Rebirth of the Wild Age

Volume 063 [Marketing Strategy]

The advantage of the students is that they are serious. It is just an MV, and they can shoot it as a literary film.

The same goes for the downside...

Even before the official launch, everyone started discussing enthusiastically, and made large-scale revisions to the plot and shots. Not to mention the participation of photographers and lighting engineers, even the scene notes and props personnel expressed their opinions, and some even drew a complete storyboard overnight based on the script.

When Song Weiyang got the storyboard, he got drunk after just one glance, and then said to Jin Peng: "Director Jin, you don't need to make it so complicated, the simpler the better, it's just a MV."

Jin Peng said: "There are several types of simplicity, some are vulgar and simple, and some are artistic and blank. Don't worry, we are professionals and know more than you."

Song Weiyang said: "I don't care so much, anyway, the lens must be clean, the light must be thorough, and the characters must be fresh."

"Don't worry, don't worry, I know." Jin Peng was a little impatient.

On the day of shooting, the school rehearsal room.

The classroom is full of paper cranes and wind chimes, and a floor-standing electric fan is brought in, first blowing non-stop on the temporarily hung window screens.

Song Weiyang squatted behind the monitor and shouted in just two seconds: "Stop, stop, the light is wrong!"

Jin Peng said angrily: "I am the director, you are not allowed to call stop!"

"I don't want this kind of effect, the light is too dark," Song Weiyang said, "It needs to be transparent and bright."

Jin Peng said: "This empty shot shows the sadness and pain of the heroine after the hero is seriously ill. The lighting must be like this!"

Song Weiyang said depressedly: "I don't care what you want to express, anyway, follow mine."

"Am I the director, or are you the director?" Jin Peng said angrily.

"I'm a customer, and you have to listen to me for the money I pay!" Song Weiyang didn't want to explain anymore, and his tone became tougher.

Jin Peng threw the guide tube away: "I won't shoot anymore, you can find whoever you want!"

Song Weiyang said, "That's fine, return the money to me."

"I'll pay you back if I pay you back, I smell like copper!" Jin Peng took out a few hundred dollars from his pocket, threw them on Song Weiyang's chest and said, "I'll pay the rest tomorrow, I didn't bring it with me."

Zhang Ji quickly came over to persuade: "Jin Peng, don't worry, you have something to say. Boss Song, don't be angry. It's normal for people to have different ideas when it comes to artistic creation. Well, let's communicate again."

Jin Peng said: "What I want to say, I have said it just now, there is nothing to communicate."

Song Weiyang said: "Let me say it again, what I'm shooting is an MV, a product, not a literary film. This MV is only 4 minutes long, and the picture must be as perfect as possible. It's the kind of perfection that makes people's eyes shine. What connotation needs to be expressed. Do you understand aesthetics? The only requirement for the whole film is aesthetics!"

Jin Peng said: "If the light is darker, it can't be beautiful? This is echoing the plot, and it is also echoing your lyrics!"

I am Nima!

Song Weiyang's mind was about to explode, he didn't expect this group of students to be so difficult.

Lin Zhuoyun smoothed things over and said: "How about this, shoot once according to classmate Jin's opinion, and then according to director Xiao Song's opinion, and then decide which one to use when editing later."

Jin Peng guessed that he was really short of money, so he nodded and said, "Yes."

"That's fine." Song Weiyang didn't want to waste time.

The empty shot of the window screen being blown by the wind was taken several times, and the lighting was changed several times.

Lin Zhuoyun took off her coat and only wore a white dress. She wandered around the classroom with her head down, sometimes reaching out to play with paper cranes and wind chimes.

So the disagreement came again, Jin Peng killed the main character with the silhouette, expressing the mood of the heroine from the side. But Song Weiyang insisted on taking a frontal shot, showing Lin Zhuoyun's beautiful figure and face, which immediately attracted the attention of the audience.

There was a lot of noise, and only two shots were scored, leaving the decision for post-editing.

The cost of film has doubled.

Although Song Weiyang was angry, he didn't make a fuss about changing people.

After all, majors are professionals. Song Weiyang only has ideas in his mind, and he has to rely on Jin Peng to shoot.

They really put their heart into the shooting, carefully looking for angles for each shot, and repeatedly discussing and comparing with the photographer. Although Song Weiyang didn't understand the ratio of light and dark, the golden section, etc., the effect of the same shot was better than expected.

However, Song Weiyang would never let Jin Peng get involved in the post-editing, otherwise he might have to cut it into some kind of ghost.

I just went back and forth for a few shots in the empty room, shooting from morning to three in the afternoon.

There was another argument in the middle, because Song Weiyang insisted on using a filter to give the heroine a crazy soft light. The effect of this shooting is to make the heroine shrouded in a hazy fairy air, which belongs to the usual tricks of youth idol dramas-later generations have even moved it to martial arts films and historical dramas by Yu Ma.

Jin Peng expressed strong opposition, he thought this was too deliberate and unnatural, and the filming would make the audience dance.

Dance your sister's play, this is the mv!

Song Weiyang could only threaten to divest, but Jin Peng chose to surrender.

The second scene skipped directly to the hospital, because there happened to be a vacancy in the high-end ward, and if there was a few more days of delay, some veteran cadres might want to move in.

The hospital still attached great importance to assisting the School of Drama in filming a patriotic gift film, and directly sent a deputy director of the office.

The deputy director, surnamed Zeng, shook hands enthusiastically and said, "Hi, student Song, the ward has been vacated, what else do we need to do?"

"Thank you, Director Zeng, I'm really bothering your organization!" Song Weiyang laughed.

