
Shen family.

The old lady Shen put the red envelope in the cabinet in the inner room hidden under a quilt, to ensure that the four boys could not get it, and called Shen Jianlin, and the oldest two together to go to the town market.

Fu Bao blinked and looked at Shen Zhile, who had been lying on the side staring at her. She was a little helpless. He had been looking at her for a long time, at least a quarter of an hour. Why hasn’t he seen enough?

Of course, Shen Zhile couldn’t see enough. The more he looked at his sister, the more he likes her. He reached out and pulled Fubao’s small hand, and asked Lin Xiujuan expectantly, “Mom, my sister is so small, when will she grow up? I want to play with her, Take her to catch frogs and fish, and pick fruits and eggs for her!”

The third eldest Shen Zhiyi also said, “Me too! I want to play with my sister too!”

Lin Xiujuan smiled, “Fubao is just a month old. it will take a long time for her to grow up.”

The two boys circled around Fubao, liking her from the bottom of their hearts.

The younger sister is cute, soft, and fragrant, much better than the black, thin, and dirty brothers.

Fu Bao couldn’t help but feel sleepy. Although she was a little embarrassed being stared at by a few pairs of eyes at first, now that she was used to it, she fell asleep unconsciously.

Don’t know how long it took, when there were footsteps and Shen Jianlin’s voice. They knew that it was the old lady Shen and the others.

She quickly opened her eyes and looked outside, still babbling.

“Fubao, grandma, dad, and brothers are back.” Lin Xiujuan looked at Fubao’s cute appearance, picked her up, kissed her on the cheek, and then lifted the curtain and walked outside.

The village is far away from the town. Old Mrs. Shen went there in the morning, so it was already noon after a trip back and forth.

The old lady Shen came back with red eyes, Shen Jianlin and the two brothers also looked solemn, and the atmosphere in the room changed after they enter the door.

Shen Zhiyi was the first to react, and hurriedly asked the old lady Shen, “Grandma, what’s wrong, something happened?”

Lin Xiujuan also noticed something was wrong, and asked, “Yes, Mom, why are you all looking like this, is there something wrong?”

Seeing Fu Bao in her arms, Old Mrs. Shen’s eyes turned even redder and her lips moved. After a while, she choked out her voice and said, “We went to the market, but we didn’t expect the money to be stolen! Our family can’t hold a full moon reception for Fubao!”


Lin Xiujuan was stunned for a while, “The money was stolen? How could this be…”

The old lady Shen took a few steps forward and said to Fu Bao with red eyes, “Fu Bao, baby girl, I’m sorry, I didn’t hide the money well and someone stole it, so I can’t give you a full moon reception. Grandma is really sorry!”

The old man Shen in the next room heard this, coughed a few times and scolded: “What’s wrong with you old woman, you’re too careless! How could you lose the money for Fu Bao’s full moon reception?”

“How could I have thought that the money would be stolen? We all went out happily, hoping to bring back some good dishes. Who would have thought… whoever stole the money, I’ll curse him to death!” Old lady Shen was very sad and angry. How could she lose the money for Fubao’s full moon wine? really useless!

A few boys feel very sorry and pity, but there is nothing to do if the money is lost. There are so many people in the market that they have no idea who stole it. Even if you know, you will definitely not be able to catch up.

Lin Xiujuan felt very uncomfortable, that was Shen Jianlin’s salary for a month of hard work!

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