The new generation of VCD launched by Zulong Technology is the VCD that Jiang Manmeng was researching last year to add game console functions.

Moreover, the new generation of VCD, with the joint efforts of Jiang Manmeng and the technical department, has successfully slimmed down. It has been much smaller than the original size and weight, and the original black color has been turned into a silvery white with a rich metallic texture.

Even the current imported Panasonic and Sony VCDs are quite bulky, and the new generation VCDs are much thinner and lighter.

When a new generation of VCD was launched, the original older generation was discontinued and all efforts were made to promote the new generation.

And once again invited Li Yanjie, who has become more and more popular in the past two years, to shoot a commercial again. In the past two years, Li Yanjie has successively filmed the Fang Shiyu series,”The Five New Shaolin Patriarchs”,”Tai Chi Zhang Sanfeng” and”Fist of Heroes” and other masterpieces that have received huge reviews and box office, making his reputation even more famous.

This time Li Yanjie still offered 3 million to shoot a commercial for the new generation of Zulong VCD.

The commercial was immediately released on CCTV.

Fang Shiyu, Hong Xiguan, Zhang Sanfeng and Chen dressed up by Li Yanjie���The four appearances were synthesized using computer graphics and appeared in the advertisement at the same time.

Four Li Yanjie in different appearances shouted out the slogan of Zulong VCD at the same time——”You can watch real Kungfu at home! Zulong VCD!”

Then there is a voice-over at the end of the ad.

“The second generation of Zulong VCD is thinner and lighter! You can also play games! Product upgrade, price remains unchanged!”

Then there is the pattern of the new Zulong VCD. As soon as the advertisement came out, who could compete with it?

Zulong VCD once again ushered in a sales peak.

Imported products like Panasonic and Sony were originally priced inflated, and now their quality is still being compared.

, there is no way to compare with Zulong VCD.

As for other domestic VCDs, because of the higher cost of imported foreign movements, they were even more miserable when the new generation of Zulong VCD was released.

It can be sold at a reduced price.

But at this time, with the launch of the new generation Zulong VCD, the inventory of the previous generation Zulong VCD still in the hands of dealers has begun to drop in price.

Under the competition, those domestic brands suddenly cannot make a few cents.

The new generation of Zulong VCD is indeed very popular in the market.

After all, it not only looks more beautiful, but also has new functions.

At the same time, Yihua Group in Zhongshan City has added new functions.

They were also stunned.

They never expected that Zulong Technology’s new VCD would actually integrate the functions of their Little Overlord game console.

In this way, a large number of consumers who might buy their Little Overlord game console would probably buy After buying Zulong VCD, I stopped buying their game consoles.

Of course, Yihua Group also knew that after Duan Yongping resigned from them, he went to work at Zulong Technology.

Now he sees that Zulong VCD has launched a game console.

Function, they thought it was Duan Yongping’s idea.

The shareholders of Yihua Group immediately slammed the table with anger.

After this, many manufacturers who wanted to make other brands of VCD, one by one.

Everyone knows that Zulong Technology is not easy to mess with.

At this moment, Duan Yongping and Lin Shen were sitting opposite each other, with a cup of tea in front of them.

Lin Shen didn’t drink much.

Ping likes to drink tea.

Lin Shen called Duan Yongping’s assistant and asked him to change his tea to boiled water.

This assistant was Duan Yongping who resigned from Xiaobawang two months later and followed Duan Yongping.

In addition to him, there were several technical people who came over to follow Duan Yongping.

This assistant didn’t know Lin Shen.

Seeing that Duan Yongping was polite to Lin Shen, they were all puzzled by Lin.

deep identity

“Mr. Lin, Bird is short of money, but Zulong Technology is not short of money, so with my efforts, we persuaded Yongcheng Bird Company to form a joint venture between the two of us to establish a new company. Zulong Technology will provide the money, and Zulong Technology will provide the money. Bird Company develops pager technology, and each holds 50% of the shares to jointly produce Chinese display pagers with our independent property rights.”Duan Yongping took a sip of tea and said

“You just have to make the decision on this kind of thing. Well done, though. Lin Shen said.

If Lin Shen were allowed to run Zulong by himself, he probably would not think of getting pagers, because pagers are communication equipment that have been around for a long time, and so far, Lin Shen has basically been engaged in He is usually not interested in things that are not on the market and have already been made by others.

Of course, pagers are very profitable and the market will be larger than VCD. By 1998 , the number of users will reach more than 65 million.

The days of making money are still long. If it weren’t for Duan Yongping, Lin Shen might have let this part of the money go.

“And Mr. Lin, our Zulong Technology phone has also been registered and will be available for sale soon.” Duan Yongping continued.

Lin Shen nodded again.

The telephone was the first product Duan Yongping made after he set up his own business in the previous life, and later made him one of the top three in the country.

So Lin Shen, on this product, Basically, if Duan Yongping is allowed to let himself go, there won’t be any problems and he will definitely make a profit.

“Mr. Lin, I have another idea. In fact, this idea came to me when I was a Little Overlord. Unfortunately, I met you, Mr. Lin, before I put it into action. After arriving at Zulong, after I heard Mr. Lin’s idea about the function of synthesizing game consoles in VCD, I felt that my idea was in competition with Zulong VCD, so I didn’t mention it. However, after much thought, I still want to hear Mr. Lin’s opinion.”Duan Yongping said

“Let’s talk about it.”Lin Shendao

“I want to make a learning machine.”Duan Yongping said

“oh? Talk about it in detail.”Lin Shen already knew what Duan Yongping wanted to do.

Sure enough, Duan Yongping explained it to Lin Shen. The learning machine Duan Yongping was talking about was the new product he was supposed to launch at Xiaobawang last year – – Little Overlord Learning Machine. It’s a pity that Duan Yongping was intercepted by Lin Shen. This Space-Time Little Overlord Learning Machine was never born, and Duan Yongping was hired by Zulong Technology.

The learning machine is also very simple. In essence, it is the same as a game console, but its appearance is a standard computer keyboard. If you plug in a game cartridge, it becomes a game console. If you plug in a learning cartridge, it can realize Wubi typing and BASIC on the TV. programming and other functions.

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