Lin Shen opened the door and walked in.

Although there are a lot of clothes in the room, they are very neat and orderly, stacked against the wall and exuding the fragrance of washing powder.

“Wait a mininute.”Lu Yueyao didn’t immediately look at who came in, but was still working hard on the needle and thread in her hand. Lin Shen didn’t disturb her, and just watched quietly.

Finally, she seemed to have succeeded, rubbing her sore eyes. , and then glanced sideways at Lin Shen.

Seeing that it didn’t matter, Lu Yueyao was startled and stood up quickly.

“You, why are you here?”Lu Yueyao stammered.

“I met Zhang E and she told me your address, so I came over to have a look. Lin Shen said

“Go quickly, go quickly, I don’t want you to see me like this.”Lu Yueyao hurriedly pushed Lin Shen out of the door.

What had changed when Lu Yueyao and Lin Shen first saw her in front of the city garment factory?

In fact, there was no change at all. To put it bluntly, at that time She was wearing the work clothes of the city garment factory, and she was still beautiful and energetic, but there seemed to be a trace of depression in her brows.

However, no matter how hard she pushed Lin Shen, Lin Shen didn’t move.

In the end, Lu Yueyao was discouraged. , she stopped pushing Lin Shen, but went back to sit at the table, picked up the needle and thread she had just finished sewing, and began to sew buttons on a piece of clothing.

Lin Shen walked to her, took a stool, and sat next to her.

After watching her sewing buttons for a while, Lu Yueyao laughed and said,”You just come to see me sewing buttons?

Lin Shen smiled and said,”Yes, it’s quite pleasing to see you sewing buttons.””

So, Lu Yueyao continued to sew buttons.

“How are you lately?”After a long while, Lin Shen said

“It’s pretty good, you don’t know, thanks to HD Lao Hot Pot Restaurant, you know this hot pot restaurant, right?”Lu Yueyao said

“I know. Lin Shen nodded and said

“This hot pot restaurant treats its employees very well.

They don’t have to wash their clothes themselves, they have to find a special laundry.

However, one time they had too many clothes and the original laundry couldn’t finish them, so He gave me some clothes.

That time, I repaired a few pieces of clothes that had lost buttons or had seams ripped open.

Later, they would give me some clothes to wash every time.

And the price they offered me was also very high.

It cost 30 cents to do one piece of laundry.

Counting other businesses, I could make ten yuan a day.

“Lu Yueyao said very excitedly

“The owner of this hot pot restaurant seems to be a nice person. Lin Shen said, thinking about whether to go back and reward the logistics manager of the hot pot restaurant.

“The boss must be a nice person if he treats his employees so well.” Lu Yueyao said with deep understanding.

Lu Yueyao sewed the buttons on the clothes and took another piece of clothing. The seams at the armpits of this piece of clothing were torn. She had to sew them again. But because this piece of clothing was red, she could only use Red thread sewing, she has to sew a new needle

“Let me help you. Lin Shen said

“good.”Lu Yueyao handed the needle and thread to Lin Shen.

Lin Shen sewed under the light for a long time before threading the thread into the eye of the needle.

Lin Shen handed the threaded needle and thread to Lu Yueyao, and Lu Yueyao started sewing again.

“Lin Shen, let me ask you a question. I heard A’e say that the necklace you gave me is very valuable, isn’t it? Lu Yueyao said while sewing clothes.

“No, it’s quite cheap. Lin Shen said.

Lin Shen was not lying. For him, it was indeed not expensive.

“Then I feel relieved. I heard A’e say that she asked someone and they said it was very expensive.” Lu Yueyao said.

In this way, Lin Shen spent the whole morning in this small front room with Lu Yueyao mending clothes.

This front room is too small and narrow, only about eight or nine square meters, with a yard behind it , the yard is quite big, because it is shared with an optical shop and a stationery store next to it. The yard is full of clothes, and it seems that they are all washed by Lu Yueyao.

At noon, Lu Yueyao stood up from the chair. Stretch like a kitten and move your stiff body

“Are you hungry? I’ll take you out to find a place to have lunch. Lin Shen said

“no, I’m fine. I brought pies baked by my mother from home. I’ll just eat the pie. If you are hungry, there is a stove in the yard. I can borrow two eggs from Aunt Wang from the stationery store next door, and I will scramble two eggs for you.”Lu Yueyao said

“No need, I can eat one of your pie. Lin Shen said


Lu Yueyao took out an aluminum rectangular lunch box and opened it. As expected, there were two pies inside.

Lu Yueyao took one out and said,”It’s cold. I’ll eat one and you eat one.””

Lin Shen took the pie and took a bite. It was stuffed with onions and was quite delicious.

After simply finishing his lunch, Lin Shen continued to accompany Lu Yueyao to sew clothes in the small room.

Although this seemed to be a It was boring and a waste of time, but Lin Shen just found it endlessly enjoyable.

“Have you ever thought about going back to work in a garment factory? Lin Shen asked

“I heard that the garment factories are all going to be sold. How can those of us who have been laid off go back to work?”Lu Yueyao said

“Just say whether you want to go back or not? Lin Shen asked

“Of course I do, so does A’e.”Lu Yueyao said,”Of course the premise is that it is not Director Jiang who is the director.”

“OK, I get it.”Lin Shen said.

Lu Yueyao looked at Lin Shen, and she felt what Lin Shen might do.

She knew that Lin Shen’s family conditions might be better, but after all, Lin Shen was only a college student, what else could he do?

Lin Shen was in Lu Yueyao’s house. He stayed in the small shop until four o’clock in the afternoon before leaving.

For some reason, Lin Shen felt particularly relaxed when staying with Lu Yueyao. He and Lu Yueyao didn’t even have any in-depth understanding of how old she was and what she liked to eat. Lin Shen still doesn’t know anything about her, what her hobbies are, and how her parents are at home. However, the two of them can talk about everything as if they have known each other for a long time.

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