Rebirth of the Burning Era

Chapter 65: Cadre training class

Liang Yifei nodded, got up and filled Liu Jianshe's wine, and said, "What business, Liu Ke, can you talk about it?"

Liu Jianshe said, "It's not a big deal."

In recent years, the economy has developed rapidly, and all aspects are undergoing transformation. Many old experiences, old methods, and old thinking in the past are obviously not enough.

The city is planning to organize training for young cadres and hold a training class for young cadres starting this year.

As for the content of the training, the higher-level leaders have specified several items, and the Education Bureau has supplemented some of them, mainly related to the theoretical knowledge of the market economy and the transformation of government management functions; the Education Bureau is responsible for the overall arrangement of the specific training work.

One of the training courses is English.

For other major courses, professors from various universities were hired to give lectures, and they were conducted on university campuses. The English part was originally planned to be done in the same way.

However, compared with other courses, English is the 'icing on the cake', not the core. Liu Jianshe also manages social education disciplines, and the country is promoting social education, so Liu Jianshe has an idea to make English training a small branch. To be entrusted to a private school, that is, to respond to the call of the state, is also a political achievement of his newly established department.

It just so happened that a new era emerged in Binhai City. It happened that I had two meals with the boss of the new era, and it happened that Zhu Linlin happened to be working in the new era.

Of course, Liang Yifei thought of this.

"As for the people, it's about a hundred or so." Liu Jianshe paused and added: "It's not much money, it's calculated on a per capita basis, and one person is currently tentatively set to spend between 150 yuan and 200 yuan, about three weeks. ."

Liang Yifei nodded without hesitation and said, "This is no problem. It is in the same direction as the development plan of the new era. The training of cadres is mainly simple business English. We can undertake daily conversations!"

There are more than 100 people, 10,000 to 20,000 yuan, you can definitely make more money, but not much.

The work is also easy, the cadre training class is short, there are no particularly strict assessment indicators, and there is no pressure on the students and teaching units.

Most importantly, it's not about making money.

These more than 100 young cadres have attended the training class, so they will all be contacts in the new era in the future, at least if they can find a way to speak, how much is this relationship worth?

Being able to undertake the cadre training classes in the city is a golden signboard in the new era. No matter where you expand your business in the future, if you take out this golden signboard, you will be able to do more and more, and you will be given more or less in all aspects. Have a little face.

What's more, listening to Liu Jianshe's meaning, the training class is only the first phase, and there will be a second and third phase in the future...

If you can continue to carry it on, the new era will have a very different position in its overall layout in the future.

It can even be said that as long as we can continue to undertake this corporate business, for a long time, it does not matter whether the new era makes money or not.

Even if you pay for it, you must win this order!

"Boss Liang, don't worry about it first. Should I leave this matter to you? Now I can't guarantee it. I'm just letting you know and we'll discuss it privately."

Liu Jianshe took a slightly more serious tone and said, "Although English training is only a small part of the entire training class, it is of great significance to our Education Bureau and to me, a social force in running a school management department.

Before, all cadre trainings were done in cooperation with famous universities, and this cadre training class was no exception. This time, in response to the call of the state, I tried to cooperate with private training units for the first time. The pressure from the bureau and myself was very high. Big, you know what I mean? "

Zhu Linlin suddenly interrupted and said, "So, if New Era takes on this job, it will not only do it smoothly, but also do it well, even better than a famous university."

Then she said something that everyone at the scene knew, but only her identity could speak directly, "And this is also the work and performance of your department, brother. If you don't do it well, you can't explain it."

"My personal honor and disgrace is not unimportant. The key is to complete the tasks assigned by the organization, to win glory for the bureau, and to reflect the achievements and characteristics of our Binhai civilian school!"

Liu Jianshe laughed, and then said to Liang Yifei seriously: "Boss Liang, if you want to say that the most powerful private school running force at present is your new era, I have dealt with you twice personally, and I think you are a very reliable person to do things. The spectrum is solid, and it is recognized by you. So, if you have the intention, come up with a training plan as soon as possible, and I will submit it to the leader. If the leader approves, the job will be handed over to you, what do you think?"

"No problem." Liang Yifei nodded to Zhu Linlin and said, "Well, Miss Zhu, come to the school early tomorrow morning to report, and then the central contact of the training class and follow-up work arrangements will be handed over to Miss Zhu. At the latest This weekend, New Era can come up with a plan."

"Okay, Boss Liang, don't worry." Zhu Linlin smiled slightly.

"That's good, you guys should do it as soon as possible, and make it as beautiful as possible!" Liu Jianshe raised his cup and shook Liang Yifei slightly: "After all, this is the first time to cooperate with non-governmental I have no idea in my heart. , I hope that we not only have a good time drinking and drinking together, but also work happily together!"

"Liu Ke, don't worry, since the leadership trusts me, this time, the new era is guaranteed to give the city's education mouth a show," Liang Yifei said.



After dinner in the evening, I delivered Liu Jianshe and the others one by one. In the end, I chatted with Zhu Linlin again, leaving the address of New Era, and made an appointment to report to New Era at 8:00 the next morning.

Looking at the time, it was almost half past ten and eleven o'clock. Liang Yifei smelled the smell of alcohol. He didn't go home. He went straight to the school. Gu Wenming was looking at it with a pile of resumes he got back from the talent market.

Before the certificate was issued, the new era began to recruit people. The talent market had the first round of review, Gu Wenming’s second round, and finally Liang Yifei’s third round.

"Lao Gu, I slept at school at night. You should rest early. I'll assign you an assistant tomorrow. There are still important things to discuss." Liang Yifei was so sleepy that he couldn't keep his eyes open halfway, and fell on the sofa. As soon as he took off his coat, he started to sleep with his head covered.

"What assistant? What's the big deal?"

As soon as Gu Wenming opened his mouth to ask, he heard Liang Yifei say in a daze on the sofa: "The new era will surpass the level of university education..."

"How is it possible that the new era surpasses the level of university?" Old Gu rubbed his red eyes and was about to ask why, when Liang Yifei's soft snoring was heard on the sofa.

Gu Wenming, who was already very tired, heard Liang Yifei's snoring for some reason, and suddenly felt very relieved.

On the way of chasing dreams, don't be afraid of the long distance, and it doesn't matter that there are thorns everywhere, as long as someone walks hand in hand!

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