Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 631: :fight back

The deputy patriarch of the Pearl Sect cries, shakes his head, cold sweat, the situation changes, the situation changes suddenly!

Originally, the devil's city is bound to be acquired. Unexpectedly, the return of the city's master Nan Tianyi is not only unparalleled in combat power, but also a group of demon army as foreign aid.

The most important thing is that this army of demons is not yet a crowd.

It was n’t just a matter of insufficiency and temporary gathering.

Weeping that they are not ordinary people, they are also the mecha warlords who are famous.

Through the breath induction between the strong, weeping knows that in the face of this large army of demons, the weakest have the strength of human mech warriors.

The powerful ones are even more mech warlords than humans.

In particular, the Sea Devil Emperor, Spider Queen, Sin Raft Demon Emperor, Blue Whale Demon Emperor, and the four of them are like mountains, imposing like an abyss, with magical power.

How do you know how to cry, that your Pearl Sect has angered such a master!

Decades of floating and sinking, proficient in the world.

Do weep well know the wisdom of life that should bow your head.

Weeping bowed his head, his attitude was cautious, like a child who made a mistake.

"Nantian City Lord, it was our verbal conflicts before! I hope you don't care too much. I also hope that your adults have a lot of people! Let us go!"

Weeping confessed.

"Over the years, your Pearl Sect has not been in our Castlevania. Let's do destruction! Now, want to be forgiven?"

"Furthermore, I have killed your young patriarch of the Pearl Sect, the elder of the Pearl Sect, and San Tianyan and so on!"

"Can the **** enmity between us really be resolved?"

Nan Tian said coldly.

Weeping and crying war, weeping silicon looked at each other, unified the opinions.

Even the grumpy battle of crying had to bow his head proudly, after all, the situation was stronger than people.

A little carelessly, the millions of male soldiers from the Pearl Sect's laborious gathering will be destroyed.

Although the Pearl Sect is strong, the destruction of millions of soldiers will also damage the foundation of the Pearl Sect.

Once the foundation was destroyed, the Beishui Sect and the rest of the great descendants passed in, and the status of the Pearl Sect was in jeopardy.

"Nantian City Lord, you are really laughing. Before, we did not know each other, those who died, our Pearl Sect completely cancelled. After all, it was they who took the initiative to offend Nantian Lord! This thing is our pearl. Zong ’s fault. "

"As long as adults, Ken will let us go.

Our Pearl Sect can come up with compensation! Lord Nantian, despite the good price. "

Weeping with fists.

In the Pearl Sect, he is the No. 2 character, second only to the Sect Master.

His words, to some extent, can represent the official discourse of the Pearl Sect.

The sea demon emperor took a magnificent step and came to Nan Tian, ​​bowing and said: "Master, in the distance, there are some Xiao Xiao! I will capture them!"

Nantian nodded slightly.

"Go, go back quickly, start a little bit more!"


The sea demon emperor stepped out in one step and used the unique general talents of the demon family to shuttle through a short distance and appeared in front of Song Xian for no reason.

Song Xian was also shocked.

The power of Haichao Demon Emperor was beyond Song Xian's expectations.

"Xia Xiaozhi, dare to keep stealing the peep-master?"

The sea arrogant demon emperor hit with a big hand, the magic power tilted out.

The Sea Devil Emperor is a relatively powerful existence, and the ordinary Sixth Grade Mecha Warlord is not his opponent at all.

Song Xian was hit by a blow and suddenly felt his internal organs seemed to be broken.

The people of the Beishui Sect were also in a panic and wanted to escape.

However, at this time, the Blue Whale Demon Emperor came from the sky.

As a powerful assistant of the sea demon emperor, the blue whale demon emperor is comparable to the ordinary seventh-grade mech warrior.

The appearance of the Blue Whale Demon Emperor completely blocked the escape of Beishuizong and others.

Soon, together with Song Xian, Wang Bochao and other masters of Beishuizong, they were all captured.

The sea demon emperor handed a black whip, and hit the Beishui clan fiercely.

Song Xian was escorted over with disgrace.

The Sea Devil Emperor and the Blue Whale Demon Emperor kneeled to Nantian on one knee and said, "Master! Xiao Xiaozhi, have all been captured! Please master for inspection!"

Nan Tian waved his hand: "Well!"

Nan Tian looked at a group of people from Beishui Sect, and most of them were strange faces.

However, Wang Bochao made Nan Tian stunned.

"Last time, I abolished you and did not take your life away. You dare to come now, ha ha! Really, when I am in the sky, dare not kill?"

There was a cold smile on the corner of Nantian's mouth, and he immediately raised his sword and fell.

The meteor sword waved down.

Wang Bochao's head rolled down.

Song Xian and others looked pale, knowing that Nantian was a ruthless man.

Pearl Sect ’s weeping, crying war, and crying silicon high-rise, also noticed Song Xian.

Song Xian was the first general manager of Beishui Sect, and Song Xian was very famous.

"The first general manager of Beishuizong! General manager Song Xian, you have been paying attention to the situation here?"

Weeping will sigh.

Song Xian's strength is clear to many high-level officials, but it is a master of the Sixth-grade Mecha and Emperor.

However, in the hands of Nantian's demon emperor ~ ~ is like a child, he was captured here, and there is no power to counterattack.


Song Xian's face turned red, and the words were suffocated.

Now, as a prisoner of life, life may be lost.

Song Xian never looked back.

"Nantian City Lord, our Beishui Sect's grievances are not many. The cause of this matter, Wang Bochao, is just the ninth manager of my Zongmen, and now he has fallen into confusion. You also look forward to Nantian City Lord. . "

Song Xian begged.

Previously, they also talked and laughed, and talked about Nantian's life and death.

But nowadays, it is their turn to be captured by Nantian, life and death, only one sentence in Nantian.

"I have an army of hundreds of millions of demons, and I can devour the earth! Before you dare to despise me, insult me, and want to plot against my demon city. I will not be reconciled without killing you!"

Nan Tian said lightly.

Song Xian's face suddenly snapped: "Dare you! I'm the first general manager of Beishuizong. If I die, Beishuizong will not let this thing go!"

Nan Tian laughed: "What if I don't let go? Like the Pearl Sect, I sent a million soldiers and wanted to conquer me?"

"If that is the case, you Beishui Zong will be here! I am not afraid of you! Only you are allowed to attack me, will you not be allowed to fight back?"

Now calling the banner in hand is equal to the army of hundreds of millions of demons.

On the main star of Beiluo, Nantian need not be afraid of anyone.

"Haihuo, blue whale, you drag these people down, all will be put to death on the spot! Their flesh and blood will share with you."

Nan Tian waved his hand.


The Sea Devil Emperor and the Blue Whale Demon Emperor happily promised.


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