Rebirth of the 92 Business Tycoon

Vol 6 Chapter 251: That's it

Cupertino, Apple headquarters.

Several people were a little nervous reporting about Jobs, this is the new, that is, the 3g version of the iPhone R & D team.

After the success of the first generation of iPhones, the pressure they faced is undoubtedly much less, mainly because the requirements for confidentiality are no longer as high as one or two years ago.

At least, within Apple, they don't need to hide and tuck them like before, and they don't need to set limits everywhere between the different groups of the R&D team.

The previous strict secrecy measures have succeeded in keeping the secret of this epoch-making product, but at the same time setting restrictions like that, it is also equivalent to closing oneself.

On the one hand, the pressure on R&D is unprecedentedly huge. On the other side, I cannot talk to anyone about the pressure I am facing, not to mention other people in the company, even the people in the team, even the wives and children. For many people, that is equivalent to double pressure.

Fortunately, such restrictions are now relaxed a lot.

This day, as expected, the better.

But that is for ordinary members of the team. For these people who reported to Jobs at this time, the pressure they faced has never been relieved.

After the first-generation iPhone was successfully introduced to the market and became popular, they obviously felt that Jobs was a lot irritable. They could actually understand the reason, because they, including them, felt the urgency.

Whether it is Nokia, Samsung, BlackBerry or Motorola, they must be racing against time to develop products that can compete with iPhone.

They cannot let the mobile phone market be controlled by new entrants like Apple.

If Apple wants to maintain the first-mover advantage in the next competition, it is naturally the most effective way to quickly develop the next more advanced product.

When other companies launched the market based on the iPhone and their competitors’ products, they had already developed the second-generation iPhone, but when they came up with products that could compete with the second-generation iPhone, their third-generation product had already been released. … That is, only by always maintaining the advantage of one generation ahead of other rivals in the market, can Apple achieve the expected success in this new field.

However, even though they fully understand Jobs's urgent mood, Jobs's attitude in the last two days and the state of Jobs in the last few days are even somewhat unacceptable to them.

Looking at Jobs's posture, it seems that other mobile phone companies already have a very threatening product about to be released, so I feel that he hopes that the research and development work will be over by the end of the year.

But is that possible?

Besides, your requirements are so high!

But these are sufficient reasons for them. It seems that Jobs didn't care at all. As they expected, after the last person spoke, Jobs broke out, "The progress is seriously lagging behind."

It is fair to say that you knew our progress yesterday, and can you still expect that when we hear the report today, our work will be pushed forward by a large margin?

In their defamation, Jobs sometimes akimbo, sometimes waving his hands back and forth, from their personal to their team, all-round and multi-angle derogation of their work.

Although they are used to such a rhythm, no one can adapt to such a thing. Everyone still feels uncomfortable at this time.

Although Jobs is a well-known person in Silicon Valley, but these few of them, whether at Apple or outside, are not unknown at present, so it is not good to be said to be worthless from head to toe.

But what can be done?

One of the vice presidents in the team just justified a little, and drew a more violent attack from Jobs. Immediately, he also admitted his fate, just like everyone else, standing there honestly, watching his nose and nose. Heart, let Jobs criticize without saying a word.

It's never a good idea to argue with Jobs on his anger, because it can only arouse him even greater anger.

They can only comfort themselves, the more times they go through such difficult times, the stronger their capital will be.

Although Jobs had a grumpy temper, in any case, his ability was equally outstanding.

And Jobs’ violent temper is like a hammer. Many of Apple’s products have changed from a piece of black iron to steel under the repeated tempering of his hammer.

The abilities of these people have also been greatly improved under such tempering.

This is also the main reason why they can bear it.

"...If we fail, you will take full responsibility," Jobs looked at them, and said.

This also means that his anger has temporarily come to an end. Everyone is relieved and is preparing for the next second wave. At this moment, the savior came, and they saw that Jobs’ secretary hurried in and whispered Say something to Jobs, Jobs listened, frowned, glanced at them coldly, and finally left with his face.

How many people are immediately amnesty, is this over?

As soon as Jobs disappeared, several people involuntarily exhaled and pulled a chair and sat down.

Several people with lingering fears glanced at each other and laughed silently almost at the same time.

Similar to the four popular domestic irons, working under Steve Jobs and enduring his violent temper...the same effect.

"Steve's body..." someone said tentatively.

Otherwise, why is he acting so impatient?

Someone shook his head, "It has nothing to do with his body,"

"Why is that?"

"I heard, Feng, that's Mr. Feng,"

Everyone nodded immediately. The Feng mentioned here naturally refers to Feng Yiping.

"One of his companies has developed a very good system called Android, which is very suitable for use on mobile phones and other smart platforms."

"So that's it,"

They immediately understood why Jobs had been so impatient these two days.

If Android is really good, then someone may catch up to them soon.

Apple at this time, in the field of mobile phones, is far less confident than later. After all, their first-generation products really have flaws such as poor signal.

"Also, do you know?" the guy who broke the news whispered, "Do you know who is developing Android?"

"Who is it?" Everyone immediately became interested. Could it be that the guy who made Jobs so anxious was still an acquaintance?

"That guy's called Andy Rubin,"

Everyone looked at each other, who was it? There is no impression!

"When John Sculley was the CEO, Rubin was a somewhat maverick employee in our R&D department. Later, his department was disbanded. Together with several colleagues, he established a new company and developed a new company. This Internet TV was quite successful. Then, Microsoft bought their company, so he joined Microsoft again."

"Later, for some reasons, I left Microsoft, and then started a few times, until his latest company, Android, was acquired by Feng."

Hearing this, a few people wanted to say that this is really an individual talent, Apple first, then Microsoft. Now Feng Yiping’s company is also well-known in Silicon Valley. Therefore, he wants to be among the well-known high-tech companies in the United States. , Mix it all again?

They also have some understanding, why Jobs is so annoyed because it is a former employee who gave up on Apple that threatens the current good situation. It is a bit ironic how it looks.

How does this kind of thing give people a sense of retribution?

But Jobs was only angry at this time. He had long known that Rubin had been in the work of developing smartphone operating systems and interfaces when he was at Apple.

In his view, this is also a betrayal, a betrayal that is even less worthy of forgiveness.

But he has to answer this call right now, and he knows that receiving such a call at this time will definitely not be a good thing.

He hurried into the office, picked up the phone, "Lawrence,"

The one who called him was Lawrence Fink, his company, ranked second among Apple's top 10 institutional shareholders.

"Steve," the other party's voice was calm and relaxed, "we heard that there is a new product that will have a major adverse effect on Apple?"

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