Pointing to the gentle-looking man with glasses, the woman yelled angrily, "He fell down.

Several ordinary zombies and an evolutionary zombie came out of the building.

The soldier went back to rescue him, but was pushed out by him to block the evolutionary zombies during the battle. "

Herd mentality is a very common psychological phenomenon.

When perception, judgment, and cognition are affected by the behavior of outsiders.

Most of the time, it will be done, in line with public opinion or the behavior of the majority.

Only a very small number of people can maintain their own independence.

Obviously, the people in this hall do not have such a handful of people.

As the young mother's voice fell, more and more people who had been favored by soldiers came forward and accused those who were ungrateful.

Humans are creatures that are easily influenced by emotions, even if the human nature is indifferent in the city.

Like people in the 1950s and 1960s, they don’t like to go around the door and communicate with their neighbors.

Because I live in the same community and have exchanges in the same property group, I have a preliminary understanding of the residents here.

Longcheng No. 1 is a high-end community, but it hasn't been built for many years.

This has led to the background of the upstart Longcheng No.1, which is not as deep as the old high-end districts of Jinxiu New City.

The people living in Jinxiu New City do not have enough social status even if you have money and are willing to wave a lot of banknotes, but you will not be able to buy a vacant room.

Longcheng No.1···If you have money, you can buy a room, and you can buy a second-hand house if you don’t have a room.

Under such circumstances, there are more upstarts living in Longcheng than in other high-end communities.

Now that the social civilization is highly developed, nouveau riche is no longer a representative of derogatory terms.

There are too many new industries, and a person who was previously unknown is likely to become an industry leader overnight.

The nouveau riche of such people is a commendatory term.

But the nouveau riche who lives in Longcheng No. 1 are really rich, no education, no quality, morality, and poor people.

It just so happens that these people who like to do things like hurt others and benefit themselves are all upstarts.

Because he is rich, saying ‘Do you know who I am?’ can also be used to push people out to block zombies, which is unethical.

In this community, although this group of people did not offend the residents of the entire community, they are not many.

The new hatred and the old hatred combined, and the two sides broke out in a fierce quarrel in front of people like them at the beginning of Xia.

The content of the quarrel is also eye-opening and breathtaking.

Seeing the two sides arguing more and more severely, they have reached the point of getting involved.

At the beginning of Xia, he drew the pistol, opened the safety plug and loaded it, and raised it towards the ceiling with a shot.


The gunfire stopped, and everyone except the thorns turned their heads and looked over.

The emotion of excitement and anger returned to calm under the eyes that seemed to be quenched by the ice in the beginning of Xia.

"Do we need to make room for you to make noise slowly?" she asked with a smile.

A group of people shook their heads. At the beginning of Xia's frequent period, they were a little worried that they would shake their heads.

"Since I don't need it, please be quiet."

Slowly pointing the gun at those people, she said, "Come, listen to my order, and the soldiers who have harmed the soldiers and those who have not harmed will stand in two teams."

"Don't think about getting through it, I don't want to kill anyone, do you understand?"

"Understood!" This time the answer was very refreshing, not refreshing.

No matter who was pointed at by a gun, there was a group of soldiers staring at them equally with guns, and they couldn't be unafraid.

In less than two minutes, these residents divided the teams.

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