Rebirth in America: Great Slave Owner

Vol 2 Chapter 104: "Resurrection"

"Mr. Tangning, you guessed right, it was indeed Mrs. Kanpur and Miss Howard who murdered Mr. Kanpur together!" Joanna replied calmly to Tangning's question.

To be honest, Joanna's calmness surprised Tangning, but he still asked, "Why did you want to kill Mr. Kanpur?"

"Because he always wanted to **** me and threatened me that if I didn't agree to be his lover, it would ruin my reputation and make me never get a job as a tutor all over London!" Joanna explained.

Tangning could understand this answer. First, Joanna was really beautiful, and secondly, for a home piano teacher, reputation was indeed very important.

"But if that's the case, why would Sister Scarlet help you?" Tangning asked in confusion.

"Mr. Downing, have you forgotten? What I just said was that we colluded to kill Mr. Kanpur!" Joanna emphasized.

Tangning replied embarrassedly, "Ah yes yes yes, sorry I forgot, then why did Sister Scarlett kill Mr. Kanpur?"

Joanna raised a finger and said: "First, Mr. Kanpur also wants to violate Miss Howard. Second, he is very dissatisfied with the wife's family, who eat and drink for free. Third, Sister Scarlett Want to turn Kanpur Manor into Howard Manor!"

"Oh, so that's what happened!" Tangning suddenly realized, which reminded him that Scarlett had borrowed money from him and complained about her brother-in-law, Mr. Kanpur.

But he still had a question he didn't understand: "Although I know why the Scarlett sisters wanted to kill Mr. Kanpur, why did they conspire with you? Isn't it better that the fewer people know about this kind of thing?"

"Because Scarlett discovered my diary and saw my plan to murder Mr. Kanpur!" Joanna replied a little depressed.

Tangning frowned and asked, "Then there's no need for them to do anything. Just wait for you to kill Mr. Kanpur!"

"Because I just made this plan and didn't do it! And they should be desperate to kill Mr. Kanpur in the near future, so they found me to join hands with me to do this, and then I would bear the crime of murder, but they would Helped me escape and arranged my life in America, and gave me some money!" Joanna explained.

"Then what if you don't agree? Because if they kill Mr. Kanpur, it will also serve your purpose!" Tangning asked.

Joanna sighed and said: "If I don't agree, they will make the diary public, so that I will not only be retaliated by Mr. Kanpur, but also will not be able to stay in London, so I can only cooperate with them. s plan."

"Is the whole thing like this?" Tangning confirmed.

Joanna nodded and replied, "Yes, that's all!"

"Then I have one last question left. Although I do have doubts, you can deny them all. After all, I have no evidence!" Tangning asked curiously.

"First, Mr. Tangning, you can report my identity to the London police. They may send someone to arrest me, and I won't be able to stay in the United States any longer."

Having said that, Joanna's words changed and she said with an ambiguous smile: "If I guessed correctly, you are Miss Scarlett's lover, so you will definitely help her hide it, right?"

Tangning stood up noncommittally and said, "I'll send a telegram to Scarlett to verify this!"

"Mr. Tangning, will you still let me teach the piano at your house?" Joanna asked from behind.

Tangning paused, then replied, "If what you said is true, then yes!"

But just after walking out of the room, Tangning turned around again and said to Joanna, "Don't let anyone tell you about this!"

"Don't worry, how could I be proclaiming that I'm a murderer?" Joanna replied with a smile.

Originally, Joanna was a little worried about whether Tangning would leave her behind, but to her surprise, Tangning didn't seem to know about it in the days that followed and didn't mention it.

After the relationship between the two changed, when Joanna asked curiously, Tangning replied, "Actually, I didn't send a telegram to Scarlet at all!"

"Why don't you ask?" Joanna asked in confusion.

"Because it's better to be unclear than to figure out some things!" Tangning replied calmly.

Of course, at this time, Joanna didn't know that Tangning was thinking this way. In fact, Tangning had another thing to do at this time, so she didn't have time to investigate it.

"Tony, have you heard? Paul isn't dead?!" On this day, Jonathan suddenly came over and said mysteriously.

"What?! Paul isn't dead?!" Tangning couldn't help but exclaimed.

Jonathan nodded and replied: "Yes, everyone thought he was killed in the Battle of Yorktown, but in fact his body was not found, just missing, and recently found in a small village nearby he!"

"But it's been several years, since he's still alive, why didn't he come back?" Tangning asked in confusion.

"Because he lost his memory!" Jonathan replied in a deep voice.

"Amnesia, amnesia?!" Tangning couldn't help but exclaimed That's right, it was amnesia, he didn't even know his name was Paul Maxi, he only recognized the one his wife gave him. The name Jimmy Connolly..."

Before Jonathan could finish speaking, Tangning interrupted, "Wait a minute, his wife?"

Jonathan explained: "Paul was probably injured in the battle and lost his memory and was rescued by a nearby girl named Aubrey Zito, and they got married soon after because Paul couldn't remember his name, so Zito named him Jimmy Connolly!"

Although all this sounded logical, Tangning still sighed, "Why does it sound like something out of a novel?"

"It's really like a plot in a novel, but it's the truth!" Jonathan emphasized.

"By the way, Jonathan, where did you hear about this?" Tangning asked curiously.

"One of Paul's comrades in arms accidentally met him when he was shopping at Yorktown Market, and then it happened to be my comrade who was in charge of informing Mr Maxey about it, so he followed me when he visited me. Talk about it!" Jonathan explained.

"Oh, so that's what happened, then why didn't you just send Paul over here?" Tangning asked again.

Jonathan spread his hands and said, "Because he didn't want to come over, he said he lived happily in the village, so Mr. Maxey had to go to Yorktown to see Paul by himself!"

"No, I have to go see him too!" Tangning stood up and said.

"I knew you would definitely visit Paul after hearing about him. Well, this is his current address!" Jonathan handed over a note.

ps: The days without recommendations are really hard, watching the collections and subscriptions drop down...

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