Rebirth in America: Great Slave Owner

Vol 2 Chapter 94: fugitive slave

"Why do you arrest me? I'm a free man now!"

"Who said you were a free man? Did the lord agree?"

"You **** just keep growing cotton for the rest of your life!"


On this day, shortly after Tangning and Brian came out of the bicycle factory, they saw a few big white men dressed as supervisors tying up a thin black guy to the ground, but obviously the black guy was not convinced, and they were struggling and cursing. road.

So Tangning asked curiously, "What's going on?"

"It should be catching runaway slaves!" Brian guessed.

"Fugitive slave? What is a fugitive slave?" Tangning asked in confusion.

Brian explained: "Most people weren't as lucky as us, and they shipped their slaves to Brazil before the war. After the Yankees came in, the slaves were freed, and now the Yankees are gone. , of course, we have to capture all the previous black slaves, but some black slaves are disobedient, so naturally we have to teach them a lesson!"

Although Tangning could understand Brian's logic, she asked herself, if she encountered such a situation, she would not be able to arrest the fugitive slaves, but if she didn't arrest her, it seemed that she would not be in line with her status as a major slave owner, okay? You don't have to worry about transporting people away in advance.

Unexpectedly, Brian suddenly asked at this time: "Tony, do you think we can keep slavery forever?"

"Why do you think so?" Tangning asked curiously.

Brian thought for a moment, then replied: "You don't live in London like I have been for the past two years, so you may not understand the contempt of those British guys for us slave owners, but after a long time of contact, I slowly I found that what they said actually made some sense, it is already 1868, and it is indeed a bit inhumane to maintain slavery, in fact, this is part of the reason why I plan to outsource the land."

After listening to Bryan's words, Tangning thought, "Well, this guy has been brainwashed by the guys in London, but it's normal. After all, abolition of slavery is a big trend in the world, and now Americans have a very serious Mei-European attitude. Otherwise, he would not have spent a large amount of dowry (betrothed gifts) to marry the poor nobles in Britain and France, so it is normal for Brian to be affected.

In addition, Tangning felt that although the North and the South were negotiating for peace this time, the slave system would not last for too long. The best example is Brazil, where there was no war. Isn't slavery abolished in 1888!

So he reassured: "Maybe in another 20 or 30 years, when we find that growing cotton is no longer so profitable, we will give up buying and using slaves ourselves."

Brian nodded in agreement and said, "It makes sense. Actually, I don't think the income from growing cotton is not as good as before, otherwise my father would not agree with me to wrap the land. It's just that everyone hasn't gotten used to it for a while, and they always feel that there are not dozens of them under my command. A black slave is not even a manor owner, but don’t think about it, now a black slave is worth a few hundred dollars, can you make it back in the end?”

After settling down at home, Tangning brought Caroline to New York. After all, there was still a lot of business waiting for him here. Although Mark Qin was very trustworthy, as a boss, he couldn't always come here.

Contrary to the victory in the South and the active resumption of production, the overall atmosphere in the North is very lonely and depressed. Although it is a North-South peace talks, it is actually equivalent to the failure of the North, which has paid huge human, financial and military costs. No access to cheap raw materials and dumping markets in the South.

Fortunately, this had little impact on Tangning's business. After all, his electric light business was aimed at the wealthy, and thanks to the promotion of the war, bicycles were increasingly recognized by the public.

Originally, after visiting Morgan, Tangning was going to find Danina and Kayla, but she didn't expect to meet Julie at the door of Morgan's house, she said to Tangning with a lonely face, "Tony, accompany me for a drink. Get yourself drunk today!"

Although Julie didn't give a reason, Tangning had just come out of Morgan's house, so she knew that Julie was like this because Morgan was getting married for a second time, but the bride was not her, but Francis-Louis-Tracy, obviously she The plan to pursue Morgan failed, but Tangning wasn't surprised by this...

In desperation, Tangning Worth accompanied Julie to a familiar tavern for a drink, and then found a chance to persuade, "Julie, why don't you go back to New Orleans with me!"

Unexpectedly, Julie shook her head and refused without hesitation: "If I don't go back, I definitely won't go back!"

"You're not giving up, are you? Tracy's body is very good!" Tangning asked in surprise.

Julie smiled and replied, "What do you think? How could I be so infatuated? And I don't have that much time to waste on a man!"

"Then why didn't you go back?" Tangning asked in confusion.

Julie explained: "Because New York has more rich people than New Orleans, although I failed with John, I can still find other men!"

After hearing this explanation, Tangning breathed a sigh of relief, "Oh, if you think so, then that's right!"

Although Julie said it lightly, during the battle that night, Tangning clearly felt that she was in a state of "sorrowful army", but the art of war said "the sadness army will win", so Tangning lost all three battles that night.. ....

The next day, Tangning recruited Edison to replace Mark Qin to manage the company. After all, Mark Qin was a research and development talent at heart, and he was not particularly good at management. (For the recruitment of Edison, you can refer to the second chapter of the story, and I will not copy and paste the word count here.)

After spending a few days with Daniela and Tangning set off back to New Orleans. As soon as she got home, Heidi came over and said to him, "It just so happens that you are back, or else I will plan tomorrow. Send you a telegram!"

"Oh? What's the matter, so urgent?" Tangning asked casually.

"Jonathan is getting married!"

"No wonder you want to send me a telegram, I really have to come back as soon as possible!"

"But when you meet his new wife, you have to be mentally prepared, don't lose your temper!"

PS: Thanks to the book friends "Lion who loves to dance", "Sea Green Turtle", "Nanwu Old Driver Buddha", "The Loneliest", "Infinite Labyrinth", "We Are Presumptuous", "The Key to the Door" ", the support of "ZY Wutongyu 2" and the support of "Flying Dante" again!

In addition, please ask for a wave of subscriptions. These two days are indeed because the location of my chapter is wrong, but the data is too bleak. Please help, and the full subscription is less than the price of a bottle of Coke...

. Zero Chinese Network]

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