Rebirth of the Urban Immortal Emperor

Chapter 4627 The View of Immortality


Although the Man King said that he would forget the blame, after all, they had helped a lot this time, Zhang Yifeng and others felt that staying in the Man King tribe was not a long-term solution.

Moreover, the previous great commander's hostility towards them did not decrease, but became more and more intense. He just did not show it in front of the Barbarian King and Barbarian Star.

A few days later, Ji Dalichuan, Zhang Yifeng and others stood up and said goodbye. They did not stay here long because it did not mean much to them.

After all, this time when they go deep into the Black Mountain Grand Canyon, the friendship between the two is tantamount to being cleared up.

The father and son Man King and Man Xing saw each other off in person, and then they went back with peace of mind.

"Boss, where should we go next? The whereabouts of the Heavenly Blood Immortal Gold will definitely not be discovered in a short time, and it has become a mystery." On the warship, Ji Dali asked Zhang Yifeng.

"I'm not familiar with this world, so why not go to the Changsheng Temple where you are first to have a look." Zhang Yifeng said thoughtfully.

They had just left the land of right and wrong, and for a short period of time, they no longer wanted to cause trouble.

None of those top forces are easy to mess with, but with so many forces involved, the next situation will only become more chaotic.

"That's fine!" Ji Dali responded with a smile.

Anyway, he didn't have anything to do at the moment, so it was just right, and he had been out for such a long time, so he wanted to go back and have a look.

Now a group of people are walking east. The Changsheng Temple is located in the east of Tianfu World and is famous all over the world.

A few days later, Zhang Yifeng and five other people appeared on a mountain peak that looked like a fairy sword.

The solitary peak is so straight that there is no way to get up except by flying.

When they first arrived here, Zhang Yifeng, Mu Tiandao, Xuanyuan Li, and Gongsun Kang couldn't help but look surprised, because except for a solitary peak, there was almost nothing here, and it was a completely barren land.

Not only that, there is almost no human habitation in the surrounding area, there are only traces of birds and animals.

Even the spiritual energy is very thin and is not suitable for monks to practice. However, the Temple of Immortality is located on this solitary peak. People can't help but be surprised. At the same time, they are also very confused. Why did the Temple of Immortality choose this place to settle down?

Ji Dali did not know much about this. He only said that the Changsheng Temple has always been like this and has never changed its location.

At that moment, the five people took a warship and arrived at the top of the lonely peak. They saw a Taoist temple that looked a little dilapidated, located on the top of the peak, occupying almost half of the area of ​​the peak.

On the half-open door, there is a plaque with the three characters "Eternal Life" written on it. Whether it is the paint on the building or the walls, it gives people a sense of being in disrepair.

Where is the atmosphere of the top power's view of immortality? Instead, it looks like an abandoned Taoist temple.

Wherever I saw, I didn't even see a human figure, as if no one had lived there for a long time.

Zhang Yifeng, Mu Tiandao, Gongsun Kang, Xuanyuan Li and other four people couldn't help but look at each other, all showing doubts.

"Are you sure this is the concept of longevity?" Zhang Yifeng asked in shock.

"That's right, boss, despite the dilapidated look here, among all the heroes in the world, no one dares to come here and act arrogant." Ji Dali said happily.

Zhang Yifeng and others were immediately speechless. If they hadn't seen Ji Dali's strength and the famous power of Changsheng Guan, they would now doubt the authenticity of Ji Dali and Changsheng Guan.

They are even still guessing that maybe this is just the appearance of the concept of immortality, just like the mustard seeds gathering Sumeru, there must be something else inside.

However, when they entered the Taoist temple of Changsheng Temple, they found that this was how it was, and no means were used to cover it up.

The four of them couldn't help but be stunned for a long time. This really made them don't know what to think.

"Master!" Ji Dali suddenly shouted, and the empty voice echoed on the top of the mountain.

"Why are you making so much noise? Are you going to stop letting people sleep?" a lazy voice suddenly responded.

The sound seemed to come from all directions and was unpredictable. Even with Zhang Yifeng's current cultivation level, they still couldn't determine their location. Immediately, the four of them couldn't help but feel awe in their hearts, and they didn't dare to look down upon them.

"Master..." Ji Dali twitched the corner of his mouth helplessly, and immediately came to a rockery in the yard and pulled someone up.

Zhang Yifeng and others immediately looked over in surprise. They saw that the man was wearing a relatively tattered Taoist robe. He had white hair on his head and a beard that hung down to his stomach. He was also extremely white. Although his face was not covered with wrinkles, it still occupied a lot of space. Half of his face was covered.

They immediately understood that this person was Ji Dali's master and the master of contemporary immortality.

It's just that this look doesn't look like a master at all. Instead, he looks like a beggar.

"I have met senior!" Zhang Yifeng and the other four people did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly saluted him and said respectfully.

The viewer, who had no formal appearance, finally opened his eyes lazily at this moment, glanced at Zhang Yifeng and others, and then said reluctantly: "Hey, you brought your friends back? It seems that you are here Things are pretty good out there.”

Ji Dali was speechless and immediately let go. The viewer immediately lost his support and fell to the ground with a plop.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Yifeng and others were speechless and looked at each other. They did not expect that the viewer's behavior was so strange.

The gap with their imagination was really too big, and Ji Dali was really disrespectful to his master.

"Master, can you stop sleeping? Are you trying to make the boss see my joke?" Ji Dali said helplessly.

"Huh?" The viewer suddenly opened his eyes, stared at Ji Dali non-stop, and then asked in confusion: "Boss?"

As he spoke, he suddenly stood up. His speed was so fast and his skills were so agile, he didn't look like an old man at all.


The next moment, he came directly in front of Zhang Yifeng and others, stared at them non-stop, his face instantly darkened, and after a long time, he asked: "Which of you is his boss?"

Zhang Yifeng and others couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. Only then did Ji Dali realize that he had said the wrong thing.

The concept of immortality has always had only one generation of successors, so it not only has a high self-esteem, but also is extremely strict with successors. Even if it usually seems indifferent, when it comes to treating successors, it has always been meticulous and serious.

Ji Dali was about to speak to stop him, but he heard Zhang Yifeng had already said: "It was..."

Before he finished speaking, a loud bang was heard, and Zhang Yifeng's body flew out and fell to the ground with a plop.

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