Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 878: To unite


The Spring Developer Conference of Philosophers held before the launch of the Five-generation Fangyuan personal computer was full of materials. Various new technologies and new concepts have made the media crazily pursued, but at the same time they have brought new business opportunities to the entire industry.

Take 6d as an example, it can at least add another selling point of wireless communication to laptops; as for GPUs, it can bring out an industry comparable to CPUs.

Inevitably, among the cheers and encouragement, there are no shortage of frustrated people.

For example, it is developing a new generation of digital video technology multimedia_compact_disc-multimedia CD, that is, Sony of mmcd.

Gein, Tang confided during the technology conference that Zheru has already developed the next generation technology of cd, vcd, cd-rom, cd-r, cd-rw, digital_versatile_disc-digital versatile disc, that is, DVD.

Although there is no specific demonstration of DVDs, some characteristics are still very certain.

Among them, the capacity of DVD discs will be as high as several gigabytes, which can hold better-quality videos and completely solve the limitation that a VCD disc cannot hold the next whole movie.

There is also a new version of the digital rights management system content_scramble_system-the content scramble system, namely css, will be applied to DVDs.

Tang Huan's practice of "only hear the sound and not see the person", whether it is a smoke bomb or not, immediately received the support of Hollywood, which made Sony, who thought it was in the circle through the acquisition of Columbia Pictures, very depressed.

In fact, the multimedia battlefield is expanding. Recently, Apple’s quicktime and Microsoft’s brewing video_for_windows are the most obvious proof.

However, Tang Huan who had already seized the first mover advantage, as long as he “switched” in a timely manner, it would be enough for those who want to rebel to drink a pot.

After the richest man participated in various technical themed activities at the Zheru Spring Developer Conference, he met with representatives of the "Eighteen Lords" including the Fangyuan Personal Computer Alliance, the VCD Alliance, etc. to discuss the current global economic recession The IT industry responds to the tide-the hardworking and dedicated leaders of Silicon Valley, who have worked so hard that people can't help but feel admiration.


Time always flies quickly for busy people. Unknowingly, on Wednesday, April 29th, the Los Angeles District Court held a trial on whether four policemen “used force” against Rodney King, a black man.

The jury watched the 81-second full video and confirmed that Rodney King had resisted arrest first, and ruled that the four policemen were not guilty - they did not use excessive force to arrest the suspect.

At 3:15 pm, four Los Angeles police officers were acquitted by the court.

At 3:45 in the afternoon, a large number of people who received the news gathered outside the Los Angeles District Court to protest.

As Ted Turner listened to the advice of the richest man, he immediately transferred to the helicopter to report on the scene.

This enables Tang Huan in San Francisco to learn fairly accurate real-time information just by watching the live broadcast of CNN.

"The situation may really be out of control." Looking at the chaotic scene on the TV screen, the richest man shook his head and turned to Tang Wenmao and said, "Go and remind the Chinese Chamber of Commerce over there to be more alert."

As expected by Tang Huan, at 6 o'clock in the afternoon, a group of restless blacks gathered at the corner of Florence and Normandy in south-central Los Angeles, showing signs of danger.

The Los Angeles police sent 24 police officers to this location to try to drive away the crowd, but because of the huge gap between the numbers of the two sides, these guys retreated.

At 6:30 in the afternoon, under the gaze of the helicopter lens, these people at the corner of Florence and Normandy finally burst out like a spark on the haystack.

Watching the TV, the rioting crowd attacked the passing vehicles, ransacked shops, Jinchang and Jinge; Jinming, Jinliang; Jinying, Jinjie; Jinjia, Jinyan; Jin Nian and Jin Fang both paled with surprise.

Hu Yinmeng walked in, touched the heads of Jinnian and Jinfang, the youngest person on the scene, and then said to Tang Huan angrily: "They are still young. They have to get together to see these things. It is necessary. Huh?"

