The crowd surrounded Lin Shen and Tesla Taichu.

Not only Han Bing’s group, but other racing enthusiasts and car-playing teenagers also gathered around.

Someone was touching Tesla’s Taichu car, looking very professional and fascinated.

“Wow, the shape of this car is so domineering, the design is amazing”

“Brother, which Tesla model is your car? Why haven’t I seen it?” asked a second-generation rich man who plays with cars.

Lin Shen said calmly:”This is Tesla’s Taichu, a new model, and it is currently only available in a small area. Most of the engines and gearboxes are Tesla’s domestic technologies, and are a new generation of products launched by Tesla Motors to challenge the world’s first-tier car companies.”

“Domestic technology?”Some people immediately started questioning

“Domestic engine technology? That’s right? Is this possible?”

“That’s right, does Tesla have this capability?”

“It’s hard to say. I remember that Tesla Motors accepted all the assets of Daewoo Motors in the past, right? I heard that Daewoo Motors has assets such as the Gorky Power Research Institute and the Empire Worthing Technology Center. Maybe Tesla has really mastered the core technology by relying on these assets of Daewoo Motors?”

“I just want to know what Taichu means? It sounds very metaphysical.”

Everyone was noisy, but Lin Shen didn’t answer all of them. He only answered the last question.

“Taichu means a new starting point in Taoism. Lin Shen said

“It’s amazing, it sounds like it’s pure and simple. How much does this car cost?”

“Two hundred and twenty thousand yuan.” Lin Shen said casually.

Everyone was still full of curiosity about this car. They looked left and right one by one.

Of course, some people were also very interested in Lin Shen.

“Brother, why does your car drive so well? That’s awesome. Your lap speed is no worse than the first-tier drivers.”

“Give me a better modified car, I think I can win the world championship”

“That’s right, I’m so awesome at this corner without slowing down. So fierce”

“Brother, tell us some technical details, how do you drive your car so vigorously?

Lin Shen said calmly:”I can teach it, but you can’t learn it.” An expert once said that who can’t accelerate in a straight line? Only fast corners are really fast. So I practiced hard for ten years before I perfected my cornering skills. When everyone heard this

, they immediately looked at Lin Shen with admiring eyes and said,”Awesome!””

“What this expert said is so right. Experts always widen the gap on corners.”Someone else echoed

“It’s true that you can’t learn this. Not everyone can corner without slowing down.”Someone said

“Brother, you have to sign for me”

“Brother, are you interested in joining the team? I know the team leader of Lancer Racing Team. With your skills, if you join the team, you will definitely be able to win track and rally races easily.”

“Brother, do you need a navigator? I am professional. Someone else said.

Lin Shen shook his head and said,”Racing is just my hobby. I don’t participate in professional competitions.” The field should be reserved for younger players.”

At this time, Han Bing finally said:”Brother, you are really amazing, you can practice at this level as an amateur. I accept it. I am Han Bing, the driver of Volkswagen 333.

Lin Shen smiled slightly and said,”Hello.”

Han Bing said:”By the way, I saw you looked familiar to me just now, brother. I want to ask, have we met before?” Lin

Shen would not tell Han Bing that he had met Han Bing when he was in junior high school, and said,”Ah, you are that writer.” Han Bing didn’t think much about it, thinking that he might have never met Lin Shen.

At this time, a friend of Han Bing asked:”Brother, where did you buy this car?” Why haven’t I heard about this new car from Tesla? Two hundred and twenty thousand is not expensive at all.”

Lin Shen explained:”This car is now only for sale to old Tesla users, and only old users can receive information about the release of new cars.”

Everyone suddenly realized, and at the same time they also felt that the quality of this car had improved a bit.

“This car is really handsome. I want to get one too, but the domestic technology makes me hesitate.”

“Yes, this car also has a strong sense of design, and I am very attracted to it.”

“This car is limited edition. Didn’t you hear this person say that this car is only sold to old users? There is no way to buy it.”

Everyone was talking about it.

Han Bing rubbed his palms and said eagerly:”Brother, let me discuss something with you. Can I drive your car for a lap? Don’t worry, I won’t drive fast. Just give it a try. To be honest, I have a strong affinity for this car. I want to ask someone to get one.”

At Lin Shen’s current stage, the car is just a big toy. Besides, he felt that letting Han Bing test the car was actually a publicity tool, so he said magnanimously:”Okay.”

Han Bing was so excited that he got into the car.

The crowd around him immediately dispersed to make way for the car.

Han Bing drove on the road. As he said, he did not drive fast, but drove like his own car. It wasn’t fast, and the speed stopped after driving up to 100 kilometers.

Soon, Han Bing completed one lap, and after parking the Tesla, Han Bing got out of the car.

“Is this really Tesla’s own technology? The power is very strong, the loss is very small, the operation is smooth, and the gearbox is very smooth. It is perfect. I will definitely buy one again.”Han Bing got out of the car and was amazed.

Everyone said:”Is he really so awesome?

Han Bing said:”Is this still false?” If I can find someone to help me, I will definitely get one. This car looks handsome, has a cool name, and drives perfectly. I will write a new book when I get back, and I will buy one after receiving the royalties.”

Everyone laughed. Everyone knew that Han Bing had already lost everything in order to drive a racing car. The Volkswagen 333 team he just joined was the first team with a salary and sponsorship and enough tire management.

Han Bing was so sure that these two Teslas were too early. , which made people around me have a good impression of this car. They think what Han Bing said can’t be false, right? As we all know, Han Bing is famous for his sharp words without telling lies.

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