Rebirth in America: Great Slave Owner

Vol 2 Chapter 109: The Distress of the Normandy

"Dear, what are you doing?" Tangning asked Heidi, who was in front of the desk, from behind.

Heidi wiped her tears and said with emotion, "Captain Halway is really great!"

Tangning glanced at the novel on the table and found that Heidi was reading "The Distress of the Normandy" written by the French writer Hugo. She couldn't help but recall the days when she was in school when she was writing this novel.

However, the "Normandy" Hugo wrote was not the Normandy cruise ship comparable to the Titanic. The ship was not launched until 1932. Hugo wrote that it was built in 1863, but the name is the same.

"Captain Halway is indeed great and touching, but I think it can actually be written more tragically and a little more shocking!"

Heidi's eyes lit up when she heard Tangning say this, and she quickly asked, "Tony, do you have any good ideas by saying that?"

Tangning nodded and replied, "Yes, but I plan to write a love story!"

"Love story? How can you write about love at such a critical moment of a sinking ship?" Heidi asked inexplicably.

Tangning replied mysteriously, "Well, you'll know when I write it down!"

"What?! Tony, do you want to write it yourself?!" Heidi couldn't help but exclaimed. In fact, it was no wonder that Heidi was so surprised, because Tangning was not famous now, but in fact he only wrote one book. "Gone with the Wind, the follow-up "Hao Scarlett was written by Heidi," Downing Manor only provided a story outline, and "Soul Break Atlanta" is completely Melina's personal work...

Tangning naturally understood why Heidi was so surprised, so she replied a little embarrassedly, "Uh, since this story isn't long, I still have time to write it!"

Because Tangning had written a rebirth historical novel with "Titanic as the starting point" before time travel, so she was very familiar with the plot, and the story was not long, so it didn't take a few days for Tangning to give "Titanic" to her. written out.

"Dear, how do you feel about this story?" Tangning asked proudly to Heidi, who was already crying.

Heidi wiped her tears and replied, "Tony, you are really amazing. Before, I was thinking about how to write a love story in a sinking ship? Now I realize that this life-and-death juncture is actually the most test of love!"

Just when Tangning was complacent, she didn't expect Heidi to suddenly change the subject, "But Tony, what you wrote doesn't look like a novel, it's more like a script!"

Faced with this question, Tangning was dumbfounded, because Heidi was right, this was originally a script...

So I had to bite the bullet and explain: "Uh, I'm just trying to describe the picture in my mind. It does look like a script..."

But before Tangning could finish her sentence, Heidi interrupted, "It doesn't matter, the script is just the script, it's a wonderful story anyway, I believe there will be many theaters willing to buy it, and even I can't wait to see it. It's time to line up!"

Hearing Heidi mention the theater, Downing suddenly remembered that it was because of the Moda Theater and Kayla, but it was a pity that Kayla was on Broadway, otherwise she would have been able to see her in "Ruth", but on second thought, it wasn't. Bad thing, because she's not fit to play Ruth either, at least not that fat...

Although "Titanic is indeed a script, Tangning still intends to send it to "City Newspaper" first. First, because she has never written anything to "City Newspaper", this "Titanic" is regarded as a reward; secondly The people who came to the theater were unfamiliar, and the previous Moda Theater had long since been closed during the war.

In the end, Tangning also had a selfish desire, that is, the newspapers spread widely and could be seen by more people. Although it was still decades away from the Titanic accident, I hoped that this could remind more people to avoid disaster. Of course, It would be even better if the White Star Company could be alerted. Even though Tangning knew that she didn't care what happened to the author who wrote "Futility", after all, by 1912, she was already an old man in his seventies, and he was not sure whether he could live to that day...

Just when Tangning was full of thoughts, Heidi suddenly asked, "Tony, if Jack and Ruth hadn't died, what would their life be like when they came to New York? Would they be very happy? "

Tangning thought for a while, then asked back, "Do you want to hear the real situation or the plot from the novel?"

Heidi answered without hesitation: "Of course it's true, I can also write novels!"

"If it is true, then there is a high probability that the two of them will not be happy, because the growth environment and values ​​of the two people are completely different, so there will inevitably be many conflicts and disputes that are difficult to reconcile after marriage, which cannot be solved by love alone. Come Of course, this may also be because my thoughts are too dark, maybe they will live happily." Speaking of this, Tangning suddenly thought of Xiao Lizi and Wensi A movie starring Laite, I can't remember the specific name, but the general content can be seen as the love that was wiped out by the chai rice oil and salt after Jack and Ruth got married...

After hearing Tangning's answer, Heidi thought for a while, then nodded in agreement, "I think what you said, Tony, is more likely to happen. However, this won't affect the popularity of your novel. After all, you don't have Write these cruel truths!"

Sure enough, after seeing "Titanic", the letter was very happy: "Tony, you are amazing! This "Titanic will definitely be very popular!"

But then the conversation changed and he said, "It's just a little short! The serialization will be finished in a week at most."

Fortunately, Tangning had already prepared for this, so she replied, "This is easy to handle, I can give you an outline, and then you can find someone to write about the lives of Ruth, Carl and the others after the shipwreck!" Tangning's outline was rewritten based on the "Titanic Fans" she wrote before she traveled...

The text looked at the outline, then frowned and said, "Well, although it's not as exciting as the story on the boat, it's okay! But Tony, you are too lazy, you finally wrote it once, and you only wrote the beginning! "

"Laiwen, you know that I'm very busy right now, so how can I have so much time to write novels, and you're right, I'm really lazy!" Tangning said sloppily.

"What a waste of your talent!" Liwen shook his head helplessly and sighed.

ps: For those who haven't read it, please refer to Lesson 23 of the "Normandy" in Lesson 23 of the Sixia Chinese Book of the People's Education Edition.

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