Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 2130 unrestrained things

The 2130th chapter is a wild thing

Chen Jianghai nodded in agreement, and then gave the other party a reassurance: "You are right on this point. It is indeed difficult to convince Disney."

"But don't worry about this matter, just leave it to me to handle it.

Don't worry, since I dare to say so, I have the confidence to win it. "

Li Yuanchun saw that Chen Jianghai was full of confidence, so he didn't say anything.

At the same time, he was full of anticipation and curiosity.

He wants to see how Chen Jianghai will finally get a big company like Disney to agree to the authorization.

You know, for now, Disney's ranking in the Fortune Global 500 is even higher than Chen Jianghai's Qiuhai Group.

Moreover, the fields of the two companies are completely different, and there is almost no intersection.

So, where did Chen Jianghai's confidence come from?

For these doubts, Li Yuanchun naturally couldn't ask Chen Jianghai directly, which involved business secrets.

Although he thinks that it is very difficult for Chen Jianghai to achieve this goal, he still sincerely hopes that Chen Jianghai can succeed.

After all, if Disney settled in Hexing County, it would be like putting a big satellite in the country.

The various benefits it brings are self-evident.

So he said to Chen Jianghai: "Then wish Mr. Chen your success.

Mr. Chen is worthy of being a person who has done great things. He has an ambition that is unmatched by ordinary people, which is really embarrassing. "

Chen Jianghai was not polite to Li Yuanchun's praise and accepted it readily.

Because he deserves such a compliment.

In fact, what he has to do is far more shocking than this.

He told Li Yuanchun directly: "In fact, the introduction of Disney is only one of the plans. After that, I will also introduce KFC, McDonald's and other fast food companies here, and for accommodation, I will introduce large hotels like Hilton. In short, there is everything here. All."

"Moreover, they are all big foreign brands. If you want to experience this exquisite and high-end life, you can do it here in one stop."

Li Yuanchun didn't know how to describe his mood at this time, and was shocked and numb.

The blueprint drawn by Chen Jianghai is too grand.

If all are realized, what kind of prosperous scene it will be, he really dare not imagine.

However, he found a problem here, so he couldn't help frowning and asked:

"Mr. Chen, all the brands are foreign, isn't it bad?

As if we were foreigners.

I'm afraid it will be criticized. "

How could Chen Jianghai not think about this question, he smiled slightly and replied:

"I have considered this aspect. All foreign brands are used because these brands are well-known and easier to attract everyone's attention."

"One thing I have to admit is that many people in China still have the idea that foreigners' things are high-end goods, which will be difficult to completely change for a while."

Li Yuanchun nodded subconsciously: "What you said is indeed the truth."

Chen Jianghai has made efforts in the field of electrical appliances and mobile phones, and is trying his best to reverse this perception, and the effect achieved so far is not bad.

But in other areas, there is no domestic company that can do this.

However, Chen Jianghai didn't just let it go, just to make money and not think about anything else.

He continued: "Of course, I invite these well-known foreign brands to enter, and another purpose is to make the scenic spot we built into a well-known international tourist attraction."

"It will be easier to attract foreign tourists who are familiar with the food, drink and lodging brands.

They won't feel unfamiliar when they come here. "

"After the fame is established, we will also integrate our own brands with Huaxia's own characteristics."

When Li Yuanchun heard Chen Jianghai say this, he finally understood all of Chen Jianghai's intentions, and at the same time, his admiration for Chen Jianghai became stronger.

After such a wave of operations, it is difficult for the scenic spot not to attract people.

Moreover, its starting point is high enough, and the potential for future development is also large enough.

Li Yuanchun has now fully agreed with Chen Jianghai's plan and immediately expressed his support.

I saw him give a thumbs up and said, "Mr. Chen, your business structure is really nothing to say, one word, cow!"

"I'm really looking forward to the grand occasion when the scenic spot is built."

For Li Yuanchun's remarks, Chen Jianghai shook his head and responded with a smile:

"Mr. Li, the completion of the scenic spot is a relatively long process. You may have to wait at least two or three years to see that day."

"And, as I said just now, I have three steps for the construction of this scenic spot."

Li Yuanchun raised his brows, and then put on a look of listening intently.

Just listen to Chen Jianghai continue: "The first step is to build a playground hotel hotel and the like, things like food, clothing, housing and transportation."

"At the same time, when the infrastructure construction of the scenic spot is completed, all-round pre-publicity for the characteristics of the scenic spot should be carried out."

"We Qiuhai have always been the best at publicity, and many publicity methods can be used at that time to build momentum.

Attract public curiosity about the scenic spot. "

"At the same time, after the playgrounds, restaurants, hotels and other facilities of foreign brands are built first, they can be gradually opened to attract tourists."

"And now we can move on to the second step.

That is to improve the planning and construction of the scenic spot and make it a scenic spot that can be played.

Make sure it is fully open to tourists. "

"The third step is to collect the opinions of tourists, upgrade and renovate the scenic spot, and further improve it to achieve basic perfection."

"By that time, the reputation of our scenic spot should have spread abroad, and it will be able to attract a large number of foreign tourists.

That's the real pomp. "

At this moment, Li Yuanchun couldn't help but see a picture in his mind, and he felt a surge of excitement.

On that day, he will be so excited that he can't sleep.

Because it will be a scene of fame and fortune.

The economic benefits brought by such a famous scenic spot are immeasurable.

Not to mention the political significance of it, such a scenic spot can make Hexing County one of the richest counties in the country, which in itself is a result he never dared to imagine.

It is difficult for the locals in Nanshan Township to be underdeveloped.

At that time, according to local conditions, you can use your own house to build a homestay, restaurant, etc., and you can make a lot of money at your doorstep, instead of having to leave your hometown and go out to work to make money like most people in poor areas.

The only thing he can sigh is Chen Jianghai's whimsy and generosity.

Perhaps only people like Chen Jianghai would dare to do such a wild thing.

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