Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 795: It’s not just about winning


Don't look at Lin Qingxian's usual courage, almost unable to withstand the pressure from Treasure Island's participation in the movie "The Last Nobleman", but on this occasion, she is definitely full of aura and can deal with it freely.

Amidst the cheers of the relatives and friends, Lin Qingxian and Deng Lijun gave a hug, and then walked to the stage to receive the award curvingly. There were no exaggerated tears, tears, and tears. In the sincere testimony, I emphatically thanked my parents. After so many years of care, he returned to his seat decently-without overtime for a second, she seemed to be a calm sister, and Tang Huan couldn't help but laugh.

Ted Turner sneakily nudged the richest man, and whispered: "Well, I admit you moved back by one point, but you are still behind."

Tang Huan glanced at Jane Fonda, who was eyeing Ted Turner from time to time, and replied playfully, "Believe it or not I will tie you next year?"

Ted Turner’s gaze turned to Lin Qingxian’s direction, and he categorically retorted: “It’s impossible. If you stretch out your hand again, you’ll really be offended. In addition to “Mulan”, “Wall Street” won the best actor. "From 20th Century Fox, "Moonlight Sultry", which won the best supporting actress, is from MGM, and the Oscars are almost rounded up by you unknowingly."

"This can't blame me for being greedy." Tang Huan looked innocent, "Who let other big film companies spread their minds to other areas."

At this time, Eddie Murphy stood on the stage to present the last award-Best Picture. The black comedy star starred in 1984's "Wonderful Business Trip" and 1987's "Wonderful Business Trip Sequel", each with a domestic box office of more than 100 million U.S. dollars, really made Paramount a lot of money. It has also become a guarantee for the box office.

After a gag, Eddie Murphy began to announce the attribution of the best picture, and as expected it was awarded to "Mulan". Lin Qingxian and Li Hanxiang took the stage together to receive the award.

In this way, "Mulan" was able to reproduce a record-becoming the first film to win all 9 nominations after "The World of Gold Powder" in 1958.

In fact, the reason why the movie "Mulan" has such a bumper harvest is due to Tang Huan's role as a public relations promoter. However, it requires hard work by itself, and its popularity is obvious to all.

"Mulan", which topped the U.S. box office in 1987, still has a screen reserved for it after its summer hits, and it lasts until the Oscar awards ceremony.

To put it in concrete terms, as of February 16, 1988, when the Oscar nominations were announced, all five films nominated for the Best Picture Award had gross box office revenues of more than 400 million U.S. dollars in the United States. Among them, "Mulan" contributed more than half of the share. "Fatal Temptation" came in second with US$142.295229, followed by "Broadcast News" with revenue of US$36,712,098, and "Broadcast News" with revenue of US$25,369,070. Moonlight Sultry", "The Last Emperor" with an income of $11,112,886.

This shows how much "Mulan" has audiences. And there are many influential figures, such as the famous American feminists Gloria Steinham and Betty Friedan. In particular, the latter can be called a fan.

As one of the main creators of the women's liberation movement in the late 1960s, Betty Friedan, who is world-famous, often shows herself as a typical suburban housewife.

As early as 1949, when she gave birth to her first child, Betty Friedan was given maternity leave; but five years later, when she applied for maternity leave for her second child, she was fired. This experience evoked her thinking about women's issues.

In 1957, Betty Friedan's Smith College classmates reunited 15 years after graduation. She conducted an in-depth investigation of her former classmates. It turns out that most of these female classmates who have received higher education have become housewives who live in simplicity, but they are also quietly asking themselves: "Just live like this?"

Betty Friedan's survey results and review articles inspired more than five years of research and thinking, and finally turned into "The Mysteries of Women_Mysteries", which is generally regarded as one of the most influential books of the 20th century.

This book, published in 1963, reveals the living conditions of the majority of American women in the 1950s and 1960s, as well as the "unknown" mental problems that prevailed in them.

Betty Friedan conducted an in-depth analysis and criticism of the cause of this unknown problem, a popular idea at that time, the so-called "female_mystery".

