called Ye Qingqing, Tang Yuan Yuan talked about eating insects, and asked worriedly: "The meat bun was spit up in a mess, and the bile was spit out, that's fine, I'm worried that there will be parasites, do you want it tomorrow? Go to the hospital to check?"

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