Rebirth in America: Great Slave Owner

Vol 2 Chapter 140: well-intentioned

"Tony, I have something to discuss with you today!" Levin said to Tangning with a serious expression.

"What's the matter? So serious?" Tangning asked casually.

Levin replied word by word, "Ask for a draft!"

Tangning laughed dumbly and said, "What do I think it is, I've been writing this in your "City News" all the time!"

Unexpectedly, Levine shook his head and replied, "No, this time I'm here to ask you for a draft for the New Orleans Express!"

"The New Orleans Express? Why haven't I heard of this newspaper?" Tangning asked while frowning.

Levine explained: "Of course you haven't heard of it, because I started the New Orleans Express, and it won't go on sale until next month!"

"What?! Your new newspaper? What about City News?" Tangning asked in surprise.

Levin replied indifferently: ""City News"? Give it back to my father!"

Although Levine said it lightly, Tangning had already heard the blood and blood inside. It seemed that Melissa was right. The two men really did it, and it turned out that Levine lost and ran away to create a new one. Newspaper, of course, it is estimated that the cost of starting the new newspaper is still paid by Uncle Milo, otherwise the money that Levin made in less than a year will definitely not be enough!

Although she had guessed it in general, Tangning was too lazy to inquire about other people's family matters, so she nodded and replied, "Don't worry, Levine, if I write it, it will definitely go to your New Orleans Express!" Zhuan said again: "But you also know my writing speed, so don't dislike me for being slow!"

Levin waved his hand and said, "I know, but it doesn't matter, I will find some more suitable ones to ask your opinion from time to time, just like the way I did when I was popular with Melissa!"

"Oh, that's fine too!"

Not long after Levin left, Garrison walked in. The old man changed his indifference when he went to visit, and said to Tangning with a happy expression, "Tony, is there anything new recently? I'm here to see you. By appointment!"

"An appointment? Why didn't Levin come, and torment Uncle Milo, you're here?" Tangning asked knowingly.

Garrison explained: "Oh, Levine went to start a New Orleans Express, so I have to run the City News!"

"Oh, that's it, what about after that?" Tangning asked curiously, but then added, "Uncle Milo, I don't have any other intentions, after all, your age is here, so wait... "

Before Tangning could finish speaking, Garrison interrupted nonchalantly, "Tony, you want to ask who will take over the City News after I die, right? Who else could it be? Of course it's Levine. , after all, I am such a son!

In fact, this time I just wanted to beat him up to let him understand that the reason why he could increase the sales of "City News" was the foundation I gave him. If he created a new newspaper by himself, he would definitely not With this achievement, he will definitely have to obediently come back to inherit the "City News" after his "New Orleans Express" can't continue, and then he will not be disobedient! "

After Garrison left, Heidi asked Tangning, "Tony, do you think Uncle Milo's vision will come true?"

Tangning thought for a moment, then shook her head and replied, "I don't think it's very likely. Based on what I know about Levin, although I am a little disgusted by some of his behaviors, I have to admit that he is a qualified or even excellent newspaper boss. , is more ruthless and shameless than his father, Uncle Milo, there is no reason for such a person to fail..."

"Tony, what you said, although you are talking about Qualevin, it sounds like you are scolding him!" Heidi covered her mouth and chuckled.

"Actually, I'm neither scolding him nor complimenting him, just stating a fact!" Tangning shrugged.

Then the conversation changed: "But I am worried about a problem now, that is, both of their father and son have asked me for a manuscript, but I can't write it at all. If I only give it to one side, I will definitely offend the other side!"

"That's not easy, just don't write on both sides!" Heidi replied disapprovingly.

"Didn't you hear what Levine said just now, I'm fine if I don't write it, but he can get someone to ghostwrite it for me, I can't refuse it, right? Then his "New Orleans Express" was published in my name After that, Uncle Milo will definitely be angry, what should I do then?" Tangning said with a frown.

"Uh, that's true!" Heidi nodded in agreement, then thought about the proposal and said, "How about I help you write for Uncle Milo?"

Hearing what his wife said, Tangning was overjoyed, "That would be the best!" But then she asked worriedly, "But what do you want to write?"

Heidi shook her head without hesitation and replied, "No!" Then she said with a smile, "But isn't this because of you? Didn't you make the outline of Tangning Manor before and I wrote it, this time it's okay too? what!"

"The problem is that I have no idea what to write right now!" Tangning scratched her head.

"Then think about it slowly, I believe you can definitely come up with a good story!" Heidi encouraged.

"Let me think about it, what kind of story would be better to write?" Tangning murmured to herself, in fact, he had a lot of stories in his mind, but he couldn't find a story that was more suitable for the current era and background.

At this time, his eyes inadvertently caught sight of a thank-you letter in a newspaper, which was roughly the matter of a person who picked up precious jewelry and returned it to the owner.

Seeing, Tangning's mind flashed, and she said to Heidi, "I really thought of a good story, but this story is not easy to write. It will test your writing skills!"

Hearing that the story was not easy to write, Heidi became interested and asked quickly, "What kind of story is it? It's so difficult?"

"I call this type of writing a bizarre narrative. In fact, the plot is very simple. The difficulty lies in misleading readers through narrative skills. For example, this story begins when a person accidentally picks up a reasoning manuscript on the train... .."

PS: After walking in the outpatient clinic today, I have feelings, and I advise everyone to drink less, smoke less, stay up late, especially stay up late, because staying up late is really harmful to the body.

To say something that may be alarmist, our generation's health status and life expectancy are definitely lower than our parents' generation. Unhealthy, stressful work, hey!

. Zero Chinese Network]

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