Rebirth in America: Great Slave Owner

Vol 2 Chapter 124: question

"Laiwen, what do you mean by that? Didn't I tell you that this matter is not allowed to be turned into a novel!" Tangning asked Laiwen angrily.

Liwen hurriedly explained with a smile: "Tony, don't be angry, in fact, I was going to find you! This is how it is, haven't I been traveling these days, so I asked Sloan to take care of it for me. The newspaper office, I didn't expect him to put this serial killer on the board! Actually, I blamed me for this. I was too hasty when I left, so I forgot to explain it to him!

Tony, it's really my fault, so come to me tonight, and I'll take out the bottle of 1839 Porto red wine that I treasured to apologize to you, okay? "

Although Tangning knew what the article said, "forgot to tell Sloan, he made his own decisions", these explanations were just excuses. In fact, he was just trying to get the sales of this novel, but he had indeed been out for a few days. , and he deliberately said goodbye to himself before leaving, and now it seems to be to clear the suspicion.

At this time, the letter called Sloan in again: "Sloan, hurry up and apologize to Tony, how can you just publish this kind of novel without Mr. Tangning's permission!"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Tangning, I thought that based on your relationship with the editor-in-chief, I would definitely agree!" Sloan said embarrassingly.

"What do you think? Do you think it's useful?" Liwen reprimanded.

"Yes, yes, yes, I was wrong, I'm sorry Mr. Tangning!" Sloan bowed to Tangning and apologized.

Although Tangning was still full of anger, for the time being, he really couldn't get mad, because on the surface, there was nothing wrong with what he was doing in the letter, because it seemed that he would be a little offended for this kind of thing.

And even if you get angry and send it to this Sloan, it doesn't make any sense, so he waved his hand and said, "Forget it, since you don't know it, forget it!"

"Tony, you can't just let it go! Sloan, your bonus for this month is gone, did you hear it?" The letter said with a "serious" face.

"I heard it, I heard it, I deserve it!" Sloan responded repeatedly.

After Tangning left, Sloan smiled and said to the text, "Editor-in-chief, did we think too much before? You see, Mr. Tangning didn't say anything."

Laiwen shook his head and replied, "Even if he didn't say it, he must have remembered me in his heart, so he must find an opportunity to repair the relationship!"

"How to fix it? He's not short of money!" Sloan asked with a bitter face.

"He is indeed not short of money, or the amount that can impress him can't be taken out. But he still has other weaknesses, such as women!" Laiwen said in a deep voice.

Sloan echoed, "Editor-in-chief, you are right, Mr. Tangning really likes women. Now there are only three dead, and it is said that there are quite a few lovers!"

While the two were chatting, suddenly two policemen walked in, and one of them asked them, "Who is the editor-in-chief of Garrison?"

Liwen hurriedly introduced himself: "Oh, I am. May I ask who you are?"

"I'm Constable Goodman, and this is Sheriff Klein! Editor-in-Chief Garrison, we have something to tell you!"

"Uh, okay, Sloan, go and make a cup of coffee for the two police officers!" The letter ordered.

I saw Sheriff Klein took out a newspaper and asked the letter: "Editor Garrison, can you contact Matthew Norris, the author of this serial killer from New Orleans to Memphis?"

Liwen nodded and replied, "Yes, may I ask if you have anything to do with him?"

"Then please send someone to bring him here, we have something to learn from him!"

"I can call him now!" With that, Liwen stood up to the door and shouted to Sloan, who was making coffee, "Sloan, stop making coffee, come in first!"

After Sloan came in, the letter introduced: "He is Matthew Norris, of course, that's his pseudonym!"

After asking the letter out, Sheriff Klein confirmed again: "Mr. Sloan, did you write this "Serial Killer From New Orleans to Memphis?"

Sloan nodded and replied, "That's right, I wrote it. Do you have any questions, Mr. Officer?"

"I ask you, you said in the novel that the murder case in Memphis was not the previous murderer, but a copycat crime, why did you write that?" Sheriff Klein asked.

"Because, because it makes the story more bizarre and it attracts readers!" Sloan explained.

But apparently Sheriff Klein didn't believe it: "It's that simple?"

"Of course, what other reason could there be?" Sloan replied casually.

Sheriff Klein sneered: "Of course there are other reasons, for example, this is the truth of the case!"

"This is the truth of the eucalyptus? It seems that I guessed it right!" But just halfway through the Sloan immediately reacted and asked in a trembling voice: "Mr. Sheriff, you, you should Don't be suspicious of me, I'm just..."

Sheriff Klein nodded and replied, "That's right, that's what we're looking for!"

"Mr. Sheriff, please listen to my explanation. Although this and this episode were written by me, but, this is what I heard when I was drinking in the pub. I thought this idea was more interesting, so I wrote it in. , I really didn't do it!" Sloan explained in a panic.

"What did you hear in the tavern? Which tavern? What time? Is there anyone who can testify for you?" Sheriff Klein asked with a barrage of cannons.

"Let me think about it, you let me think about it!" Sloan thought for a while before answering, "Yes, it was half a month ago, when I was drinking at the Hamlin pub, many people were talking about Mr. Downing. The eucalyptus at home, and then there was a big beard and he talked about the fact that the Memphis eucalyptus was not made by Underwood, but someone was imitating him, so that he could be blamed for killing Perry. I think What he said was very interesting, so he wrote it down and wrote it into the novel. There were many people in the tavern at that time, and Mr. Geffen was still arguing with him. If you don’t believe me, you can ask them.”

"Who is this bearded man? Do you know him?" Sheriff Klein demanded.

Sloan shook his head and replied, "I don't know, but I seem to come here often to drink!"

After asking for a while, Sheriff Klein stood up and said, "Mr. Sloan, we will investigate what you said, please keep this matter a secret, and don't leave New Orleans in the near future!"

ps: "Who is using Ruo phone booth, the idea of ​​this book is really good, but unfortunately the author didn't write it well, otherwise at least ten thousand orders!

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