Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 854: Online Services in the First Year of the World Wide Web


Filming is just a small part of serving one's own huge industry. The outline and the territory ordered Cheng Long. After confirming that the other party's understanding was in place, Tang Huan ignored it and continued to do his own business.

On November 29, the UN Security Council passed Resolution 678, requiring Iraq to abide by previous relevant resolutions within a time limit, immediately and unconditionally withdraw from Kuwait, and restore its sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity-the specific deadline is January 15, 1991 , And authorized "to implement Resolution 660 by all necessary means."

In other words, the United Nations gave Iraq an ultimatum and authorized the use of force in a form of diplomatic language.

At the same time, the 34-nation alliance supporting the Kuwaiti royal family finally took shape. The richest man has completed his mission and is worthy of the benefits that the Kuwaiti royal family has given him.

In fact, with the opportunity of walking around, Tang Huan also did a lot of "private work" for his high-tech industry.

From the 8-bit era in the 1970s, to the 16-bit era in the 1980s, and to the current 32-bit era, personal computers have developed at a staggering speed.

It is estimated that at this stage, the number of personal computers in operation in the world has exceeded 100 million. In terms of annual sales, the United States is the undoubtedly largest market, with annual sales approaching 10 million units and sales of about 25 billion U.S. dollars; Japan ranks second with annual sales of more than 2 million units and sales of 5.9 billion. Dollars are in the early days.

In Europe, which ranks third, the market situation is relatively more complicated. Affected by many factors such as economy, technology, and open environment, the imbalance of market distribution is very prominent. Two-thirds of the market share is concentrated in Western Europe, and further concentrated in the four countries of Germany, Britain, France and Italy, accounting for almost another percent. Seventy; in Eastern Europe, the annual sales volume of personal computers is less than 1 million, of which Poland is about 300,000, Czechoslovakia is about 280,000, and Hungary is about 100,000.

Although the annual sales volume of personal computers in the entire European market is close to that of the United States, the contribution of profits is not as good as that of the Japanese market. The reason is that the US and Japanese markets have eliminated the intel80286-level 16-bit architecture products and the intel80486-level 32-bit architecture products. Become the mainstream, while the European market is still flooded with a large number of cheap personal computers. Compass, which avoided fierce competition in the U.S. market, dumped PC toys in the European market with hardware specifications that are essentially equivalent to game consoles and a price of about US$300. This is enough to explain Problem.

However, compared to the relatively closed pattern formed by the Fangyuan personal computer compatible machines made by Japanese manufacturers that dominate the domestic market, European countries have already given up this status to American manufacturers. In the 8-bit architecture era, European individuals Computer companies can be described as a hundred schools of thought, but after the transition to the 16-bit architecture era, most of them have been eliminated; in the current 32-bit architecture era, they are basically dead.

In addition to continuing to improve performance in the vertical direction to support multimedia and other applications, the next development direction of personal computers will also evolve into Internet terminals in the horizontal direction. This obviously gives Europe, which is aspiring to transform into an all-round alliance, a new opportunity to catch up.

When Tang Huan was in talks with European leaders, he lobbied for many cooperation projects with facts and reason. German Chancellor Helmut Cole and French President François Mitterrand communicated Not bad, but I had to stop here on the British side, and the political arena here has changed.

Margaret Thatcher, who was re-elected as prime minister of the United Kingdom for three consecutive terms, was unpopular because of the implementation of a new tax system in the local area-a poll tax, and because of wrong economic measures such as raising interest rates to 15%, further losses from the middle class and enterprises The core support from the business community, coupled with the increasingly serious political and political differences on the issue of European integration, finally led to the demise of the general situation, sadly stepped down, and transferred the position to the Chancellor of the Exchequer John Major.

The British Prime Minister who had just accepted the appointment from Buckingham Palace is very busy now, and seems to be somewhat indifferent to the richest man. Tang Huan didn't take the initiative to get together, and simply went home first and continued to run the it kingdom on the American side.

After nearly a year of promotion, the concept of the World Wide Web can be said to be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so that the media began to circulate a saying-1990 is the first year of the World Wide Web. ad_250_left();

In fact, after so many years of accumulation, the signs that the Internet is about to take off are becoming more and more obvious.

After all, the number of personal computers at this stage provides enough access terminals for the Internet; and on the west coast of the United States, Pacific Telecom, under the continuous spur of Tang Huan, the speed of modem access to the Internet has reached a maximum of 28.8kbps, which is a network The application environment construction has made a clear demonstration.

At the executive meeting of the group, Steve Case, who was almost at the end of the meeting, as the CEO, introduced passionately the recent operations of AOL, which is constantly burning money.

At this stage, AOL’s greatest achievement is that the number of users has exceeded 1 million in the industry.

Regarding the specific concept of this data indicator, it is necessary to first point out the current Internet access methods.

In the original time and space, the well-known way of surfing the Internet was to open a web browser, enter a web address, and surf freely when the Internet was connected.

The current way of surfing the Internet is obviously different-when the user turns on the modem and connects to the Internet, he directly enters an online service system like AOL, and the surfing content is provided by it.

This is also the reason why subscribers give money to online service companies instead of telecommunications companies. Online service companies have negotiated prices from telecommunications companies and leased physical lines.

The AOL user who has broken through the 1 million number mark in the industry, refers to this subscriber. It is not difficult to see that the concept is quite different from the conventional Internet users in the original time and space.

To be more precise, the current online service companies are playing the role of Internet service providers, namely ISPs. Subscribers are very sticky and have a very direct gold content. Their scale directly affects the level of income.

Now, AOL has more than 1 million subscribers, which means that the service fee alone can be credited to tens of millions of dollars.

