Rebirth: Family Chaebol

Chapter 326: Daring Documentary

Wang Aifang met a beautiful girl at night to send her daughter, and the doubts deep in her heart were relieved at once. It seemed that she really thought too much.

Therefore, when Lin Yumei told her that she was going to move to the school tomorrow morning, Wang Aifang didn't think much about it, and immediately responded.

"Mom, if you're busy, you don't have to send me off. I can just ask my dad to send me off." Lin Yumei said.

Wang Aifang has been really busy with work recently. After hearing what her daughter said, she thought that she is now a junior. As a girl, she must have independence and not always depend on her parents. Soon, Wang Aifang will also be able to It was a promise.

The next morning, Lin Huajun sent his daughter to school, and because he was busy with work, he didn't stay for too long and left quickly.

This time, Lin Yumei was completely "liberated", thinking that she still had a few days before school started, and this time she could enjoy the long-lost world of two with her boyfriend.

At noon, the two went to the Normal University together to find Lin Yu for lunch, took Lin Yu to play in the afternoon, and sent her to school after dinner.

At the school gate, Yuan Fangguo and Lin Yumei looked at each other and smiled, and they reached a high degree of agreement in their hearts.

Lin Yumei wasn't sure whether she was in the safe period this time, implying that her boyfriend still had to prepare that thing.

When passing the pharmacy home, Yuan Fangguo quickly got in and bought a box of condoms with a calm face.

That night, the two spent 3 times, each time ranging from half an hour to forty minutes. Perhaps the "fighting" time was too long, so that Lin Yumei was reluctant to get up the next morning, with a look on her face. of laziness.

However, because Yuan Fangguo made an appointment with Liu Wenbo, he still got up at 8:00 in the morning and drove straight to the Medical University.

The Medical University is a little far from their school, and it takes at least half an hour to take the bus. When he arrived at the Medical University, Liu Wenbo and the others just happened to arrive.

Liu's father and mother, including Liu Wenjing, knew Yuan Fangguo. After a simple greeting, Liu's father and Liu's mother took Liu Wenjing into the campus of the Medical University to report, but Liu Wenbo did not follow him, but was at the school with Yuan Fangguo. I found a shady spot by the door and sat down.

"Wenbo, why do I feel that you have gained weight when you go back?" Yuan Fangguo looked at Liu Wenbo with a joking expression.

Liu Wenbo couldn't help but touched his cheek, and then said with a self-deprecating expression, "I feel it too. Maybe I didn't feel any pressure when I returned home for a week. It was delicious and delicious, and the fat was growing like crazy."

"After school starts, let's exercise together and run him a few kilometers every night."

"No problem, when I was in Yangcheng, I ran night with Senior Brother Tian Ying every night. You know, the weather in Yangcheng is sultry, and at night it is no different from the daytime. We ran all the way along the Pearl River for more than an hour. It's all soaking wet."

Yuan Fangguo said with a smile, "By the way, how did you feel when you went to the "Southern Journal" magazine this time? Do you have a feeling of being in a place of pilgrimage?"

Liu Wenbo nodded, "That's a holy place in my mind, do you think there is? But don't say it, I found that everyone in the "Southern Journal" magazine was full of energy as if they had been beaten by chicken blood. Several female comrades are full of energy, and their knowledge and experience are far superior to mine. Many times, they are punctual and pertinent when they look at problems. You know, I am also a 'Lu Xun' type on weekdays. Critics, compared to them, I found that I didn't even have a mouth."

"Is it such an exaggeration?" Yuan Fangguo couldn't help but smile.

Liu Wenbo nodded earnestly, "Of course it's such an exaggeration, bah, it's so real, each of them has entered a magazine with at least one subject, and many of them are those with outstanding achievements and rich experience. , I feel that with them, I need to learn too much, this society thanks to their magazines, many shady stories will be exposed."

"Wenbo, I'm very curious. Their magazine should have offended a lot of people. Has anyone come to take revenge?"

When Liu Wenbo heard this question, he had a smug smile on his face, "The magazine is good at reporting the dark side of society, and there must be many enemies, but all levels attach great importance to our magazine, so our magazine is in the armed police special forces brigade. The office next door, how can ordinary people dare to take revenge."

Yuan Fangguo was basically in the audience of Liu Wenbo in the morning, only to see Liu Wenbo talking with a face full of excitement. When he got excited, he even danced and looked extremely excited.

"Fang Guo, let me tell you something, our magazine is currently preparing a super project. You are my brother, and I just told you that, so you must keep it a secret." Liu Wenbo looked around and saw that there was nothing anywhere. After the people, he couldn't help but said in a low voice.

In Liu Wenbo's eyes, Yuan Fangguo is as trustworthy as his comrades in the revolution. What's more, in Liu Wenbo's eyes, Yuan Fangguo is also a resourceful person. He told Yuan Fangguo about this subject. the opinion of.

Yuan Fangguo nodded and motioned for Liu Wenbo to speak.

"Did you know that there is a ethnic group with Chinese descendants in the Burmese store?" Liu Wenbo asked.

Yuan Fangguo I know, it's called the Kokang clan, right? "

Liu Wenbo nodded, "Yes, I heard that the Kokang people are the relics of the Huaxia people in the Southern Ming Dynasty. They are brave and good at fighting and continue to become the **** characteristics of the Huaxia people, but it is also a hard-hit area for pornography, gambling and drugs. Our magazine wants to follow up with them. Phoenix Satellite TV is co-producing a documentary there, and it is currently under preparation. I guess that after I graduate from college, I should be able to officially enter, and then I want to go there and shoot together."

"It's very chaotic there, your safety must be the first priority." Yuan Fangguo said uncontrollably.

Liu Wenbo nodded, "I know, but we are all from China, I believe it shouldn't embarrass us, and their current rulers have a good relationship with Hong Kong."

Yuan Fangguo knew Liu Wenbo's character. Once he made a choice, it would be difficult to convince him, not to mention such a risky thing, it was even more impossible for him to convince him.

But from the bottom of his heart, Yuan Fangguo still hoped that Liu Wenbo would go to the Burmese store.

Because he still has something to do with Liu Wenbo by the way. ( )

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