Rebirth in America: Great Slave Owner

Vol 2 Chapter 116: tragedy

Hearing what the boss said, Tangning was stunned for a moment. Then she came back to her senses and laughed: "Boss, you misunderstood, I didn't say I wanted to buy this painting!"

"Mr. Tangning, no matter what you say, I won't sell it. I'm not as stupid as Fei Sen!" the boss insisted.

Seeing the boss like this, Tangning didn't have much to say, she walked out with a dark face, while Melina laughed and joked, "Mr. Tangning, you bought Rembrandt's painting at the cafe last time. It seems that the matter has been spread among the cafe owners, and it will be difficult for you to pick up such a bargain in the future!"

"Where did you get so much cheap stuff, last time it was a low probability event!" Tangning said angrily.

Melina retorted: "Of course I know it's a low-probability event, but everyone wants this low-probability event to happen to them, don't they?"

Tangning thought for a while, then replied, "You're right. From this perspective, it's a good thing to give this boss a good hope for the future!"

And Melina shook her head and said, "That might be the case!"

I don't know if Melina has the talent for crow's mouth. A few days later, Tangning was painting in her study when Rob, the housekeeper, came in to report, "Master, Sheriff Klein is waiting for you in the living room!"

"Sergeant Klein? Why is he looking for me?" Tangning asked in confusion.

Rob explained: "Well, according to him, it seems to be related to a murder case!"

"What?! The murder case? How could I possibly be involved in the murder case?" Tangning couldn't help but exclaimed.

"I don't know the specifics!" Rob spread his hands.

"Okay, I'll go ask what's going on!" Tangning put down her brush.

In the living room, Sheriff Klein asked Tangning, "Mr. Tangning, do you know Mr. Luke Gugino?"

Tangning shook her head and replied, "I don't know, even this is the first time I've heard this name."

"It shouldn't be, you just bought a painting in his cafe a few days ago, and there were many people testifying at that time!" Sheriff Klein said with a frown.

Hearing Sheriff Klein say this, Tangning immediately reacted, "Oh, you are talking about the cafe owner, yes, there is indeed such a thing, but I really don't know his name. ."

"The problem now is that he was killed, and the reason for the killing is related to the painting you want to buy!" Sheriff Klein said in a deep voice.

Then he asked, "Mr. Tangning, I would like to ask, what were you doing last night?"

Tangning thought for a while, then replied, "Last night? I attended a dance at Mr. Frick's manor. Many people can testify to this, and I can't commit murder for a worthless imitation!"

"What? You said that painting was not worth much?" Sheriff Klein asked in shock.

Tangning nodded and replied, "Of course, that painting looks like an imitation of Rubens' "The Cross, but it's so clumsy that it can only sell for ten dollars at most!"

"Mr. Tangning, are you telling the truth?" Sheriff Klein asked.

"Of course it's true, why am I lying to you?" Tangning replied displeased.

"If that's the case, then this matter is a tragedy!" Sheriff Klein said with emotion.

"Why do you say that?" Tangning asked curiously.

Sheriff Klein explained: "Mr. Downing, you bought a Rembrandt oil painting for a low price of forty dollars in Mr. Faison's cafe. This matter is in the circle of coffee practitioners. It was widely circulated, so Mr. Gugino mistakenly thought that the oil painting you valued was also a valuable masterpiece, so he boasted that he was going to take this painting to France and make a fortune. Out of the murderer's greed, he not only stole the painting, but also brutally killed him!"

"This, this is too absurd!" Tangning said speechlessly, because he never thought that things would turn out like this, but this explained why the police came to find him, because this matter was indeed a bit related to him. relation......

At this time, Sheriff Klein suddenly said, "Mr. Tangning, I know you write novels, but novels need logic, but reality doesn't!"

Although Tangning had often seen these words in the comment section of social news before, but hearing a police chief say it now, he still had some feelings.

After chatting for a while, Sheriff Klein left, but he also said that he would check his situation at Frick's reception last night.

After Sheriff Klein left, Heidi came over and sighed, "Tony, I didn't expect a fake painting to lead to a murder case!"

Tangning nodded in agreement, "Yeah, if I had known at the time, I would have said it more clearly, so that Mr. Gugino might not have been killed because of this!"

Heidi shook her head and said, "I think, no matter what you said at the time, he wouldn't believe it, and even the more you say the painting is fake, the more he will think it's real. , because he thinks you're tricking him into buying the painting at a low price."

"Hey, this is the most helpless part. No one will believe the truth!" Tangning replied in a depressed tone.

"Who told you to buy a Rembrandt at a low price before!" Heidi teased.

Within a few days, the police caught the murderer. It turned out that Sheriff Klein's guess was correct. The murderer's target was indeed this painting, but he was disturbed by Gugino when he was stealing the painting, and then he was killed. But I didn't expect that this painting was not a valuable and famous painting, so when I learned all this, the murderer collapsed at that time...

"Tony, how about writing a short story based on this, like your favorite Edgar Allan Poe's Murder in the Rue Morgue?" the text suggested to Downing.

Although she admitted that the "King of Reasoning" was very tempting to her, Tangning shook her head and refused, "Although this will be a very exciting story, it will cause a great blow to Mr. Gugino's family, so don't do it. wrote."

"Tony, you are really a good person!" Liwen praised, and then changed the topic and said: "But unfortunately, not all good people in this world, if you don't write, someone will definitely write it!"

"Facts have proved" that the guess in the communication is correct, because someone did write a novel based on this incident within a few days, and it was published in the "City Newspaper" of the communication...

ps: I suddenly found out that it feels good to code words while listening to songs. Of course, the premise is to listen to Japanese or English songs, because I can’t understand them. If you change to Mandarin songs, it will interfere...

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