Steve Case, who is only 32 years old this year, has the courage to think and do, and is full of enthusiasm. In order to further gain users, he intends to innovate the current monthly package mechanism, that is, to cancel various time restrictions and become after paying a monthly fee. , You can surf the Internet at any time, 7×24 hours of surfing is no problem, which is the same charging method that users are used to after more than ten years in the original time and space.

When Steve Case, across the huge conference table, asked the representative of Pacific Telecom from a distance to further reduce its business scope, that is, the line cost in the west coast of the United States, the other party sternly refused-we early After doing thorough market research, the price of slow network access for user terminals on the west coast of the United States is now maintained at about two dollars, which is already an ultra-low price for the gods to kill the gods and the Buddhas to kill the Buddha. With the growth of AOL, we can never put our hopes on squeezing communications companies. Everyone is two companies whose profits are calculated separately, okay?

Among the people present, Steve Case was the least experienced and the least ashamed. After being embarrassed, he just shrugged, and then pulled the conversation back to preach: "Of course I have never served on AOL myself. Lax in quality."

"If the monthly subscription time limit is really cancelled, then AOL's servers will definitely not be able to cope with the rapidly expanding user traffic, which will affect the current user experience that everyone is more satisfied with." This time did not account for Steve Case's side. Tang Huan slowly analyzed: "You have to play the cards one by one, and all of them are thrown out at once. It is certainly enjoyable, but what should I do if there is no hole card in the follow-up competition? After all, the online service companies that can survive to the present are all right. The price war has been able to bear considerable strength. AOL’s work should focus on hard work."

Similar to other industries, the competition in the American online service market is as fierce as ever. Almost all of them have their own areas of expertise, and even have deep funders behind them. At this time, AOL is not because of the richest man. Support, and the future is bright and worry-free. On the contrary, due to the position of the industry leader, the pressure of being chased is great.

Among the online service companies that have become the climate at this stage, the oldest is compuserve, a computer service company that can be traced back to 1969. It has a comparatively long history in financial data collection and consolidation, financial services, and newspaper data sharing. Successful realization; in recent years, the business of e-mail, file sharing, etc. is still quite attractive, and the number of subscribers has reached 600,000.

In third place is prodigy, which has 465,000 subscribers. This is an online service company founded in 1984. The main beneficiary behind it is CBS, a famous company that has also invested in Apple. Chain retailer Sears, and ibm.

The background of prodigy also illustrates an interesting phenomenon in the current technical architecture of online service companies, that is, the competition between Fangyuan Computer Company and ibm in the computer field has more or less continued into this field-AOL's back-end servers are all From Fangyuan Computer Company, the client terminal access devices are also Fangyuan personal computers and compatible computers; most of Prodigy’s client terminal access devices are ibm-ps/2 and ibm-pc compatible computers; the software is also in the same pattern. Prodigy's bbs and e-mail services are still very popular.

Another online service company that is backed by big trees to enjoy the coolness, I have to mention, that is the genie funded by General Electric, and its subscribers have also reached the level of 100,000.

In addition to these online service companies that are inextricably linked to large companies such as Fangyuan Computer, ibm, and General Electric that are not bad in technology and financial resources, there is also a category of competitors that focus on providing content services, such as Dow Jones. Dow_jones_news/retrieval, which has been in operation since 1973, focuses on providing information on stocks, bonds, options, etc. It is conceivable that its tariffs are not generally expensive-prime time reaches up to 2.30 US dollars per minute, which is almost the price of one hour for ordinary online service companies.

As far as online service content is concerned, although AOL does not reach such a high level of professionalism, it is rich enough to outsmart the crowd. In addition to regular content such as weather, stock index, ticketing, books, second-hand transactions, virtual communities, etc., relying on Tang Huan’s The big boss has video games, Hollywood, sports industries, and investment in the media field, providing online games, movies, records, sports events, online radio and other highly distinctive and popular content services.

The richest man convened a high-level meeting this time. Among Internet issues, the current industry situation of online services is a focus.

The golden pen in Tang Huan's hand paused gently on the notebook in front of him. The people in the meeting who noticed this detail, no matter how brilliant and brilliant they were outside, all subconsciously straightened their backs and listened intently.

"I have to repeatedly emphasize one point, so that everyone can reach a consensus, that is, the Internet is the general trend in front of us. If we ignore it, it will be extremely difficult for our huge fleet of coordinated steps to quickly adjust its direction. "

"The Internet allows us to make a lot of money, but its innate characteristics-freedom ~ freedom and free ~ ~ We must also maintain a patient and clear understanding. Monopoly advantage and profit capture need to be carefully studied, otherwise It’s easy to do bad things with good intentions and get twice the result with half the effort."

Seeing thoughtful expressions on the faces of Steve Case and others, Tang Huan relaxed his tone and continued: "In addition to the development achievements including the continuous speeding up of the Internet, the World Wide Web will also affect the Internet ecological environment. It has a huge impact, not because I am the inventor and founder touted by the media, and I deliberately sell myself and boast. This year is the first year of the World Wide Web."

After the laughter stopped, Tang Huan looked at Steve Case and pointed out: "In addition to lowering tariffs, there are many other effective competitive methods to get rid of opponents. You let AOL continue to use technology. The preference for upgrading is one of them. AOL’s rapid progress in the graphical user interface is very worthy of recognition. In contrast, those who hold the dos operation interface because of the current network bandwidth and access speed are very Short-sighted."

"Ten years ago, a personal computer could have 4kb of memory, which is very remarkable; but now it has been increased by 1,000 times-4mb has become the mainstream configuration of personal computers."

"Network bandwidth and access speed will also follow this development trajectory. In a few years, those who make mistakes in their predictions will regret it."

"The World Wide Web application is another good opportunity to get rid of its opponents. AOL must accelerate its pace in embracing the World Wide Web.

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