Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 2187 The biggest advantage

Chapter 2187 The biggest advantage

Following, Chen Jianghai explained the current situation to Luo Hao Wang Yadi.

Luo Hao, who had already adapted to Chen Jianghai's role as secretary, said, "Mr. Chen, Volvo only gave us half an hour, half an hour, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to convince the other party."

"Yeah, what is half an hour enough for?"

Wang Yadi frowned, as if thinking about what reason he should use to convince the president of the Volvo Group.

"Half an hour is indeed a bit short, but it's better than when we don't see anyone coming."

"Let's go now, think about how to convince the other party in the car."

Chen Jianghai waved his hand, and the group got into the car and rushed towards the Volvo Group headquarters.

It was still noon when they got off the plane. According to the original agreement, in the afternoon, Volvo Group President Handy will meet with representatives of Ford in the United States. The two parties will continue to deepen their negotiations according to the past.

At this juncture, Volvo and Ford only have a few disputes over price.

But in the last negotiation, the Volvo Group offered $7 billion, which is why Ford ended the negotiations.

This time, Handy, the president of the Volvo Group, intends to keep the price in the range of $6.5 billion, depending on how the representatives from Ford can negotiate.

Who knew that the originally agreed negotiation time was temporarily changed. Ford unilaterally canceled the negotiation and had to delay the negotiation for a day because of the jet lag.

Handy, president of the Volvo Group, was naturally annoyed.

In order to wait for this day to come, they have already made great concessions, and specially formed a negotiating expert group. This time, they are ready to sell completely.

But all preparations have been made, and Ford did not accept the move at all.

Such a random decision made Volvo President Handy's impression of Ford a bit worse.

When his old friend Butters called just now, he also complained a few words, and it was because of this that he leaked important news.

But it doesn't matter, even in Handy's eyes, Ford's acquisition of Volvo has become a sure thing.


The black Mercedes slowly stopped, and the group got out of the car.

Chen Jianghai looked at the imposing Volvo Group building in front of him, full of desire to conquer.

Luo Hao and Wang Yadi felt a sense of powerlessness in their hearts when they looked at the luxurious building in front of them.

Volvo only gave them half an hour, which was too urgent.

"Come on, let's go in."

Without any hesitation, Chen Jianghai strode into the building, and a beautiful receptionist greeted him immediately.

Unlike in Disney, the receptionist did not mean to despise, but asked with a smile: "Hello, may I help you?"

Luo Hao said immediately, "Hello, we are here to find your president, Mr. Handy, and we have already made an appointment."

The beautiful front desk asked the names of Chen Jianghai and others, and soon confirmed the visit appointment of Chen Jianghai and others.

"Gentlemen, Mr. Handy is currently in a meeting, please come to the reception room with me and wait a moment."

The beautiful front desk led Chen Jianghai and others to the reception room.

After sitting down, Luo Hao and Wang Yadi were still discussing with each other, what to say when they saw Handy, Chen Jianghai had an ingenious idea in his mind at this moment.

According to the current situation analysis of Volvo Group, Volvo, as a luxury car brand, is no longer as influential as Mercedes-Benz and other first-tier car brands.

Coupled with the lack of production capacity, even Volvo Cars, which has many technologies, has to consider finding another way out.

As for the choice of Ford, it is also because Ford developed the world's first automobile assembly line as early as 1913, and their understanding of increasing production capacity is far better than Volvo.

Perhaps the Volvo brand will develop better after it is acquired by Ford.

In addition, for now, Volvo's choice of Ford is also a helpless move.

After all, there are very few groups that can really eat Volvo's car business, and as a second-tier luxury brand, Volvo's dignity will not let them bow to a series of car companies such as Mercedes-Benz.

Under the collision of this coincidence, Volvo's reason for choosing Ford is obviously more sufficient.

Chen Jianghai thought carefully about how they should face the situation of Volvo being acquired by Ford. According to what Chris said on the plane before, Volvo has actually made a decision to sell.

The main reason for the stalemate now is because the price has not been negotiated, so...

At this moment, Luo Hao approached Chen Jianghai and said, holding a document in his hand, "Mr. Chen, according to the various discussions I have just had with President Wang, it seems that our chances of success this time are not high."

"Although we have held off the representatives of Ford, but based on the current situation analysis, we do not have enough capital to impress Volvo."

"Yes, Mr. Chen, we don't have enough cards!"

As a participant in this incident, Wang Yadi also felt powerless.

He started with batteries and has no preparations for the automotive field at all.

Although Chen Jianghai called him before, and also said that he planned to build Huaxia's own brand, but after all, this is not something that can be eaten into a fat man in one bite.

The road has to be taken step by step.

Chen Jianghai said calmly: "Mr. Wang, it is a taboo to negotiate before you fight.

I've always believed that things are man-made, and as things stand, we may not have a chance to win Volvo. "

Then he looked at Luo Hao again, "Take a step back and say, as long as we block Ford's acquisition of Volvo this time, then we will always have a chance."

Hearing these words, Wang Yadi's nervous heart temporarily calmed down, and Luo Hao was also a little ashamed.

"Mr. Wang, you know a lot about the new energy industry. You can tell Mr. Handy in detail later."

"Luo Hao, wait until you see the opportunity. We don't need to win Volvo all at once. As long as Volvo Group sees hope, then we can compare with Ford and let him see our advantages."

"Advantage! Advantage?"

Luo Hao frowned and muttered.

"Yes, what is the biggest advantage of our Huaxia?"

Chen Jianghai asked.

After thinking about it, Luo Hao said helplessly: "Mr. Chen, I can't think of what advantages we have in Huaxia, which can be reflected in this negotiation with Volvo."

Chen Jianghai raised his hand and nodded: "Population base, our biggest advantage in China is these four words."

"The population base determines that the market will expand rapidly in the future, and now with economic development, social progress, and improvement of people's living standards, we will need more and more things in the future."

Chen Jianghai and Luo Hao Wang Yadi talked in Chinese. The beautiful lady at the front desk couldn't understand it, but she admired Chen Jianghai's young, promising and eloquent appearance.

If the young boss could look at herself more, she might not mind having some romantic affairs with Chen Jianghai.

It's a pity that Chen Jianghai didn't catch her eyebrows at all.

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