Rebirth of the Wild Age

Text Volume 017【Cope with ease】

The accident was not only a visit from a genuine professor, but what was even more thrilling was that the recipient of the award finally crashed into a car. Fortunately, the two parties did not know each other.

Chen Tao has already gone to the counterfeiting workshop to customize prizes, Song Weiyang can only do it himself. Before the two award recipients communicated, he took one of them to the copy shop downstairs on the grounds that there was not enough office space.

There was a burst of nonsense, making the other party dizzy, and he couldn't find Bei's level at all.

The relevant documents were quickly copied, but Song Weiyang stayed in the store, and he still had to delay until Zheng Xuehong sent the "client" away.

"Boss Zhao, the predicament you just mentioned is a common problem faced by the entire beverage industry," Song Weiyang continued nonsense, "The key to opening up the market is passenger flow. Let me give you an example. I was in Hong Kong three years ago. City Reading, a friend’s family opened a new car wash shop. No matter what he does, the business of the car wash shop will die. At this time, I helped them with an idea, which made their sales five times within half a year! You Guess how I did it?"

"Please enlighten me, Dr. Ma." Boss Zhao asked respectfully, completely forgetting about the trophy.

Song Weiyang said: "I asked them to implement a membership system. As long as customers apply for a car wash card, the car wash fee can be reduced by two-thirds."

"The price is so low, how can the car wash shop make money?" Boss Zhao asked doubtfully.

Song Weiyang explained with a smile: "Because the car wash fee is low and the car wash card has a lot of recharges, the customer can't use it up. Therefore, the customer will lend the car wash card to relatives and friends. In the past, one card was used for one car. , and soon became three customers with one card, three cars, and the passenger flow split and tripled. With the passenger flow, the business will come, and the car wash shop can double the loss in car washing by selling car supplies. Up to now, The car wash shop at my friend’s house has been upgraded to a comprehensive vehicle beauty center that mainly sells car accessories and supplemented by car washing.”

"Dr. Ma is amazing!" Boss Zhao admired him sincerely, and said, "It's a pity that the number of cars in mainland China is small, otherwise I would like to open a car wash shop according to this method."

Song Weiyang praised: "Boss Zhao is very savvy and knows how to draw inferences from one instance to another. Indeed, no matter how clever a business method is, it can only be used in a suitable environment. In the Hong Kong city, you can make money by opening a car wash shop like this, but in the mainland, you can only lose money." .”

Boss Zhao admired him even more, held Song Weiyang's hand and said, "Dr. Ma, I have a question to ask, you must help me."

"Of course, our association is to help private enterprises grow stronger." Song Weiyang smiled.

Boss Zhao said: "My factory is a private enterprise and is responsible for its own profits and losses. Not long ago, I imitated foreigners to make Coke, but I couldn't sell it. I ran the business myself every day, and I was as tired as a dog. Once I went back to the factory, I saw a few workers playing cards and chatting. I scolded them, but they said that no one would buy Coke anyway. Are you saying that? I pay them wages, and I am tired like a dog, but they can enjoy it in the factory. .I'm really bitter, the products can't be sold, and I'm still being angry with the workers, what do you think I should do?"

"You have two questions." Song Weiyang pointed out.

"Please tell me, Dr. Ma." Boss Zhao listened with pricked ears.

Song Weiyang said: "First, you haven't found your own position. You are the boss, and you have to take charge of the overall situation instead of rushing into sales. Just like Han Gaozu Liu Bang, Han Xin, Xiao He, Zhang Liang and other heroes worked for him. Liu Bang You just need to know how to employ people. You can’t have Liu Bang personally lead the troops every time you fight. Do you think this is the truth?”

"Dr. Ma is right." Boss Zhao nodded repeatedly.

Song Weiyang said: "Your focus is to select talents. You must distinguish which employees are suitable for management and which employees are suitable for sales. Once you have selected talents, use actual interests to encourage and drive them. Even if the product sells No, your job is not to be on the front line of sales, but to start from the big aspects of opening up popularity and making friends with government companies. Do you understand? The boss is doing big things, and small things can be handed over to employees, otherwise your company Never big."

"Understood, understood, Dr. Ma is really thorough, I used to be the boss for nothing." Boss Zhao was convinced.