"Even though they are young, they are all sensible." Tang Huan said lightly: "My son, you can't always pamper yourself. And these are insights."

Hu Yinmeng just opened his mouth to retort a few words habitually, but felt that his sleeves were being pulled. It turned out that it was Jinnian and Jinfang who were hugging his mother nervously.

In the live broadcast of CNN, a truck was stopped, and the white driver inside was dragged out. Then he was tortured and passed out on the ground.

It's not that there are no relatively lucky victims. Another driver who drove a car lost $2,000, cut off his ears and went into a coma. When the mob vented on his spray paint, a black priest yelled, "Yes. If you want to kill him, kill me too", while rushing over to rescue the victim.

At this time, a servant reported at the door, "Ms. Hu, I have a call from Xiangjiang to look for you."

"I'll be over." Hu Yinmeng nodded, holding Jin Nian and Jin Fang's little hands, and about to go out.

Seeing this, Tang Huan coughed. Hu Yinmeng gave the man a blank look, and leaned over and taught the twin sons softly: "Jin Nian, Jin Fang, you have so many brothers, if you are really scared, Go find them. On weekdays, your brothers are very united, don't you forget it at this time?"


By 20:30, the streets of Florence and Normandy had fallen into complete chaos. Many buildings were destroyed and petrol bombs were thrown on fire. The smoke was full of smoke, as if the end of the world was coming.

Even more crazily, some mobs even started attacking rescuers who arrived.

Hu Yinmeng came back and said: "Selina Zhou called and said that Media Asia TV is broadcasting the program signal of CNN. Everyone was very surprised and worried about the relatives and friends who immigrated."

"I have assisted various Chinese chambers of commerce to be on guard. I can only do my best to obey my destiny." Tang Huan pointed to the TV and said, "Look, the Koreantown in Los Angeles is beginning to suffer. In the eyes of other ethnic groups, there is no clear distinction. Koreans, rbs, Chinese, it is estimated that all Asians will be implicated."

"Fortunately, our whole family is in San Francisco." Hu Yinmeng said with lingering fear.

"This kind of violent catharsis is easily contagious under the pervasive live TV broadcast." Tang Huan sighed, "I hope the trouble in Los Angeles can be resolved as soon as possible, otherwise, it may spread across the United States. Up."


On Thursday, April 30, the Los Angeles riot entered its second day. The emotion of the riot has spread throughout Los Angeles, and even cities such as Las Vegas, San Francisco, New York, Seattle, Chicago, Phoenix, etc. have also been affected and followed. A relatively small riot.

The residence of the richest man is naturally located in a wealthy, developed and well-regulated upper-class community, but Tang Huan did not take it lightly. He arranged the most trusted family security team and even prepared a helicopter.

It’s not that the richest man in Tang’s rumblings and the shadows of a cup of bows and snakes, but this year, only oneself can rely on, did not see Koreatown, the hardest hit area of ​​this riot, has been abandoned by the Los Angeles police, and local residents organize armed security teams to defend themselves. It is safe, and the actual situation is also an armed conflict.

In response, Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley announced a curfew; US President George W. Bush publicly stated that anarchy is not tolerated.

At the same time, the Los Angeles Police Department was assisted by the support troops sent by the California Highway Patrol. The California National Guard also set up a response team of about 2,000, but they have not yet been allowed to enter the city to suppress the riots.


On Friday, May 1, the Los Angeles riots continued until the third day. California Governor Peter Wilson finally spoke and asked the federal government for support.

As a result, various federal law enforcement officers began to go to Los Angeles to assist the Los Angeles Police Department and protect the facilities of the federal government; about 10,000 California National Guards, as well as thousands of US Army and Marine Corps, drove into Los Angeles. , Suppress the riots.


On Saturday, May 2, the Los Angeles riots finally came to an end.

And the fuse of the riot, Rodney King's case, was tried again by the Federal Court. A jury including two members of African descent convicted two of the policemen and sentenced them to 30 months in prison.


