Arnault’s manor in the suburbs of Paris is a small manor that looks very ordinary, no different from other country F farms.

There is a small piece of land with white walls and red tiles, surrounded by a white wooden fence. A few cows are walking around casually, grazing and chewing.

It looked peaceful.

After the two parties met, Arnault took Shauna to visit his small manor.

Although the manor is small, it is well-equipped.

Horses and cows are necessary for the manor.

Afterwards, we visited the next winery.

Most manor houses in F country have private wine cellars, and some even have wineries.

Regardless of the word difference between”wine cellar and good winery”, the meanings inside are different.

The wine cellar is just for storing wine.

The winery can produce wine.

Xiaona chatted with Arnault along the way and also observed the details. Judging from the current performance, it seemed that Arnault’s quality of life was very luxurious and he was not as strapped as imagined.

I thought that after acquiring the Dior Group, Arnault lacked the capital chain.

But it’s also possible that the other party showed it deliberately to confuse her.

There is also the fact that people in F country think differently from people in Daxia. They don’t like to save money, and they advocate romance and enjoying life.

After visiting Arnaud’s manor, it was already noon.

Enjoyed a French lunch.

Come to the rest room of the manor.

Xiaona bluntly stated the purpose of coming to country F this time.

“Do you want to acquire lvmh Group?”Arnault looked at Xiaona with some surprise.

To be honest, he didn’t know Xiaona’s purpose before this, and when he accepted Xiaona’s invitation, he also saw that the other party was once a famous fashion designer in Paris. This This made Arnault become interested in talents.

Furthermore, he also asked people to investigate Xiaona’s identity.

A clothing giant in Asia, the CEO of Jinxiu Clothing Company.

It is said that she is very influential in the island country, Xiangjiang and mainland China..Based on these, he met with Xiaona.

Unexpectedly, the other party actually wanted to acquire the lvmh group company in his hands, and he couldn’t help but laugh.

That’s how people in F are, even if someone says to acquire your company in front of you, He won’t get angry.

Instead, he behaves very calmly, as if he has heard interesting things.

This would not be the case in a strict island country.

However, this may be the romantic gene in the bones of the people of F country….

“Miss Xiao, I’m afraid I’m going to disappoint you. I’m not short of money, and lvmh company is not for sale….”

Arnault turned the coffee cup in his hand and said with a smile.

Shawna smiled.

She didn’t expect to be able to convince Arnaud just by walking.

Instead, he smiled and said:”Mr. Arnault, please don’t refuse in a hurry. Listen to my explanation first.””

“oh?”Arnault smiled and leaned back on the chair with a relaxed expression, looking like he was listening attentively.

Xiaona said:”Mr. Arnault may not be short of money, but it is only relative. After you mortgaged the family assets and acquired the Dior Group, After that, although the development has been good in the past two years, it is still a bit worse than Gucci.”

“In addition, as far as I know, Mr. Arnault only holds 42% of the shares and does not have absolute control.”

“You said, if I offer a price that is 20% higher than the market price, do you think those shareholders will sell?”

“Don’t doubt my financial ability…”

“Even if Jinxiu can’t eat it, there is still a giant behind me”

“Um…Mr. Arnault has dealt with him before…It’s Huifeng Bank where you borrowed money a few years ago.”

Shauna looked at Arnault with a smile.

In order to take the initiative in negotiations, she did not come to country F for so many days just for fun.

In addition to contacting her old employer, she also asked people to investigate the equity behind the LVMH Group. We even discussed the distribution and shareholder situation with Dior shareholders.

When Louis Vuitton acquired Dior, it was not a complete acquisition. It only held 42.38% of Dior’s equity and became Dior’s largest shareholder.

So, from Xiaona’s perspective.

If you want to control LVMH or Dior, you have many options, and you don’t have to go to Arnault.

Of course, as a leader who is committed to building a global luxury empire, Shawna hopes to completely acquire Dior and Louis Vuitton. Instead of holding shares.

Arnault’s pupils shrank and he looked at Xiaona in shock.

He didn’t care about the information Xiaona investigated.

As long as you investigate with your heart, there is nothing that cannot be investigated.

There are many in Paris As long as the money is in place, a commercial investigation company can investigate anything.

What shocked him was that the power behind Xiaona turned out to be Huifeng Bank.

Arnault had done a lot of dealings with Huifeng Bank.

Of course, it was not Huifeng from Xiangjiang. The bank is from Paris.

In order to seize the listed company Boussac Group, which owned shares of Dior, and the interference of external forces within the Boussac Group led to internal chaos, this made Arnault But at that time , he couldn’t afford Busak Group.

After buying 130,000 shares from the original shareholders, he asked for help everywhere, and finally found two oil companies and Huifeng Bank.

A total of 130,000 shares were given to him. He collected 400 million francs.

After some competition, he finally succeeded in becoming the president of Boussac Group with the 400 million francs.

Three years later, the market value of Boussac Group reached 8 billion francs, but 3.6 billion Debt.

While boasting to shareholders about leading Boussac Group to glory, he secretly sold his shares and made a profit of 4 billion francs.

It was these 4 billion francs that enabled him to later provide funds for his attempt to seize Louis Vuitton..

So to some extent, Huifeng is kind to him.

Of course, this is not the most important thing.

Kindness is worthless in the face of interests.

What really worries Arnault is Huifeng Bank.

This company has a market value of more than 200 If a billion-dollar company really wanted to acquire Louis Vuitton and Dior, the funds in his hands would be like an ant and an elephant in front of Huifeng Bank.

Looking at Arnault, who looked ugly, Xiaona smiled and said,”Of course , I don’t want to force the acquisition, after all, we are not enemies……Well, after our asset department has evaluated the shares in your hands, it is approximately US$760 million.”

“I am willing to spend 800 million US dollars to acquire your shares. Please consider it seriously.”

One side is a stick and the other is a carrot.

It depends on what Arnault chooses.

However, Shauna thinks the problem is not big.

As long as Arnault is not stupid, he will know the pros and cons.


After a while.

Arnault Looking at Xiao Na with a complex expression, her face was not as calm as before, and she whispered:”Miss Xiao, regarding what you said, I need to think about it before I can reply to you.”

“ok, no problem!”

Shauna stood up, stamped her feet, looked at Arnault with a relaxed expression and said:”Mr. Arnault, it’s the same thing!! I hope we can become friends, not enemies.”

After that, she ignored Arnault, who looked ugly.

Xiaona said to the assistant beside her:”Let’s go.”……..

Outside the Arno estate.

Assistant Wu Qianwei said:”Mr. Xiao, will Arnault agree?”

Xiaona smiled, looked at the field scenery outside the window, and whispered softly:”He has no choice….”

In fact, Arnault really had no choice.

Because Xiaona has almost negotiated with the other shareholders.

As long as he holds 51% of the shares, it is very easy to deal with Arnault and remove him from the board of directors.

Continuous expansion of shares.

If you don’t have the money to follow, your shares will be diluted.

(ps: The ratio of francs to US dollars at this time is 1 US dollar = 10 francs!)

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