Song Weiyang said with a smile: "Let's talk about the second question. You imitate foreigners to produce Coke. Can you compare with others in terms of popularity and taste? If you can't compare with others, the sales must not be good."

"Then what should we do?" Boss Zhao asked.

"You have to find your own advantages." Song Weiyang said.

Boss Zhao asked: "Compared with foreign cola, what advantage do I have?"

"You are Chinese!" Song Weiyang said, "You are a domestic brand, a national cola, and a vanguard in the beverage industry against foreign powers!"

"That's right!" Boss Zhao was ecstatic, "Thanks to Dr. Ma for your advice, I will change the name to 'Patriot Coke' when I get back."

Song Weiyang checked his watch and felt that it was almost done, so he took Boss Zhao back to Shenye Building, and continued to chatter along the way to delay time.

Walking to the entrance of the building, Boss Zhao took out 10,000 yuan from his bag, and thanked him: "Dr. Ma, this is my little thought, thank you for your guidance."

"Thanks." Song Weiyang smiled and collected the money.

Boss Zhao said again: "Dr. Ma, why don't you come to be our company's special consultant. I will pay you 3,000 yuan a month."

Song Weiyang pretended to be coercive: "In Hong Kong City, Cheung Kong gave me an annual salary of 300,000 Hong Kong dollars. I thought it was too little, so I didn't go."

"That...that was my abruptness, Dr. Ma don't mind." Boss Zhao said awkwardly.

"It's nothing, I won't stay in Shencheng for long, and I will be transferred back to the headquarters of China Merchants in two months. So, Boss Zhao's kind invitation, I can only say sorry." Song Weiyang said.

Boss Zhao quickly said, "Then I wish Dr. Ma great success."

After chatting downstairs for more than ten minutes, Song Weiyang finally saw another "client" come out, and he greeted Boss Zhao in front of him, "Manager Li, are you done?"

"Okay, I had a great chat with Director Liu, thank you for your help!" Manager Li said.

"Then we'll see you another day." Song Weiyang said.

"Goodbye." Manager Li smiled and left.

Boss Zhao asked, "What is this man here for?"

Song Weiyang said: "He is the manager of an enamel factory. When the company encountered some troubles, he came to our association for help."

Boss Zhao said: "Seeing him smiling so happily, the problem must have been solved. Your association really has a way."

"General, general, this is our job." Song Weiyang laughed.


After finally sending away the two "clients", Song Weiyang, Zheng Xuehong and Chen Tao who rushed back finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Deng Xinhua, who was at the same table, said, "Why does your association distribute prizes everywhere?"

"Helping the company to do publicity, we also earn some extra money." Song Weiyang explained.

"Then how much do you charge?" Deng Xinhua only knew that those trophies had to be charged, but he didn't know how much, because every time the fee was paid, the person was taken to the bank and directly transferred to their newly opened account.

Zheng Xuehong smiled and said, "Not much, 5,000 yuan for each trophy."

"5000? That's too much, and it's not made of gold." Deng Xinhua was envious immediately.

Song Weiyang said cheerfully, "Stop talking, let's call it a day and go home."

The life of the three is very luxurious. Not only do they take taxis every day, but they also rent a house in a community in the city. Finally, they no longer have to worry about living in the countryside.

Back at the rental house, Chen Tao immediately started cooking, while Song Weiyang took out the 10,000 yuan.

"Old Zheng, this is yours." Song Weiyang counted 1,000 yuan to Zheng Xuehong.

Zheng Xuehong happily counted the money, and asked with a smile: "Another idea?"

"Just a few pointers." Song Weiyang said.

"You still have to be capable, and you can make money by talking about it." Zheng Xuehong said with emotion.

Song Weiyang and Zheng Xuehong each received 20,000 yuan of the 50,000 yuan award, and the remaining 10,000 yuan was given to Chen Tao.

As for other windfalls, such as the 150,000 yuan from selling the enterprise management system, and today's 10,000 yuan consulting fee, Song Weiyang can get 80% of it alone, Zheng Xuehong and Chen Tao each share 10%.

More work, more pay, this is the spoils plan that everyone agrees on.

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