Wan Feng leaned against the wall and watched the news broadcast on the TV in boredom.

Most of the news broadcasts are about the news about the remarkable results achieved after mass production and contracting. Wan Feng hopes to see the news about the World Cup at the end of the news, but when he thinks that the World Cup has been over for several days, there will be no news about football.

Wan Feng started to like football from this time, to be exact, from last year's Asia-Pacific Regional Qualifiers.

It's a pity that his enthusiasm for football didn't last long. The repeated disappointments of the national team made him basically stop watching football in the later stage, no matter domestic or foreign.

"Get up, let go of the quilt!"

It's not even eight o'clock yet, Luan Feng is getting laid?

Is this woman too impatient?

"You sleep on this quilt, and I sleep on this quilt." Luan Feng put two quilts on, Wan Feng was at the top of the kang and she was at the bottom of the kang.

What is the matter with such a large empty space in the middle of the kang?

"I said don't waste it so much. Two people put two quilts. I think your quilt can be omitted."


"Then my bed can be omitted."

"Don't step across the middle of the kang."

It's coming again, and I want to make Lao Tzu worse than a beast.

The two of them, one lying on the top of the kang and the other on the top of the kang, were watching TV, as if they had heard the sounds of chickens and dogs, and they had never been in touch with each other.

Wan Feng didn't pay attention to what was being played on TV. He was wondering whether to make a historic breakthrough tonight.

Say goodbye to the TV show at ten o'clock.

Wan Feng went down to the ground and turned off the TV, and then turned off the lights. The following programs should be marked as unsuitable for children.

"Come here!" commanded.

"Not in the past." Tough style.

"Then I'll go there." Rogue-like.

"do not come,

You go back, hooligan..." Half pushed and half agreed.

"I heard that you've caught a cold and are flustered. As a doctor, I have the responsibility to treat patients. Come! Let me take your temperature."

Luan Feng said timidly, "No, I'm not sick!"

"Many people say that they are not sick, which is a manifestation of serious illness. If you hear someone tell others that I am sick, don't be embarrassed, life will always pass this level."

Sometimes a woman's words are always inaccurate, and she says no, but you resist!

On the contrary, Wan Feng was in a dilemma. Is the body temperature measured or not?

Come on, it's still far away from the time of marriage, once the floodgates are opened, there will be things to do.

Don't worry about it, this arrow is on the string, if some kind of fire attack causes backlash, will it be as crazy as written in fantasy novels.

In order not to go crazy, a certain person took the amount as soon as he gritted his teeth. Anyway, he bought insurance.

Someone pretends to be a doctor to take a patient's temperature, but the process is a bit long.

after a long time...

A certain person falls asleep, but a certain woman can't fall asleep anyway. Some things are very strange, thinking of a very beautiful thing, but the pain is unbearable when it comes to the end, and then it is sweet and comfortable.

Just like the temperature measurement just now.

The sweet and sour taste is a little bit maddening.

At dawn, someone was pinched awake.

"What the hell are you doing if you don't sleep?"

"I seem to have a fever again, and my body is very hot."

Got mad again?

Someone stretched out his hand and stroked it: "Isn't this normal?"

"Where can you test your temperature with your hands, doctor, I think it's better to measure it."

"The thermometer is broken." Someone turned over and tried to fool him.

"It's not bad, I tried it just now and it works fine."

It's over, Pandora's box is opened, and the devil has come to the world.

The paralyzed doctor may not be able to take off his hat.

After the second temperature measurement, it was dawn.

"I'll make poached eggs for you."

A certain woman blushed, and got up in a spring breeze to cook poached eggs for someone.

Ten minutes later, Luan Feng came in with a big bowl.

"Get up and eat!"

"Don't eat, I'm sleepy."

"Trash, it won't work twice, can you do it?"

Wan Feng couldn't laugh or cry, why can't I do it.

Wan Feng took a bite of the poached egg, then scooped up a poached egg and handed it to Luan Feng's mouth.

"I won't eat it, I'll leave it to you."


"Don't eat!"

"Really don't want to eat?"

"I really don't want to eat it!"

"If you take a bite, I'll take your temperature at night." Wan Feng said without thinking, and uttered something casually, and then he was dumbfounded.

Luan Feng grabbed the spoon and ate more than ten mouthfuls in a row.

"You mean what you say."

Wan Feng blinked for a long time and suddenly lay down on the kang: "God, take me away quickly, I am completely disappointed in human beings."

Luan Feng lay on Wan Feng's body and couldn't help laughing.

"See if you still dare to brag!"

"I saw a lot of grass growing in your yard yesterday, and your mother didn't have time to wash clothes while showing me the shop, and your family has accumulated a pile of clothes."

Luan Feng was puzzled: "What exactly are you trying to say?"

"I think it's so easy for you to take a day off. As a daughter, you should have filial piety, so I decided to send you back later to help your mother hoe the grass in the yard and help your mother wash clothes. You What do you say? Oops! Let go, bitch, I warn you that if you pull my ears in the future, I won’t be a doctor anymore.”

"If you want to drive me away, there is no door. You have to take your temperature at least five times tonight!"

Wan Feng fell onto the kang with a bang, foaming at the mouth: "I'm dead!"

At eight o'clock in the morning, Wan Feng stood in front of the house and exercised his body. He was about to die just now, but Luan Feng finally brought him back to life with a burst of artificial respiration.

I stretched my arms a few times before I remembered: It seems that I didn't get up to exercise this morning.

Look at how much delay things are caused by the love of children.

Originally, Wan Feng planned to go out for a stroll, but Luan Feng refused to let Wan Feng go out, and let him stay at home with her to make love to each other.

Isn't this a fatal thing, one day and one night, if the old Qingqing goes down alone, it will really kill someone.

So, Wan Feng went to record the tape.

Luan Feng was packing the recorded tapes.

The covers of these tapes were printed by a printing factory. Although the picture is a bit blurry, it is better than the white cover.

The 600 blank tapes that Zhang Shiqian brought randomly for the first time have all been sold out, and what Wan Feng is using now is the second time that Zhang Shiqian brought.

This guy actually brought over 8,000 copies at once, and I don't know how he got them.

Except for the tapes sold by the machine, each machine comes with two copies at random, and the rest are sold by these tape recorders.

The wholesale price is eight yuan, and Wan Feng can earn four yuan, which is a considerable profit.

Luan Feng also didn't know what was going on in her heart, her face turned red and white, sometimes she looked at Wan Feng and giggled.

Wan Feng always felt that Luan Feng had the idea of ​​eating people.

no! have to get out.

If you keep suffocating in this room, maybe danger will come at any time.

Wan Feng already felt the aura of danger. Rebirth: New Farmers in the 1980s

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