Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 864: If you want face, wait for next year

Of course, Tang Huan also has an excuse. He wants to attend the world premiere of the first "007" which is more than the original time and space.

It is still the usual place-the Audien Cinema in Leicester Square, London; or the distinguished old guests-Prince Charles and Princess Diana.

The slight difference is that, in addition to the first few years of joining the United States, the richest man, who has stopped rushing to show up on this occasion, also came here.

The Odion Cinemas is also the venue for the British Royal Film Performance. Before the premiere, the charity organization established by Charles in 1976, the Prince’s Trust, was being held. The film’s box office revenue would contribute £200,000. Donating money can be regarded as the meaning of the question that Tang Da boss appeared.

"You didn't stagger the time on purpose?" Charles glanced at a gap and joked about the small friction between Tang Huan and John Major.

The richest man in Tang shrugged, "If I have to speculate in a bad direction, no matter how I explain it, it's useless."

Diana intervened, "The Prime Minister Major seems to lack patience with Tang."

Charles raised his brows, and a hint of displeasure flashed across his face, but he didn't say anything.

Tang Huan, who took this scene into his eyes, shook his head secretly, and it was really hard to embarrass this seemingly like royal couple. Diana was inseparable from Charles for a moment, and couldn’t pull Charles’s heart over; now he has all his energy After giving her official duties, charity, and the two little princes, her relationship with her husband became more and more estranged.

It is no exaggeration to say that after being "enlightened" by the richest man, Diana, who acted actively, gained greater prestige than the original time and space, and even the limelight directly overwhelmed Charles.

As a member of the royal family, only last year, Diana followed Charles, first visited Nigeria and Cameroon in Africa in March, then went to Hungary in Eastern Europe in May, and finally participated in Emperor Akihito’s in November. Enthronement ceremony.

This year, Diana first visited Pakistan on her own, and then took a trip to Brazil with Charles.

You know, this is only part of the official business.

During Diana’s time, he arranged a lot of charity activities, especially for those who are unfortunately suffering from AIDS, leprosy and other infectious diseases that have been talked about, extended a helping hand-a real handshake, this act Compared with the performance of most people who dare not touch the group, it formed a sharp contrast, and was praised by the British media as the "great commoner princess".

According to Tang Huan's understanding, the British royal family's attitude towards the Princess of Wales is more complicated.

Diana, who performed even better than Charles in performing royal duties, is naturally impeccable; but in some details, it is unavoidable to make people heady. For example, during the interview, Diana sometimes asked straightforward questions, which would make the other party feel embarrassed and undermined diplomatic etiquette.

What's more, Diana is too active, even almost radical, contrary to some traditions of the British royal family, especially the light covers Charles, and firmly controls the two little British princes she has given birth to by her side.

As for the private life, Diana did not retaliate to find Charles a bunch of colorful hats, but she was still gossiping and was chased by the tabloids.

The main reason is that the Princess of Wales and the richest man's family, more precisely, it is the female ship king Christina who got too close-these two women with different identities, with their children, went to sea on a luxury yacht together. Playing around is simply commonplace.

A typical wave caused by this is that the media disclosed that Eton College had illegally admitted Aristotle Onassis and Socrates Onassis, the sons of female ship king Christina, and Diana played a role in it. Own influence.

In response to the fierce suspicion of the crowd, the female ship king Christina gave an explanation from her nostrils — my son was admitted by his true ability; Diana's attitude was also disapproving — I just helped to say a word about the age limit.

Compared with the energy these two women possess, their kind of mischief can only be considered innocuous, but it certainly makes the British royal family who seeks to create a perfect public image feel unhappy.

Even Tang Huan noticed the change in Charles's expression, and Diana, who was so sensitive, closed her eyes and could discover it by intuition. However, she now enjoys the sense of accomplishment that makes the British royal family feel extremely entangled, and she doesn't care about Charles' attitude towards herself as much as before.

It can be said that the Princess of Wales is still the same as the original time and space, blackened, but the pattern has changed.

Directly ignoring her husband’s depression, Diana said to the richest man on her own: “Summer vacation is here, Christina and I organized a summer camp for the children. Can Tang participate in and become a teacher?”

Tang Huan shook his head slightly and smiled bitterly: "I'm afraid I don't have time."

Diana snorted dissatisfiedly, "You men, find excuses, there are a lot of them at hand."

Charles coughed slightly and reminded: "The movie has begun."

The prince's support for "007" is well known, after all, James Bond is regarded as a symbol of Britain.

However, "007", which is basically released every two years, has almost become a routine. Even if some inspiration is found from the lonely heroic deeds of the richest man in Tang, the innovation is relatively limited. It is nothing more than changing the Bang girl to an Asian. Faces, James Bond's suits are more stylish, the cars are more luxurious, the equipment is more advanced... and so on.

The latest film "007", called "The Clone Crisis", is roughly as follows: The biologist played by Zhou Runfa has disappeared, and even the information on the biological cloning technology he studied has disappeared; and Lin Qingxian's sister played -An archaeologist, after receiving the news, began to look for his younger brother; meanwhile, the British MI6 had already paid great attention to the cloning technology, so it sent the ace agent 007 to investigate.

Consumption and the richest man’s gimmicks are still quite effective-the first week of "007 The Clone Crisis" won nearly 30 million US dollars in the box office in the United Kingdom and the United States. According to this trend, it will basically create a new historical income record. No doubt.

You must know that due to the background of the economic recession, the movie market has inevitably been affected that cannot be ignored. The summer vacation this year is obviously colder than last year and the year before.

Therefore, the hot screening of "007 The Clone Crisis" is very rare.

