Rebirth Daughter Against the World

Chapter 77: Good grades?

  Chapter 77 Good grades?

  Ye Wushang straightened his stiff body. If it wasn't for his high fever, he would have pulled his hand out with force.

   "You are my little apple, just like the most beautiful cloud in the sky..."

  Suddenly a phone rings from the bed, Ye Wushang's face collapses, and the corner of his mouth twitches.

  This taste, no one else!

  He stretched out his other hand and took out a brand new mobile phone in his trouser pocket. The caller ID on it was "Xiao Xiao".

  I didn't want to answer the phone at first, but I was afraid of disturbing the person on the bed.

   "Chihiro, where are you? Why didn't you come to class this afternoon? I heard you were injured? Is it serious?..."

  Xiaoxiao asked anxiously on the other end of the phone, not at all aware that the person answering the phone was not the owner of the phone.

  Ye Wushang frowned slightly, afraid that she would keep nagging like this. "He's sleeping." After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone.


  Xiaoxiao didn't realize it, how could there be another man's voice in Qianxun's mobile phone, and said he was sleeping?

What exactly is going on?

   Isn’t Chihiro injured?

  Who is that man?

  She went to the teacher's office to hand in her homework in the morning, and then she heard about Chihiro's injury and that she was sent to the hospital.

  After the Chinese teacher announced the report card this afternoon, the whole school was boiling.

  Because her tablemate Leng Qianxun's name was ranked first again, and the school's Campus Literature Publishing House wanted to invite him to join the group.

  At noon today, the article he wrote for the exam floated over the sky of Emperor No. 1 Middle School in the vivid and emotional narration of the host.

  Suddenly, Chihiro became a big hit in the whole school and the school network, and became a man of the hour in Emperor No. 1 High School.

  The math teacher and Chinese teacher almost became rivals because of him. One is to let him play in competitions to win the championship for the school, and the other is to let him come to the club to create.

  Finally, under the coordination of the principal, both sides took a step back. They competed when it was time to compete, and they could create during school time.

  When others fight for him, but they still don't know where the person is?

  The teachers learned what happened in the morning from the "cold powder", and they all ran to the hospital to find him.

   When they came to the hospital, the nurse told them that he was not in the hospital and he was not hospitalized.

   He was injured and not in the hospital, so where did he go?

  For a while, not only the cold fans in the school, but also the teachers were looking for him everywhere.

  Leng Xueer didn't know what to say, but kept silent. She was not interested in his affairs, and she didn't answer any questions from everyone.

  His scenery is her pain.

  The more beautiful he is, the more miserable she is!

   When the school finally had nothing to do, it could only alarm his parents.

  In the most prosperous part of the empire, a 28-story building of the Leng Group stands in the middle of the busy city, as if it doesn't care about the reincarnation of time? He is standing there.

   "What? Chihiro is injured?"

  Leng Sinian had just returned to the office after the meeting when he received a call from the school.

"Chairman Leng, don't get excited. It's like this. Chihiro has excellent grades in school, and the school wants him to participate in the competition. But in the morning, he had a little accident at school. After being sent to the hospital by the school doctor, he died I can't find anyone else? So I just want to ask if you have his contact information? Or do you know where he will be?"

  The head teacher, Ms. Huang’s voice became softer and weaker. Any accidents happened to students during school hours are all the responsibility of the school.

  He was afraid that Leng Si Nian would be unhappy, so he sent a lawyer's letter to the school, and the matter would become a big mess.

   Thank you "Mum" baby for your tip, okay!

   There are still so few votes and comments these days! QAQ

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   Tomorrow at the 6th shift, let’s cheer together, babies!



  (end of this chapter)

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