Lin Shen took another serious look at the Sakura native who was chatting. Not to mention, he was really a younger version of Sun Qianyi.

Who is Sun Qianyi?

It was the man who later invested 20 million US dollars in Teacher Ma and became Alibaba’s largest shareholder. With Alibaba’s listing, he became the richest man in Sakura Country. In addition, Sun Qianyi’s software banking group has also invested in many Internet companies such as Shanda Network, Yahoo, Sina, NetEase, 8848, Dangdang, UTStarcom, Ctrip Travel, etc.

However, this person’s success is not Starting in 1995, when the Internet boom began to arrive, he saw the right opportunity and boarded this express train.

Sun Qianyi’s life is obviously not so easy now. Toshiba and Fujitsu, who had just invested with him, withdrew their capital. In addition, since 1990, both the stock market and the real estate market in Sakura Country have suffered from dimensionality reduction. All enterprises in Sakura Country are in a cold winter, and many When the company went bankrupt, his software bank was naturally deeply affected.

Sun Qianyi likes to invest in others, but now several of the so-called technology companies he has invested in in Sakura Country are struggling, in dire straits, and may go bankrupt at any time.

Now Sun Qianyi happened to be on a business trip to Xiangjiang. He heard that there was a dinner party here tonight, and all the rich people gathered there.

With his little bit of Dragon Kingdom blood, he managed to sneak into the dinner party and take a chance.

But he never expected that this so-called dinner was just a charity dinner, and no one came to think about how to make money.

Lin Shen was very surprised to see Sun Qianyi here, but out of curiosity, Lin Shen walked over.

At this time, Sun Qianyi was talking about his software bank to a group of rich second-generation people who came to see the celebrities. Those who listened to him were laughing and laughing, and obviously did not really take his words to heart.

Lin Shen listened for a while and found out that it was Sun Qianyi who wanted to win Cisco’s agency rights in Sakura Country and needed investment.

Lin Shen did remember this incident. This incident helped Sun Qiangyi’s software bank come back to life, and later allowed him to monopolize 70% of Sakura Country’s software sales network.

However, to represent Cisco, Sun Qianyi needed 40 million U.S. dollars. Sun Qianyi had to convince 14 clubs in Sakura Country to raise the 40 million U.S. dollars.

Sun Qianyi talked eloquently among the crowd, but no one understood what he was saying. Sun Qianyi looked like a lonely clown.

Tired of talking, Sun Qianyi squeezed through the crowd, walked to the table on the side, and poured himself a glass of red wine.

He leaned on the table and drank, with a bit of unwillingness in his eyes.

At this moment, Lin Shen walked to his side

“Hello. Lin Shen said to Sun Qianyi

“Hello.”Sun Qiangyi immediately said in less standard Mandarin. Someone took the initiative to talk to him, which made him a little flattered.

“Are you from Sakura Country? Lin Shen asked

“Yes, but my ancestors are from the Dragon Kingdom.” Sun Qianyi replied.

Sun Qianyi looked at Lin Shen for a few times. Seeing that Lin Shen was unusually young, he felt that Lin Shen was also one of the rich second generations who came to see celebrities.

“I just heard the things you said on the sidelines. I am very interested. Please tell me more.” Lin Shen said with a smile.

It was rare for someone to take the initiative to express interest. Sun Qiangyi took the trouble and started talking non-stop again. Sun Qiangyi spoke for ten minutes, and Lin Shen listened for ten minutes, nodding in response from time to time.

“Listening to what you said, do you think that as long as Cisco opens the market in Sakura Country with their routers, they can then control software sales? And you want to represent Cisco, but you are short of money?”After listening to Sun Qianyi’s story, Lin Shen said

“In fact, mainly my money was invested in other companies, and I really couldn’t get much money out at once.” Sun Qianyi said

“You are short of money, I have it. Lin Shen said with a smile.

Sun Qianyi was stunned. How much money can Lin Shen have at such a young age?

“But I need 40 million! Dollars!” Sun Qianyi said

“It’s not a big problem, I can take it all out and give it to you at once. Lin Shen said with a smile.

“What! Can you come up with $40 million?”Sun Qianyi was shocked. Lin Shen looked too young after all.

“good. But I have a condition, I want to invest in your software banking company.”Lin Shen showed a warm smile, as if to say, believe me, as long as you agree to my conditions, I will take you off.

“Do you want to invest in my software bank?”Sun Qianyi was stunned.

Toshiba and Fujitsu had just withdrawn their capital, and someone wanted to invest in him?

The key is that the two of them only chatted for about ten minutes.

Sun Qianyi felt as if he had met a liar.

“Yes, I am very optimistic about your business model and I think it has great investment value.” Lin Shen said calmly.

Sun Qianyi felt even more like he had met a liar. After all, he had just spoken for ten minutes and basically didn’t mention his software bank.

Sun Qianyi said angrily:”Are you trying to lie to me? ? You don’t even know about my company!”

“Wrong, I happen to know a little bit about your company. Toshiba and Fujitsu just divested, right? The collapse of the Nikkei Index makes your SoftBank very sad, right? Those companies you invested in have now become a burden to you, right? Lin Shen said slowly.

Sun Qianyi was completely stunned when he heard Lin Shen say this. How did Lin Shen know this?

“How did you know?”Sun Qianyi opened his eyes wide and said

“I have said that I am very optimistic about SoftBank, so I have naturally studied your company.”Lin Shen said with a smile.

Now, Sun Qiangyi had no doubts. Lin Shen indeed knew his company. It was not the first time he heard about his company, so he just patiently listened to him. There are a lot of things about Cisco.

Is Lin Shen really optimistic about his company and wants to invest in his company?

If so, Sun Qianyi is even more confused now because he doesn’t know whether to accept Lin Shen’s investment. Seeing Sun Qiangyi’s hesitant expression, Lin Shen smiled and said:”No rush, you have plenty of time to think about it. If you have made up your mind, you can go to the Emerald Pearl Hotel to find me tomorrow, and I will be waiting for you there.”

Lin Shen is not afraid at all that Sun Qiangyi won’t come to him. If Sun Qiangyi doesn’t come, he can invest in those companies by himself.

For companies like Yahoo, he doesn’t even plan to get Sun Qiangyi’s hand.

The reason why he came to Sun Zongyi 100 million, he wants to make 100 million through Sun, and invest in some technology companies in Sakura Country that will rise in the future.

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