Rebirth of the American Tyrant

Chapter 1253: Hyakki Yakou

It is the uncle who owes the money and does not repay it. In order to make Yingjiang spend more money, the foreign exchange collected by Xiaojaben was basically lent to the United States without covering the heat.

Later, the whole world was actually doing this.

If we say, what Ponzi scheme is the biggest in this world. There is no doubt that one day, the overwhelming green bills will cause serious inflation in the entire world.

It is not an exaggeration to say that one day there will be a barter, don't be surprised. Anyway, just get through it, those big heads are definitely more anxious than you.

"Suzuki, ask if there is a whole king crab.

Every time I eat this, they always give me less. "

Suzuki looked at this rammer speechlessly, what status do you say. Coming here for dinner is called dignity, and if the boss gets excited, he might give you a waiver.

Of course, she actually knew that this was just a joke.

"You are very unbehaved. The chef just now was stupid. I just said a few words. You can translate so much.

Dear, as a translator, you are not qualified. "

"You also said, it's hard for me to die, the cholesterol is too high, Dr. Smith told you to eat less."

"Tsk, I don't drink beer anymore. If I can't eat seafood anymore, what's the meaning of this life."

William White said so, he was actually paying attention. Gout, this is a disease of wealth, God is very fair, let you eat Hesai, waste so much food, hurt you to death.

Well, it's not very serious now, but the uric acid is a bit too high. However, you are only forty now. If you do not know how to control, even if you do not lie in a wheelchair, the quality of life will decline.

After supper, William White planned to go and cheer. Or, this is too idle.

Shinsaibashi, the busiest place in Osaka, lined with various restaurants and shops. It seems, it doesn't look so miserable.

"I'll go, ghost, it's terrible. Ahem, Suzuki, how do I feel, there should be no such new humans in Osaka."

William White is planning to see a nightclub in Japan. I heard that the DJ level here is very high. The main thing is that it hurts in idleness, so what, if he encounters a suitable prey, he doesn't mind savoring exotic customs.

But what the **** is this group of super explosive heads and smoky panda makeup. This Nima, what kind of Halloween party is it?

Suzuki glanced at this fussy bun, although she didn't like it. However, this is popular in Japan now. Not to mention makeup, just this head, without three to five hundred dollars, it is absolutely impossible to handle.

"Aren't there many Kabukicho? Osaka is much better. After all, this is also a big city. In terms of commercial atmosphere, it is not much worse than Tokyo."

"Well, Athena is not allowed to do this kind of look. As for the others, just feel free."

Deafening electronic music, really noisy people's brains hurt. After only half an hour, William White couldn't stand it. Well, the most important thing, those hot girls, really do not meet his provincial beauty.

Ahem, there is another question. William White doesn't understand. Many of them are college students, Nima. Shouldn't there be only adults in such occasions?

Of course he would not know, and no one told him. Due to the economic downturn, Japanese society began to become deformed.

Now these are just pediatrics, college students earn some pocket money, it is basically a common phenomenon. The strangest thing is that the parents of these children seem to be informed.

Japanese girls are very clear about earning pocket money and feelings. You see, the story of Fujiwara Takumi and Mogi Natsuki is not entirely fabricated. No matter how magnificent the driving skills are, it is mostly used cars.

You think the initial D is just a cartoon, these are all made up.

Ahem, okay, it's okay to make up, the actual situation is more exaggerated than the cartoon.

"The electric town is not as large as Akihabara. Let's go in and take a look."

"Okay, boss, several shops here have special counters for Legend World. In this regard, the business atmosphere in Osaka is relatively relaxed."

"I am embarrassed now. The Americans think that Legendary World is already a Japanese company. However, Japan doesn't seem to think so."

Fujita smiled bitterly, what could he say. Is it national pride?

Maybe it is. Sega’s mosquito coils are so rubbish, they are also sold very well in Japan. As for Little Heaven and Somi, they are basically on par with the legendary world.

This means that there is still a gap in the world. If it is like Japan, William White would simply give up the mainframe business.

To say that the eagle sauce is the same, the video recorder must have a unified format. It is said that this is for environmental protection.

That is, Sommy turns around quickly, otherwise, a video recorder is enough for it. You said, why don't you unify the format of the game console.

So many game manufacturers have developed from the initial unified format to the present.

Hey, William White is really powerless to complain. This is really different.

"Fujita, the console game has become like this now, do you think those old guys will regret it?"

For the boss's question, Fujita really couldn't answer it. With the current console game consoles, if you increase the purchase price of the parts, it is basically the same as the selling price. It has been a long time since I sold one and lost one.

It is impossible to say that it is not depressed to meet so many old guys with ideals and aspirations. The matter has developed to the present, it can be said that his strategy at the time was basically to delay his effort.

If you knew this, it would be better to hand it over to Baodao foundry. Swept the market with absolute low prices as soon as it came up. If it is not profitable for everyone to directly engage in it, I believe that no one will enter the market.

Of course, to say regret now is also very nonsense.

Fortunately, no matter how hard you work, the peak of console games has passed. Then, in the next computer game, he must change something.

Don't fight now. Everyone uses a Windows system. The only difference is that their 3D engines are different.

"Boss, I don't know if those old guys don't regret it. The guys on the board are basically desperate now.

Little Paradise and Somi have indeed released several very good games recently. Unfortunately, they have so much base now, and consumers may not buy them all. "

"This is natural. I am totally addicted to it. I can't say that I haven't. It's not too much. It's a pity that the machines of the Big Rabbit Country can't be counted."

Fujita nodded, confirming this statement. Although the market is huge, it has been telling growth. However, my game cassette just can't be sold. This Nima is asking someone to make sense.

A good market is now like this. Hey, that's not a big deal. In order to promote his CE system, Bill Gates decided to join the battle.

Well, in the following days, there will be fun. Anyway, based on your background, whoever has better machine performance and lower price is likely to stick to it.

Attention, just stick to it.

Want to make money?

I'm sorry, this group of guys did not fall down, this is simply an extravagant hope.

"Boss, aren't you talking about WTO recently? If the big rabbit country, cough cough, there shouldn't be too much obstacles. In this way, will they also pay attention to copyright issues."

"Well, it will definitely happen in the future. But at this time, no one is sure.

Besides, Big Rabbit has been unable to join the WTO for a long time, and this is also peanuts tossing behind. What they care about most is the free entry and exit of capital. As for copyrights, they won't care. "

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