However, despite the richest man to help out, "007 The Clone Crisis" was not the biggest winner. It was ultimately lost to James Cameron's "Terminator 2: Judgment Day"-it won in the United States on the first weekend With a box office of nearly 32 million U.S. dollars, it refreshed the historical record of this indicator; in the first 5 days, it achieved a box office score of 60 million U.S. dollars, which is more than 3 million U.S. dollars more than Warner's "Batman" the year before.

The owner of an American cinema chain excitedly stated to the media: “The enthusiastic scene of "Batman" the year before last was still impressed; but this year, "Terminator 2: Judgment Day" triggered an even more fanatical wave of movie watching. Tickets for the cinema were all sold out, and everyone was talking about this movie!"

There is no doubt that the production team of James Cameron is very popular. However, under the boundless scenery, one cannot ignore that the director's style-sharpening his sword for several years, has been "used" by the richest man.

It has been six years since the public release of "Terminator" this pioneering work, "Terminator 2: Judgment Day" has only been late. You must know that it did not cause any copyright disputes like the original time and space, which caused delays in progress; moreover, in terms of technically difficult movie special effects, it has received almost child-like support.

This special treatment can be seen from the production cost of "Terminator 2: Judgment Day". Its shooting cost is as high as 100 million US dollars, which is about 4 times the average budget of a Hollywood movie at this stage. If inflation is not taken into account, it has surpassed Cleopatra in 1963, setting a new historical record.

One of the main reasons "Terminator 2: Judgment Day" can make the audience so intoxicated and eager is because of the thrilling action scenes and jaw-dropping visual effects piled up by real money.

James Cameron launched a nationwide search in order to find a steel plant that matches the plot of the movie. Finally, after several weeks of negotiations, he selected a plant in Fontana, California, which is currently under refurbishment; In order to match the office building of Cyberdyne, which is closely related to the birth of "Skynet," he rented an industrial park in Fremont in the southeast of the San Francisco Bay Area-where a large number of stunts, shootings, blasts and other destructive scenes were filmed. , Tossing so much that it still looks messy now.

The cost of filming "Terminator 2: Judgment Day", including special effects production, reached a total of 51 million US dollars.

However, the richest man Tang doesn’t care. Gein treats the visual effects and computer imaging involved in it as a separate industry to operate, and "Terminator 2: Judgment Day" has achieved substance in these fields as expected. Sexual breakthroughs, huge successes from both commercial and commentary, also prove this point.

The day after the world premiere of "007 The Clone Crisis", when Charles came to Tang Huan, he happened to see the richest man signing a document. The above content includes the agreement to give lead actor Arnold Schwarzenegger a $12 million Gulfstream III business jet, and director James Cameron $6 million.

The tall Charles saw the content with a casual glance, and he couldn't help but say: "You are so generous, "Terminator 2: Judgment Day" now earns hundreds of millions of dollars?"

"We will have to wait for a while before we can get the specific results." Tang Huan replied calmly with a haha ​​smile.

In fact, the huge investment in "Terminator 2: Judgment Day" has now recovered its costs. After operation, the copyright revenue from global releases that has been discussed so far is close to 70 million US dollars; the distribution copyright revenue of video tapes and vcds, That is more than $12.5 million.

There is no doubt that "Terminator 2: Judgment Day" will be the most profitable movie in 1991.

The vague remarks of the richest man, of course, can't fool Charles. But he didn't delve into it. There are other tasks on this trip.

"Prime Minister Major has finished his visit to China and is about to return to the UK from Asia. The construction plan for the new Hong Kong airport is a perfect result. You two might as well take this opportunity to meet at No. 10 Downing Street. Eliminate some minor misunderstandings." Charles worked hard to be a peacemaker.

John Major went to China this time. On the surface, he seemed very happy, and he was very responsible for politics and governance. Before getting on the plane, he told reporters that "for the benefit of Britain, it is worth taking this step." So in fact, he was right. I became annoyed by becoming the first head of government in a Western country to visit China.

When Governor David Wilson called Tang Huan privately, he talked about this. John Major never gave him a good face, thinking that he was an incompetent person, and bluntly said that the compromise policy no longer applies to China. In the future, we must be tough. U U Reading

Under such circumstances, Tang Huan believed that John Major didn't anger himself, that would be too naive; and he wanted to meet with himself, and it was just a cutscene under pressure.

"I'm afraid the itinerary can't be opened." The richest man shrugged his shoulders seemingly helpless. "I'm leaving for China soon. There was a rare major flood there and urgently needed international assistance. Including Xiangjiang, there will be a series of important The charity event is held and I have to attend."

It is already international news that the East China region of China suffered a major flood this summer, and China is also the first time that China has issued an appeal for international assistance to the United Nations. After Lin Qingxian, Zhou Runfa and others attended the world premiere of "007 The Clone Crisis", they hurriedly returned to Xiangjiang to participate in the large-scale charity fundraising activities held by the literary and artistic circles there. The richest man, who has important interests in China, naturally has to take active actions.

I have to say that as long as Tang Huan wants to shirk, he can always find the most appropriate excuse.

After Charles listened, he muttered helplessly: "You can't save me face and adjust the schedule. Anyway, it won't take much time."

"If you want face, let's wait for next year." Tang Huan joked, and his tone was meaningful.

Charles understands it. Tang Huan’s unhappiness with John Major’s closed doors for himself is not so easy to eliminate, so let’s wait until next year. Time is indeed a good way to extinguish the irritation. I just hope that the two sides will not take measures to deepen the misunderstanding. Acted.

Dizzy, careless. I only found out when I got up in the morning, because it was snowing, I was going to power out until the afternoon, and the manuscripts were still stored in the desktop computer and couldn't be turned on. Fortunately, it is a solid-state hard drive, which can be disassembled and installed in a mobile hard drive box and used directly as a USB flash drive before uploading via a mobile phone.

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