Rebirth of the Urban Immortal Emperor

Chapter 969 Being Hypnotized

Zhang Yifeng knew that Meng Nichang had been hypnotized by the spirit corpse at this time.

Before he could think too much, Meng Nishang attacked him again with a sword in hand.

This time, Zhang Yifeng did not dodge, but faced the sword and rushed towards Meng Nichang.

Tsk tsk tsk.

Zhang Yifeng suddenly had some wounds on his body, but they were all superficial injuries. Meng Nichang's sword and cultivation were too weak to kill him.

Zhang Yifeng's speed did not slow down and he suddenly rushed in front of Meng Nichang and threw Meng Nichang to the ground.

Holding back the pain from the wound, Zhang Yifeng hugged Meng Nichang tightly: "Wake up, I am Zhang Yifeng."

Meng Nichang kept struggling, trying to break free from Zhang Yifeng's arms, but her cultivation was no match for Zhang Yifeng's and she couldn't break free at all.


Meng Nichang shouted, and a dagger-shaped hidden weapon appeared in her right hand, and it was stabbed into Zhang Yifeng's back.

A strange scene appeared. Zhang Yifeng felt that this hidden weapon was continuously absorbing the spiritual energy in his body. No, it’s not this hidden weapon, but Meng Nishang!

The hidden weapon just pierced Zhang Yifeng's skin, but Meng Nichang was able to swallow his spiritual energy through the hidden weapon.

Zhang Yifeng felt that his spiritual energy was losing rapidly.

What's going on? What kind of skill is this?

Meng Nishang can actually absorb other people's spiritual energy? , But, Meng Nishang’s cultivation techniques were taught by him personally.

No matter what, you must leave Meng Nishang's body first.

But then Zhang Yifeng discovered that Meng Nichang's body was like a whirlpool. He was deep in the center of the whirlpool and could not move away at all. He could only watch his spiritual energy being swallowed up by Meng Nishang.


In the distance, the spirit corpse watched this scene quietly, giggling.

"It's so fun..."

Zhang Yifeng raised his head and looked at the spirit corpse standing about five meters away from him and Meng Nishang, with anger burning in his heart.

The spirit corpse also possesses wisdom. Depending on how long it takes to transform into a corpse, its wisdom will become stronger and stronger. This spirit corpse may have transformed into a corpse not long ago, so its mind seems to be a little immature. Watching this scene, I actually found it funny.

"Release my control on her!" Zhang Yifeng's eyes were red and he looked up to the sky and roared.

"Giggle...Okay, you give me blood to drink, and I will relieve her." The spirit corpse chuckled, like a mischievous little girl.

Looking at Meng Nichang who was like a madman beneath him, Zhang Yifeng unexpectedly agreed to the request of the spirit corpse.

The spirit corpse flashed and appeared in front of the two of them. She looked into Meng Nishang's eyes and said softly, "You are tired, go to sleep."

Meng Nishang's ferocious expression gradually became peaceful, and she actually fell asleep slowly. The suction force also disappeared strangely.

"Give me your blood to drink, or I will tell her to commit suicide." The spirit corpse looked at Zhang Yifeng with two big eyes, and actually threatened him.

Only then did Zhang Yifeng see the face of the spirit corpse clearly. The spirit corpse turned out to be a stunning beauty. Curved willow eyebrows, big eyes, straight bridge of nose, and small cherry mouth are undoubtedly not the standard of beauty. The only drawback is that the skin is too white, a little less human-like.

I don't know why, but at this time, Zhang Yifeng's fear of the spirit corpse was reduced a lot.

At least, from now on, it seems that spirit corpses can communicate.

Of course, the most important thing is that men are naturally attracted to beautiful creatures, even though she is a spiritual corpse.

Zhang Yifeng weighed it several times and finally extended his hand.

"No, I want to drink from there." Lingshi pointed at Zhang Yifeng's neck and pouted.

"Don't push yourself too far!"

"Oh, just drink here, why are you so cruel?" The corpse looked aggrieved.

At this time, the spirit corpse looked like a little girl who had been wronged. There was no trace of the cruelty and bloodthirsty that a zombie should have.

But Zhang Yifeng knew that she must be pretending.


At this moment, a sharp pain hit, and the spirit corpse bit Zhang Yifeng's wrist.

For Meng Nishang, Zhang Yifeng, I am willing to be bitten by the spirit corpse.

If bitten by a spirit corpse, blood poison will enter the body. If the toxin dies before it is excreted from the body, it will be transformed. Zhang Yifeng will become a new spirit corpse and become the slave of this beautiful spirit corpse.

Gulu gulu!

The spirit corpse held Zhang Yifeng's arm, sucking blood in big mouthfuls. His blue hair gradually turned fiery red and fell to the ground.

Like a blooming bloody rose.

The perfect ketone body was displayed in front of Zhang Yifeng. If it weren't for the pain and numbness on his arm, Zhang Yifeng might have had wild thoughts at this time.


There was a feeling of dizziness, and Zhang Yifeng wanted to pull his hand back, but found that the spirit corpse was so powerful that it could not move at all.

In just a short moment, a quarter of the blood in the body was probably sucked away by the spirit corpse.

If he continues, Zhang Yifeng will probably faint.

Finally, the spirit corpse stopped after sucking another quarter of his blood. An ordinary person would have died long ago if he lost so much blood at once.

The spirit corpse raised its beautiful head, burped gently, with a trace of strange blood on the corner of its mouth, and smiled at Zhang Yifeng with great satisfaction.

"Can we undo her hypnosis now?"

"Giggle, why are you in such a hurry? I haven't drunk enough yet. Your blood is the most wonderful blood I have ever drunk." The spirit corpse laughed like a silver bell like a little devil.

"What do you want?" Zhang Yifeng glared angrily.

The spirit corpse slowly stood up, pointed at Meng Nishang, and said, "I want her clothes."

Zhang Yifeng said coldly: "What if I don't give it?"

"No? I'll let her take it off by herself!" The spirit corpse was arrogant and unreasonable.

Finally, Zhang Yifeng gritted his teeth, took out a set of clothes from the storage ring, and handed it to the spirit corpse: "Here are the clothes."

The spirit corpse shook his head, still looking straight at Meng Nishang: "No, I want her clothes. You go and take them off."

Zhang Yifeng had no choice but to agree to the spirit corpse.

Zhang Yifeng closed his eyes and took off Meng Nichang's clothes.

However, just when Zhang Yifeng took off Meng Nichang's coat, leaving only her underwear, Meng Nichang suddenly woke up.

Meng Nishang woke up and felt her chest was numb. When she opened her eyes, she saw Zhang Yifeng taking off her clothes, and he had already taken off half of her clothes!

"Zhang Yifeng...what are you doing."

Although Meng Nichang liked Zhang Yifeng, she was also shocked by the scene in front of her.

What's going on? Aren't you dealing with a powerful spirit corpse?


Seeing this scene, the spirit corpse on the side made a cheerful sound.

It was obvious that she did this on purpose.

Zhang Yifeng was a human being in two lifetimes, but he was betrayed by a corpse with the mentality of a little daughter.

Seeing the spirit corpse laughing so hard that his eyes were closed, Zhang Yifeng's eyes suddenly turned cold.


The ancient bow of annihilation appeared in his hand again. In an instant, he drew the bow like a full moon, pointed the arrow at the head of the spirit corpse, and then suddenly let go!

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