After visiting a large number of women and related people, Betty Friedan exposed the absurdity of the "mystery of women" through analysis and examples.

Since then, Betty Friedan has officially embarked on the feminist movement. Not only helped to establish the National Women’s Organization of the United States, but also served as the head of the organization for 6 years. The women's strike that spanned the United States in 1970 was her curtain call for this organization.

Obviously, now Betty Friedan has found a breakthrough to express his appeal from Hua Mulan, who served in the army for his father, which invisibly made the movie more and more popular.

You must know that the feminist movement has achieved many results and has had a profound impact on most developed regions, including the United States.

And now we are in the transition period of the so-called second-stage feminist movement and the third-stage feminist movement, and the thinking is very active. There have been various debates about beauty alone: ​​should feminism be for beauty or against beauty? For Madonna or against Madonna? Is it for cosmetic surgery or against cosmetic surgery?

The rebellious style of Madonna in the United States and Anita Mui's bad girl in Hong Kong, why there is such a market, has nothing to do with this feminist movement.

As a result, in addition to the artistic and commercial value of the movie "Mulan", it has an ideological aura that the Western world talks about. It can be said to be getting higher and higher, and the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences must buy it.


After the 60th Oscar Awards ceremony ended, the ratings were also released immediately, but fortunately, it was not in vain—the average broadcast time was about 42.2 million viewers, an increase of 13% compared with the previous year; The total number of viewers who have watched part of the program is estimated to be 70 million.

According to the data from Nielsen's ratings survey, the program performed better than the previous year, attracting 29.2% of households to watch, and the ratings exceeded 49%.

It’s just that professional evaluations are not so face-saving. Most of the media, including the Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, and USA Today, tend to have negative views on this year’s Academy Awards. Knowing whether the party's material was insufficient due to the American screenwriters' strike, professional commentators and columnists all felt the atmosphere was monotonous and boring, and the consecutive awards of "Mulan" was barely a bright spot.

No matter how deep or shallow the water is, after the movie "Mulan" is fully harvested here in the United States, you can go back to Hong Kong without paying attention to sweeping away the subsequent Hong Kong Golden Statue Awards.

As for whether it can be a perfect ending, there is no problem-those Hong Kong filmmakers certainly do not dare to question the concept of American Hollywood criteria.

Before the "Mulan" team was about to leave the United States non-stop, Tang Huan specifically asked Li Hanxiang to talk. The other party is still dizzy by the impact of the huge achievement, and naturally he can't wait for the richest man to be overwhelmed.

"Director Li has regarded mainland China as a stage for the use of talents, and his vision is really admirable. I hope you can give full play to the advantages brought by your qualifications when you go back." Tang Huan said straightforwardly.

Sophisticated Li Hanxiang is naturally sensitive to intrigue, and he immediately tasted what the richest man suggested.

At this year's Academy Awards ceremony, "Mulan" cruelly crushed "The Last Emperor", and the parties can deeply feel it.

Obviously, Tang Huan wants to express an attitude: If you want to make a fuss about the movie, you have to find the right person! The number one tycoon in Hollywood is standing in front of him. The preferential treatment that "The Last Emperor" received during the filming process is obviously favoring one over the other.

"I believe that after this incident, a layman who is slow to react will understand who is the real boss." Li Hanxiang praised the necessity of this "beating" vigorously.

Seeing the other person's mind so slick, Tang Huan smiled with ease, and said with emotion: "Sometimes, I have to fight! If you really want to talk about the background of the film industry, can't I be better than those Italians?"


After dismissing Li Hanxiang, Tang Huan deliberately asked about the broadcast of this year's Oscars by Media Asia United Satellite TV.

For the time being, Xiangjiang couldn't get a satellite TV license, so Tang Huan found one from Funan and set up the satellite TV station structure in Hanukkah.