"It's nothing, I just wanted to experience how a movie is made." Director Zeng laughed.

Well, Song Weiyang's current identity is the chairman of the student union of Shenghai Drama Academy. The film they want to make is also a gift for the 45th birthday of the motherland to express the students' love for the motherland, and it will be broadcast in major movie theaters next year.

Song Weiyang acted as the leading actor himself, and soon changed into a hospital gown.

"No, you still need makeup, which is not the case for people who are dying of illness." Jin Peng said.

Song Weiyang said: "It's enough to make the lips and cheeks paler."

Jin Peng said: "Are you fooling ghosts by taking pictures?"

Director Zeng asked, "What disease does this character suffer from?"

Jin Peng said: "Late leukemia."

Director Zeng said, "Then you have to shave your head."

Song Weiyang: "..."

Jin Peng said: "Then shave your head and listen to the doctor."

Song Weiyang explained helplessly: "Art comes from life, but it is also higher than life."

"Higher than life, but not divorced from reality." Jin Peng said.

Song Weiyang didn't bother to say again: "All right, all right, I'll shave my head, and I'll wear a wig for the next few days. But I also have a request, just make my lips and face pale, don't make me look like a tuberculosis ghost, the audience won't Love it!"

Jin Peng asked Director Zeng: "Doctor, what should a patient with advanced leukemia look like?"

Director Zeng said: "It varies from person to person, some are so thin that they are out of shape, and some can't see anything abnormal. But there is a characteristic, after long-term illness and chemotherapy, they all appear haggard and tired."

"Just follow this, the doctor has the final say." Jin Peng said.

Director Zeng's work is very tedious, and he has never been exposed to filmmaking. He found that he could guide the filming, so he immediately became excited, and added: "Of course, you don't have to shave your head. Chemotherapy is very expensive, and many patients choose conservative treatment. And there are not many hospitals that can do chemotherapy. The entire Shenghai There are only two."

"I see," Jin Peng said, although he disliked Song Weiyang, he respected Director Zeng, "Thank you, doctor, for your advice!"

"Don't dare to do it, don't dare to do it, it's all a gift to the motherland." Director Zeng said with a smile.

A tribute to the motherland?

What the hell?

Jin Peng didn't ask too many questions, and began to observe the ward, and then discussed the shooting plan with the photographer and lighting engineer.

When Song Weiyang came back after shaving his bald head, Jin Peng even planned the scenes for this scene.

"Hahaha, your head is so round, like a peeled boiled egg." Lin Zhuoyun stared at Song Weiyang's head with joy.

Song Weiyang didn't bother to talk to her, just lay on the hospital bed, closed his eyes and didn't speak.

This group of shots is also divided into two styles of shooting. Song Weiyang doesn't want to waste time by making noise, while Jin Peng doesn't care—it's not a waste of his film money anyway.

From the selection of the venue to the end of the filming, the 4-minute MV took half a month.

Song Weiyang went directly to the film studio with the raw film, asked a professional editor for help, and squatted beside him to give opinions the whole time. Song Weiyang ignored Jin Peng who wanted to participate in the editing, and that guy didn't even know that he had already started editing.

Until the time of editing, Song Weiyang, who vowed not to use "garbage" shots, had to say "really fragrant".

Although Song Weiyang was reluctant to take some shots that Jin Peng insisted on taking, he still added them, even sacrificing the style he insisted on.

Well, Jin Peng is annoying and brain-dead, but he has real skills, and we can cooperate again next time.

A very simple MV, 4 minutes, cost Song Weiyang 50,000 yuan to produce, of which the film cost more than 20,000 yuan.


As soon as he returned to the factory, Song Weiyang threw the MV and the master tape of the song to Zhang Guozhong, and ordered: "Two tasks. First, contact the major TV stations and radio stations, and give them the MV and tapes for free. What? Walking through music, ten minutes of golden songs, these programs will be available as soon as they are available, if there is no such program, then spend money to order a song, and the content of the song order is "I wish all lovers in the world will finally get married"; Get some pirated tapes and videotapes out, I want to make pirated copies of this song fly everywhere. If the pirates are not willing, then we will spend hundreds of thousands of customized pirated copies, and then send them to audio-visual product distributors everywhere for free!"

Zhang Guozhong had already watched the mv, and was immediately pleasantly surprised: "Dr. Ma's trick is amazing!"

Song ordering and piracy are too powerful.

Regardless of whether it is a TV station or a radio station, although the cost of ordering songs is expensive, it is much cheaper than advertising costs. At that time, every time a song is ordered, it is equivalent to advertising for Xifeng canned food.

And what about piracy? The sales of pirated copies are hundreds of times that of the genuine ones. Once the pirates find it profitable, they will spontaneously help the cannery to promote it.

This trick was very new in the early 1990s. No one could think of it. Everyone only hated piracy. How could they use piracy as a propaganda tool?

Another classic case in the media marketing course of Future University is "Three Thousand Questions about Naughty Blue Cats".

This cartoon is stinky and long. It has been broadcast on various children's channels all year round, and sometimes it can even annoy children who love to watch cartoons.

Why do dozens of TV stations repeatedly broadcast "Blue Cat's Naughty Three Thousand Questions" for one or two consecutive years?

Quite simply, it's not because the cartoon is so good, but because it's free.

The producer spent a lot of money to make the cartoon, offered it to the TV station for free, and made it a hit, and then made money by selling Blue Cat's peripheral products.

What Song Weiyang is doing now is to make "Thousand Paper Cranes" a hit, and the cans are peripheral products of this song.

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