Thanks to the advanced modern media methods, the scene of the Los Angeles riots was quickly spread to all parts of the world. People's reactions are not only shocked but unbelievable, but even simple ones can't understand it-this is the most developed and civilized America in the world. Ah, how could such a thing happen?

The four short days that shook the whole world involved a large number of illegal acts such as robbery. Approximately 10,000 people were arrested, 600 arson occurred, 53 people died, and property damage reached 1 billion U.S. dollars.

Among them, Korean shops suffered targeted damage and property losses amounted to approximately US$400 million. The storefront of Dou Shunzi, the Korean female shopkeeper who killed the 15-year-old black girl Latasha Harris, was naturally burned.

Of course, other Asian ethnic groups must have also been affected. Fortunately, they lost money and avoided disasters. There was no case of death of Chinese descent. It is finally worthy of the hard work of the richest man.

Of course, Tang Huan’s deeds don’t stop there. For example, the first Chinese female mayor in the United States-Mayor of Monterey Park, Los Angeles County, Chen Li Wanruo, showed the style of a strong woman and personally led a team of 20 Chinese volunteers. The rescue squad formed went to the scene of the conflict and delivered a speech that "pained to others" to the local people and viewers of the National TV News Network, calling on all ethnic groups in Los Angeles to maintain harmony.

At the same time, the power of technology has once again appeared. Digital surveillance equipment has provided a lot of evidence for convictions, which can keep the Los Angeles Police Department busy. For months, the richest man has also mobilized Chinese shops to install a large number of digital surveillance equipment. As a result, a disaster film with detailed materials was assembled, a teaching material for always doing the past and not forgetting the future.

After the curfew was lifted in Los Angeles, Tang Huan, who rushed there, said in a speech at the post-disaster mutual aid event organized by the Chinese Chamber of Commerce: "I think sitting behind closed doors, disaster comes from the sky, is the best portrayal of the previous four days."

"Obviously, in the face of a sudden disaster, only Baotuan can have a way out-the Korean armed resistance over Koreatown is the best proof."

"I have always called on everyone that it is not enough to live your own little life on weekdays. You should also pay more attention to politics and governance, and even take out US dollars from your wallet to donate to voters who can represent your own interests."

"Ms. Chen Li Wanruo actively ran around in this incident, showing the courage of a woman. She is about to seek a position at this level in California, and hopes that everyone will spare no effort to support our own representatives."


After Los Angeles restored stability, the reason for the riot naturally became the focus of discussion.

There is no doubt that Rodney King’s case was a fuse, and some politicians played a role in fanning the flames, such as Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley.

The black mayor has been in this position for almost 20 years. He once ran for the governor of California twice in the 1980s, but both ended in failure.

When the verdict of Rodney King’s case came out, Tom Bradley screamed outrightly and indignantly at the press conference while calling for calmness; and after the riots, this The measures taken by the black mayor are not effective.

Of course, the politics is correct. When discussing, everyone tries to avoid the most important ones. The high unemployment rate in the South Central District of Los Angeles, the main place of riots under the influence of the economic recession in the United States, has become a recognized macro cause.

In this case, the Los Angeles reconstruction plan after the disaster promised an investment of $6 billion and the creation of 74,000 jobs.

After attending a fundraising event for food and medicine, the richest man went to the south-central area of ​​Los Angeles to take a look. It was a mess, needless to say. Although he is not optimistic about the so-called reconstruction, he still responded to the call and invested a little money, which is regarded as a voice for the Chinese.


There are two sides to everything. The Los Angeles riots also brought "benefits" to some groups, such as the sale of guns, the further popularity of digital surveillance equipment, and the use of several helicopters to conduct live coverage without blind spots.

You know, CNN became an international media by reporting on the Gulf War last year, and Ted Turner became the man of the era in 1991.

Therefore, timely reporting of such major events will undoubtedly further strengthen the political influence of CNN.

However, Ted Turner looked a little depressed when he met Tang Huan.

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