Although Media Asia TV has gradually restored work order from the fire, Tang Huan intends to use the wonderful prospect of building a better headquarters to slow down its pace and transfer part of its resources to Hanouk City in Funan. Media Asia United Satellite Television Headquarters.

Of course, tvb is also involved, which is also the origin of the "union" in the name of the satellite TV station.

With the help of this unprecedented live broadcast of the Oscars for Chinese film participation, Media Asia United Satellite TV has realized the program signal to Hong Kong, Haojiang, Baodao, the mainland Pearl River Delta, Singapore and other regions, although the time is not prime time, but It also got relatively good ratings, which is a good start.


The return of the movie "Mulan" at this year's Oscars has naturally inspired other Chinese filmmakers-the richest man is not the one who writes bad checks. The top fame and fortune templates are already here, just watch. Do you have the ability to fight for the chance to get ahead?

It is conceivable that Cheng Long and Hong Jinbao, who filmed "Die Hard" in Los Angeles, are the people who feel the most directly, and therefore have the most energy.

"Die Hard" has been completed. Tang Huan saw the samples shortly after attending the Oscars, and the results were good.

In addition to Cheng Long's thrilling action on the elevator which stimulates the kidney hormones, Hong Jinbao and others also acted as villains with full personality and vividness, and the unique funny skills of these brothers are interspersed in the whole movie from time to time.

After Hollywood professionals gave positive comments, Tang Huan was also very satisfied, and said privately to Cheng Long and Hong Jinbao: "This year, let's see how Die Hard can bring you any good luck. "

"It's fine if you don't lose money." Cheng Long said anxiously.

In order to film "Die Hard", Tang Huan specially packaged an unfinished building. There were scenes of fighting, gun battles, explosions, helicopter crashes, etc. in the movie that burned money, resulting in the entire shooting cost approaching 30 million U.S. dollars. Cheng The brothers Long and Hong Jinbao had to worry secretly because it was the first time they took such a large order.

Tang Huan laughed and jokingly said, "If that happens, it's easy to handle it. You can take the top amount of your pay."


Compared with the smooth progress of Die Hard, Li Lianjie’s "Universal Pursuit" is a little bit frustrated, mainly due to technical reasons. After all, in addition to the science fiction elements in it, Li Lianjie has to play the righteous and the evil. They played against each other, but the problem is not too Huan greatly affirmed the work results of Li Lianjie, Yuan Kui and others, "It can be seen that you have done a lot of new things here. Just to distinguish the two Yulans who are righteous and the other evil in the play, they carefully designed two sets of boxing methods for different Yulans to use. A good Yulan fights the gossip boxing of endless change and offensive and defensive. , The righteousness is awe-inspiring, every step is the camp; but Bad Youlan is a fierce Xingyiquan kungfu, with a sinister face and fierce tricks."

This reached the point where Yuan Kui, who was also in charge of martial arts instructing, was proud of. He panicked and said, "The boss has a torch-eyed look, he is an expert."


After handling the affairs in Los Angeles, Tang Huan did not return directly to Silicon Valley by plane. Instead, accompanied by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of California High Speed ​​Rail Jerry Brown, he drove north along the construction route of California High Speed ​​Rail.

Due to the start of multiple roads at almost no cost, the construction of California high-speed rail is creating a miracle, and it is expected to be commissioned by the end of next year.

Jerry Brown sincerely praised: "Tang really has a good vision and a good spirit. The situation is now obvious. The more the project is delayed, the greater the pressure from inflation, demolition compensation, environmental protection, etc."

"Inflation is really a disease." Tang Huan, thinking of the situation on the Chinese mainland, sighed with emotion, and turned to look forward with excitement: "When the California high-speed rail is officially opened, the Golden State Warriors and Oakland When the Raiders and Oakland Athletes come to Los Angeles to play games, they can take the train comfortably, and it will be more convenient for Los Angeles fans to watch the game in San Francisco."

"This is a golden road, whether it is the current cost or the benefits that will be produced." As the specific promoter of the project, Jerry Brown was also excited about his destiny to be remembered in the annals.

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