Chapter 53 Never be self-righteous

After the tombs were excavated, the students of their archaeology department were supposed to watch on the sidelines.

But this kind of thing is extremely tormenting for Fang Yi.

He plans to go to the magic capital next week.

The matter of the Samsung Group has not been completely resolved. In addition to seeing the progress of the smartphone, the most important thing for him to go to Magic Capital this time is to resolve the matter of Samsung.

I was in a hurry last time and didn't have time to deal with the Samsung people.

When going to Kyoto this time, he will finish the unfinished business.

After dealing with these matters, he will have to contact Zhang Zhongmou.

SMIC is no longer engaged in semiconductor foundry. If he wants to engage in the production of electronic products, he must cooperate with Zhang Zhongmou.

The reason why Zhang Zhongmou agreed to cooperate with him before was because he saw Fang Yi's potential.

After Fang Yi returned to China, he won SMIC with no effort, and made SMIC give up the foundry industry.

Zhang Zhongmou is also a man of his word, and he will never embarrass Fang Yi in this regard.

As long as Fang Yi and Zhang Zhongmou reach an agreement, the electronic products in Fang Yi's hands will shorten the production time.

This is a particularly important thing for a large business.


Not only that,

Fang Yi also intends to learn about the excellent management system with the well-known leaders of the mobile phone industry in future generations.

There is only one company in the country with the most advanced management system.

The management system of this company is different from that of domestic companies.

The company is the product of the fusion of domestic and foreign systems.

This advanced management model is second to none in China.

Fang Yi wants to apply this management model to SMIC, and also wants to learn their R&D model from this company.

As it happens,

This person has contact with Zhang Rujun.

Zhang Rujun was a leading foundry company in China before.

And this person is engaged in the production of semiconductor products, and there is natural cooperation between the two.

Fang Yi has already noticed it before, and this person is comparable to Apple and Samsung.

Although Fang Yi didn't do anything before, he had already started to pay attention to this person.

When the time is right, Fang Yi will not miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

When Li Bing and the fourth child heard what Fang Yi said, a strange look appeared in their eyes.

"Next week, didn't the instructor let us go to observe the on-site archaeology?"

When Li Bing said this, his brows were also slightly wrinkled.

It stands to reason that it is time for him to return to Fangwei Technology next week.

The on-site archaeology of the school can be confirmed next week.

There is a conflict between his studies and the world, and he doesn't know how to choose.

For Li Bing, when he chose the archaeology major, he just wanted to enter the Jinda University by brushing the admission line.

Jin Da's major in archaeology did not appeal to him.

He didn't have that much love for archaeology either.

If it weren't for an academic certificate, he might drop out of school now and enter Fangwei Technology directly. Put all your energy on the development of Fangwei Technology.

But he knew that Fang Yi would never agree to his proposal.

"Brother, what are you going to do next week?

Li Bing's insertion point is much more than the old four.

Since Fang Yi said so, he must have had his own idea.

When Fang Yi heard what Li Bing said, a faint smile appeared in his eyes, and then he looked at the fourth and Li Bing.

"Next Thursday, I plan to go to the magic capital, and I plan to take you to a long experience!"


The fourth child and Li Bing also had a strange look in their eyes when they heard this.

The fourth is just that.

But Li Bing was a busy person in the school. After he came out of Fangwei Technology, he plunged into the pile of books.

During this time, Li Bing seemed to be a school tyrant, withdrawing everything into the dormitory.

In this way, Old Wang and himself felt a little bit beaten by Li Bing.

Li Bing can indeed learn something by following Fang Yi, but he is a person who is engaged in literary creation.

He followed Fang Yi to the magic capital, and he probably wouldn't learn anything.

It is precisely because of this that he now hears what Fang Yi said, and there is a hint of doubt in his eyes.

Fang Yi naturally took the look on Lao Si's face in his eyes.

He looked at the fourth child and said lightly: "Literary creation also has to go outside to find inspiration. Although you have a source of creativity now, these inspirations will always be used up one day!"

"If you have this opportunity, why don't you come and see it with me!"

There is a big difference between the current magic capital and the future magic capital.

Now after seeing the magic capital, and then compare it with the future magic capital, this is the source of inspiration for literary creation.

When the fourth heard this, he thought Fang Yi was right.

After he thought about it, he nodded to Fang Yi.

"I'll wait for Mr. He to say hello and leave with you next week!"

Li Bing nodded at Fang Yi after seeing that the fourth child had agreed.

"I'll go with you!"

He was originally an employee of Fang Yi Company.

Where Fang Yi goes, he naturally wants to go with his own boss, and his eyesight is good.

Seeing this, Fang Yi smiled at the two of them, and patted the two of them on the shoulders: "Take advantage of this time to prepare well, I'll go see Pharaoh!"

These people are all talented people.

Although Lao Wang wanted to major in archaeology, Fang Yi naturally would not refuse.

The university has four years, enough time for Pharaoh to make the right decision.

Taking 440 ancient majors is not an industry that cannot be done.

It's just that people who work in this industry work harder.

Working in the field all year round, once a tomb group is discovered, it can even stay for a few years.

These people are all dedicated to their work, and Fang Yi can only hold respect for such people.

After leaving the dormitory, Fang Yi found Lao Wang on the school playground.

Pharaoh is sitting next to a slide now, all Fang Yi's voice echoes in his mind.

He and his partner met on a blind date, and when the two first met, they both had a good impression of each other.

But when the subject learned that he was majoring in archaeology, his expression changed instantly.

A major in archaeology means working with the dead.

And it's someone who's been dead for years.

The industry of archaeology works in the field all day long, not at all.

After his partner found out about his major, he became detached from him.

But he didn't reject him directly. After knowing that he and his partner went home, he knew that the woman's family was against the woman's being with him.

But the woman didn't reject him directly, which made Lao Wang a little confused.

In his mind, he always thought that he and his partner were in love with each other, and the only obstacle was their families.

It is precisely because of this that he will get into a dead end.

After returning to school, she has been in a state of sluggishness, and she also likes to think wildly.

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