Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 2509 Zeyu's doubts

After arriving, she transferred all the oilcloths, cotton cloths, tents and other items that she had copied in the space yesterday for disaster relief.

Of course, before Zeyu and others arrived, she transferred another fifty goats.

In the cold winter, drinking more mutton soup can also ward off the cold.

When Zeyu arrived with someone, he saw the goat on the side of the road, and his brows furrowed.

Why is this kind of goat again? He has seen it three times during the time he came, and it is still about the same size.

Are there so many such goats in Saiyuan?

With so many goats, could there have been so many bandits before?

By the way, on the night when he went to beg Lord Hou to find Murong Lingran, Yao Xiaowei also hunted this kind of goat. Could it be that she got it all? Deliberately led the goats to where Yao Xiaowei and the others were?

Yes, for sure.

Could it be that the Lord of Chunling County is a goat? Why else would she find the goat herself every time?

Murong Lingran saw that Zeyu and the others had arrived, and knew that he was suspicious, but if he was confused, he was confused, anyway, it was impossible for him to think about how the goats came, so he stepped forward and said, "I found those goats when I first came here. , very docile, do not run, you go to catch all the goats, and those waterproof tarpaulins, etc., I asked the food delivery person to buy it in the surrounding towns yesterday, and transport it back together, it will be useful soon. "

Zeyu nodded and quickly asked someone to do it.

When the others were busy, Ze Yu approached Murong Lingran and said mysteriously, "County Lord, can you tell me, do you have the ability to summon beasts?"

The blue veins on Murong Lingran's forehead jumped suddenly, "Summon the beast?"


"How could I possibly have."

"Then why do they all like you, only looking for you as their master, and the animals these times, every time you can find a lot of animals, you can't summon them, who else can summon them?"

I believe that this is not his own question, and others must also find it strange.

Murong Lingran also smiled mysteriously and whispered, "Do you really want to know?"

Zeyu nodded and said sincerely, "I want to."

"Well, I'll tell you, in fact, I'm good friends with an old fairy, she knows that I'm short of meat in Saiyuan Mansion, so she gives me meat every now and then, even if I don't want it, do you believe it? ?"

Zeyu tried his best to restrain his urge to roll his eyes, and asked suspiciously, "Really?"

It must be fake, the county magistrate is playing with him as a child!

"Really." Murong nodded: "The old immortal likes me very much, otherwise, where else would the meat come from?"

Zeyu glanced at the goats. He never believed that there were gods in this world. If there were gods, wouldn't there be ghosts too? He had never seen it in his life, nor had he ever heard of it.

If she really knew the immortals, would her brother not be found? Can her father's hand injury still not heal? Can her family's crime still be on her head to this day?

It is estimated that Murong Lingran had sent people from other places in advance, along with those oilcloths.

Yes, it must be the case. There was a horse when I came here last time. It must be that she did not want the soldiers to appreciate her too much, and she did not want to be too high-profile to steal the prestige of the Marquis, and said this on purpose.

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